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考虑海外开店的商城与商品时,需注意的因素与国内开店基本类似。但是,海外开店还有一些其他需要注意的地方。评估入驻策略的方法之一,是使用 [ 4P ] 营销框架:商品 (Product)、价格 (Price)、渠道 (Placement) 和促销 (Promotion)。让我们以亚马逊全球开店为视角,详细解读每个要素。



提示: 增加商品数量,不要盯住一两件商品深挖。






提示: 请记住,特定亚马逊商城的潜在买家可能来自不同的国家/地区。

部分买家可能居住在商城邻近的国家,他们选择海淘的原因可能是语言习惯、独特选品,或者其他理由。例如,Amazon.de 买家可能在奥地利居住。




  • 直接向国际买家配送商品时的运费。

  • 自行配送订单需承担的国际退货运输成本。

  • 使用亚马逊物流时需要承担的将商品运往国外运营中心的物流成本。有关海外配送的更多信息,请参阅物流配送。

  • 您使用当地语言提供上述服务或者雇佣第三方服务提供商管理客户语言支持的客户支持成本。有关客户支持的更多信息,请参阅客户支持和退货。

  • 以本国货币收款的汇率成本。

  • 使用其他语言创建 ASIN 花费的翻译成本。有关商品信息和翻译的更多信息,请参阅开店流程。

  • 税费与关税。有关税费与关税的更多信息,请参阅税费和法规。







正如在您的本国亚马逊商城中一样,亚马逊将提供工具,让您能够为商品发布广告和推广促销。不同的亚马逊平台,提供的工具也不同,其中可能包含“免运费”、“满减及折扣”、“买赠 (BOGO)”和“买满再买优惠”。




Crafting a Marketplace Entry Strategy

Deciding where and what to sell in another country's marketplace can be similar to making these determinations for your home marketplace. However, there are some added considerations when selling internationally. One way to evaluate an international marketplace entry strategy is to use the "4Ps" marketing framework: Product, Price, Placement, and Promotions. Let's review each through the lens of selling internationally on Amazon.

Product: Choosing what to sell internationally

When selling internationally through Amazon for the first time, a natural approach is to think about your bestselling products in your home marketplace. From your previous experience and from data in sales reports, what sells well? It's also important to ask yourself why you think these particular products do well. Will these same reasons hold true for the marketplace you are entering, or are there other fundamentals driving customer demand in the new marketplace, such as culture, climate, and demographics, including average age and income? Also think about how differences in marketplaces can benefit you. For instance, do you have seasonal inventory that you don't know what to do with after the season has passed in one marketplace? You can extend your selling season by selling abroad where the product may find a new audience. Learn how one seller successfully used international selling on Amazon to build a business.

Tip: List broadly across multiple products rather than deeply in one or two products.

Why? A broader selection of products means higher customer search exposure to your listings overall. This breadth can help you quickly gauge what products can be successful in a particular marketplace.

You can start slow while still maintaining breadth of selection even if you're not ready to commit a lot of your inventory to another Amazon marketplace. If your sales spike, you can adjust your price or remove listings to mitigate stock-out risk, just like in your home Amazon marketplace. For an even smaller commitment, you can start by fulfilling orders yourself rather than sending inventory to another country. Remember selling in another marketplace doesn't mean you lose control over your listings.

In deciding which products to sell in an Amazon marketplace, you of course have another key source of information available to you: observations of the marketplace itself. This sort of marketplace research should be very familiar to you from activities you likely conduct when selling in your primary Amazon marketplace. For this research, local language proficiency is extremely helpful. If you are trying to research a marketplace in a language unfamiliar to you, you may be able get some basic language interpretation from free online translator tools, but beware of relying too heavily on such tools.

In your target marketplace, review the Best Sellers, New Arrivals, and Featured Brand selections for your product categories. Read customer reviews to understand your competition's strengths and weaknesses.

During this product research phase, you may find it helpful to broaden your search to e-commerce marketplaces beyond Amazon. Use a search engine to find relevant e-commerce sites by country. Trade publications and online seller communities in each country can also provide a rich source of information as you prepare to list products in their locales.

Tip: Keep in mind that potential customers of a particular marketplace may not necessarily reside in target country.

Some customers in each marketplace may reside in a nearby country, prefer to shop in a particular language, seek products only available in a particular marketplace, or otherwise choose to purchase out-of-country. For example, an Amazon.de customer may reside in Austria.

Price: Setting and adjusting your pricing

Once you've narrowed down which products you may want to list in a new marketplace, make observations of prices set by sellers of the same or any similar products. Do customers appear to be buying based on price or brand? Do the best selling products ship for free or for reduced rates? Do your competitors offer specialized delivery? Learn how one seller successfully introduced unique selection to new marketplaces.

When you set your prices, build in additional fixed and variable costs associated with selling internationally. The following are potential new costs to consider when selling outside your primary marketplace and may change your profitability calculation:

  • Shipping costs when you are shipping directly to international customers.

  • International return shipping costs, if you are fulfilling orders yourself.

  • Shipping costs to send your inventory to fulfillment centers abroad when you are using Fulfillment by Amazon. Learn more about shipping internationally in Ship and Fulfill.

  • Customer support costs if you are providing these services yourself in a local language or hiring a third-party provider to manage customer language support. Learn more about customer support in Customer Support and Returns.

  • Conversion costs associated with getting paid in your home currency.

  • Translation costs for listing ASINs in another language. Learn more about listing and translation in Register and Launch.

  • Taxes and duties. Learn more about taxes and duties in Taxes and Regulations.

As you can see, many of the variable costs change based on whether you decide to fulfill products yourself or use Fulfillment by Amazon. Review the Fulfillment options help page for more details.

Placement: Optimizing your distribution channels

In addition to growing your international on-Amazon business, you can also consider growing your international business off-Amazon. The following Amazon service may be relevant for you to develop this international strategy:

Multi-Channel Fulfillment

If you already use Fulfillment by Amazon to fulfill Amazon customer orders, you can manage online sales from other channels using the same inventory pool. Use Multi-Channel Fulfillment -a feature within Fulfillment by Amazon- to fulfill orders that come from sales channels other than Amazon, including your own website, other third-party channels, and even catalog or in-store sales. Learn more about Multi-Channel Fulfillment.

Promotion: Making your listings more attractive

As in your primary Amazon marketplace, Amazon provides tools that enable you to advertise and run promotions for your products. The promotional tools available vary by Amazon marketplace and may include Free Delivery, Money Off, and Buy One Get One (BOGO).

Visit Understanding Promotionsfor more details on the type of promotions available (Note: this feature is only available to sellers with a Professional selling plan). To see the steps to creating a promotion, visit Creating a Promotion.

Another way to increase exposure to your offers is through Amazon Sponsored Products, a cost-per-click advertising service that helps you promote the products you sell on Amazon through keyword-targeted ads.

