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自 UTC 时间2020年12月31日晚11时开始,从英国境外发货的英国路向订单,如果包裹的预计用户支付产品价格大于或等于135.01英镑(不包括运费、保险和税费等用户支付的所有其他费用),这些订单在商户平台或 Merchant Plus 平台上将显示“要求支付消费者 VAT”标记。商户必须使用提供 DAP+(Delivered at Place Plus,目的地交货)服务的特定物流服务商履行此类订单。提供 DAP+ 服务的物流服务商可在边境海关代用户支付应纳增值税,因此商户需将增值税支付给 DAP+ 物流服务商。

该标记可在订单 > 未履行的订单或订单 > 历史记录页面上看到。例如,在“订单”>“历史记录”页面,此标记显示在相应订单的“查看产品 (SKU)”列:

如上面的屏幕截图所示,使用 WishPost 从中国大陆发货的商户从中国大陆以外和英国境外发货的商户可选择的物流服务商有所不同。具体如下:

1. 对于使用 WishPost 从中国大陆发货的商户:

商户须使用以下任一提供 DAP+ 服务的 WishPost 物流渠道配送此类订单:

  • EQ 专线快递-普货

  • EQ 专线快递-特货

2. 对于从中国大陆以外和英国境外发货的商户:

wish商户必须使用提供 DAP+ 服务的英国路向可确认妥投的物流服务商配送此类订单。如需查看可确认妥投的物流服务商的完整名单,请点击此处。

自2021年1月1日起,英国将退出欧盟增值税体系。为了遵守英国的增值税变更规定,在履行从英国境外发往英国的“要求支付消费者 VAT”订单(以及所有英国路向的订单)时,还要遵守其他一些相关要求。如需了解更多信息,请参阅其他wish“要求支付消费者VAT”订单相关文章。


Orders bound for the United Kingdom

UK-bound orders shipped from outside of the UK whose expected customer-paid product price for the corresponding consignment is greater than or equal to £135.01 (excluding all other customer payments such as shipping, insurance, and taxes) are flagged as “Pay Customer VAT “PC-VAT” required” orders in Merchant Dashboard or Merchant Plus dashboard, starting December 31, 2020 11:00PM UTC. Merchants are required to use specific carriers that provide Delivered at Place Plus (DAP+) services to fulfill these types of orders. Carriers that provide DAP+ services can pay VAT on behalf of customers to customs, so long as the merchant remits the VAT to the carriers.

This flag is visible under the Orders > Unfulfilled Orders or Orders > History page. For example, on the Orders > History page, this flag shows under the View Product (SKU) column for the relevant orders:

As shown in the screenshot above, carrier selection for merchants shipping from Mainland China using WishPost and from outside of Mainland China and outside of UK will be different. Specifically:

1. For merchants shipping from Mainland China using WishPost:

Merchants are required to utilize one of the following WishPost logistics channels that provide DAP+ services to fulfill this type of order:

  • EQ-Express Parcel GC

  • EQ-Express Parcel SC

2. For merchants shipping from outside of Mainland China and outside of the UK:

Merchants must select a Confirmed Delivery Shipping Carrier for UK-bound orders that will provide DAP+ services when shipping this type of order. For a full list of Confirmed Delivery Shipping Carriers, please see here.

To comply with UK VAT changes starting January 1, 2021 when the UK leaves the EU VAT system, there are a number of other related requirements when fulfilling UK-bound “Pay Customer VAT “PC-VAT” required” orders (along with all UK-bound orders) from outside of the UK. Please see this article for more details.


