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所有可定制商品均必须:(i) 没有瑕疵且与所有相关商品信息相符,并 (ii) 符合所有适用法律法规以及安全和质量标准。







  • 提供保修: 您不得提供任何保修(您自己、第三方或制造商提供的保修)作为定制选项。如果想要提供保修,请参阅质保、服务方案、合约和担保。

  • 捆绑商品: 您不得提供不是用于进一步定制商品的附加商品。例如,如果您提供定制手机壳,则不能提供额外的充电线或其他现成配件。

  • 使用制造商 UPC 发布商品: 由于定制性质从根本上改变了制造商的商品,您在创建 ASIN 时不允许使用制造商 UPC。您可以输入自己唯一的 GS1 认证的 UPC,也可以申请全球贸易项目代码豁免。

  • 提供免费促销: 您不得提供免费商品作为一种定制形式。例如,如果您提供标准汽车音响,则不能询问买家是否想要免费的空气清新器,并将其作为您的定制商品。您的基本商品必须包含定制元素。

  • 将“是/否”作为定制选项: 如果您选择使用文本或商品配置作为您的定制选项,则不能提供“是/否”值定制选项。此类值不会添加到商品的定制中。




Customization Program Terms for Sellers

These terms supplement your seller agreement and apply to your use of features Amazon makes available to enable the listing, sale, and fulfillment of customizable products (the “Customization Program”).


Approval is required to participate in the Customization Program. For more information, click here.

Product Quality

All customizable products must be: (i) free of defects and match all associated listing information, and (ii) compliant with all applicable laws, regulations, safety, and quality standards.

Customization Data

You, Amazon customers, or other third parties may make available images, illustrations, graphics, designs, fonts, text, or other content in connection with the Customization Program (“Customization Data”). If you receive an order for a customizable product that includes a third party’s Customization Data, you may use that Customization Data solely to fulfill that order, and may not retain it after the order has been fulfilled. You agree to verify that any Customization Data complies with the Customization Program Terms and Conditions, including that it does not infringe any third-party intellectual property rights or any Amazon policies (including policies for Restricted Products and Offensive Products).

You represent that you have all necessary rights to any Customization Data that you make available to us, and that your Customization Data does not infringe any third-party intellectual property rights or any Amazon policies (including policies for Restricted Products and Offensive Products). In addition to the rights and licenses you grant Amazon to Your Materials, you also authorize Amazon to enable customers to share images of products using Customization Data through websites, mobile applications, and other online points of presence.

Misuse of Product Customization

You are not allowed to list the following products under the Customization Program - personal computers, laptops, computer towers, video game consoles, or tablets. This includes the refurbishing of the aforementioned base products.

When customers shop for customizable products on Amazon, they expect these products to be made-on-demand using the personal choices entered during the purchase process. Each custom field (for example, text input, image upload, or configuration option) the customer encounters when creating a customized product must serve the purpose of furthering the customization of the customer desired product. Any attempt to manipulate custom functionality in a manner which circumvents existing Amazon policies, or misrepresents customized products is prohibited. Prohibited behaviors include, but are not limited to:

  • Offering warranties: You are not allowed to offer any warranty (your own, third party, or a manufacture’s) as a customization option. If you would like to offer a warranty, refer to Warranties, Service Plans, Contracts, and Guarantees.

  • Bundling: You are not allowed to offer add-on products that do not further customize the item. For example, if you are offering a custom phone case, you cannot offer additional charging cords or other off-the-shelf accessories.

  • Listing with a manufacturer’s UPC: Due to the nature of customization fundamentally changing the manufacturer’s item, you are not allowed to use a manufacturer’s UPC when creating an ASIN. You can either enter your own unique GS1-certified UPC or you can apply for a GTIN Exemption.

  • Offering free promotions: You are not allowed to offer free items as a form of customization. For example, if you are offering a standard car stereo, you cannot ask if the buyer would like a free air freshener as your customization. Your base product must have an element of customization.

  • Offering “yes/no” as a customization: If you chose to use text or product configurations as your customization, you are not allowed to offer a customization that is a value of "yes/no". This type of value does not add to the customization of an item.

Violations and misuse of the custom feature set might result in loss of the custom feature set with the inability to reinstate.

For more context and guidelines, see the Amazon Custom Listing Guide.

