注意: 如果您选择专业销售计划,我们将立即向您收取月服务费。了解如何切换为个人销售计划。
- 提供将在亚马逊上显示的公司名称,以便买家记住您的公司。要更新您的公司名称,请参阅向买家显示的卖家信息。
- 确保您公司的联系信息为最新信息(电子邮件和电话号码,如有),以便我们在必要时与您联系。要编辑您公司的联系信息,请参阅向买家显示的卖家信息。
- 确保信用卡和银行账户信息为最新信息,避免延迟付款。有关更多信息,请参阅银行账户信息。
- 介绍您提供的礼品赠言和礼品包装服务。要上传您的徽标并提供您公司的具体信息,请参阅编辑您的帮助页面。
- 选择运费设置,以便买家了解您的运费。转至设置运费,了解更多信息。
- 仅输入与您在亚马逊上管理业务密切相关的公司信息。
- 在商品上传数据、公司名称或其他公司信息中包含可将买家转至您的网站或其他网站的网站 URL。
- 认为其他卖家也这样做。务必根据适用的政策和指南以及卖家帮助内容核查您的操作。、
Set up your account information
Now that you’re registered to sell on Amazon, it's time to set up your account information. Learn how to update important seller account information, such as adding a return address or modifying your selling plan.
Go to Seller Account Information to update your details.
Note: If you chose the Professional selling plan, you will be charged the monthly subscription fee immediately. Learn how to Switch to an Individual selling plan.Things to know
- When registering as a seller on Amazon, you create a single selling account for your business.
- Build buyer trust in your business by providing clear and detailed information about your policies.
Things to do
- Provide the business name that will display on Amazon so that buyers remember your company. To update your business name, see Seller information displayed to buyers.
- Keep your business contact information current (email and phone number if available) so that we can contact you if necessary. To edit your business contact information, see Seller information displayed to buyers.
- Keep credit card and bank account information current to prevent delays to your payments. For more information, see Bank account information.
- Describe the gift messaging and gift wrap services you offer. To upload your logo and provide information specific to your business, see Edit your help pages.
- Choose your shipping rate settings so buyers know about your shipping costs. Go to Set your shipping rates to learn more.
- Only enter company information that is specific to how you manage your business on Amazon.
Things to avoid
- Including website URLs in product feeds, business name, or other company information that might refer buyers to your or any other website.
- Assuming other sellers are doing it right. Always double-check your practices against the applicable policies and guidelines and the seller Help content.