连连(LianLian Global)官网首页






  • 商品类型: 您可以关联新品或新品和二手商品。

  • 配送方式: 您可以仅关联【亚马逊物流】商品,仅关联【卖家自配送】商品,或者同时关联【亚马逊物流和卖家自配送】商品。


注意: 亚马逊物流欧洲整合服务针对库存制定了特定的自动定价规则。



价格同步: 您可以将来源商城中的市场价或市场价和促销价同步到目标商城。价格规则和货币汇率将应用于来源商城中的价格,以确定目标商城中的价格。此工具将使用相同的方式来计算市场价和促销价。


为我的商品定价: 您可以使用下表中显示的选项,为每个目标商城和配送方式设置价格规则。如果目标商城与来源商城的货币不同,此工具将根据汇率换算价格。关联来源商城和目标商城之后,该工具将定期更新目标商城中的价格,以反映汇率变化。价格可能会每日更新一次,也可能会每周更新一次。

商城的价格规则适用于目标商城的整个库存以及各种配送方式。您不能针对单个 ASIN 或 SKU 设置商城的价格规则。



价格规则示例: 来源商城中的价格是 10,货币汇率是 1 = 1.1262。

1010 x 1.126211.26
高于来源商城中价格的固定金额110(10 + 1) x 1.126212.39
高于来源商城中价格的百分比+ 5%10(10 x 1.05) x 1.126211.83
低于来源商城中价格的百分比- 5%10(10 x 0.95) x 1.126210.70

注意: 您可以随时编辑目标商城设置。无论您在何时更新价格规则,此工具都将重新计算目标商城中商品的价格。更改后的价格最多可能需要四个小时才会显示在各个目标商城中。

  • 亚马逊物流远程配送的价格规则: “与来源商城相同,针对配送费用进行调整”自动定价规则仅适用于参加亚马逊物流远程配送计划的库存。启用该价格规则后,您可以自动调整价格,以反映来源商城与目标商城之间的配送费用和货币差异。

  • 亚马逊物流欧洲整合服务的价格规则: “来源商城中的价格 + 配送费用调整”自动定价规则仅适用于参加亚马逊物流欧洲整合服务的库存。启用该价格规则后,您可以自动调整价格,以反映来源商城与目标商城之间的配送费用差异。

  • 亚马逊物流欧洲整合服务的价格规则示例: 来源商城中的价格是 10,货币汇率是 1 = 1.1262。来源商城的亚马逊物流配送费用是 1,目标商城的亚马逊物流配送费用是 2。

来源商城中的价格 + 配送费用1012(10 - 1) x 1.1262 + 212.14


Choose your target marketplace settings

The Build International Listings tool lets you select which offers the tool will attempt to copy and connect based on the offer type and fulfillment method.

After selecting your source marketplace and target marketplaces, you will have the following options:

  • Offer type: You can connect New or New and Used offers.

  • Fulfillment method: You can connect FBA only, Self-fulfilled only, or FBA and Self-fulfilled.

You must use the same fulfillment method in the source and target marketplaces if you are going to connect offers. If you change your fulfillment method in a target marketplace, the connection will be broken and you will need to update offers in each marketplace individually.

Note: The Pan-European FBA program has specific pricing rules for inventory.

If you want to apply the same settings to all selected marketplaces in a region, select Apply same rules by region.

Define price rules

Price synchronization: You can synchronize the List price or List price and sale price from your source marketplace to your target marketplaces. The price rule and currency exchange rate will be applied to the source marketplace price to determine the target marketplace price. The same method will be used to calculate the list price and sale price.

A sale price in the source marketplace will initiate a sale in the target marketplace. The sale price is synchronized only during the defined sale period. The sale price stops synchronizing when the sale period is complete or you remove the sale price from the source marketplace.

Price my offers: You can set up a price rule for each target marketplace and fulfillment method from the options shown in the tables below. If the target marketplace has a different currency than the source marketplace, the tool will convert the price based on exchange rates. After you connect source and target marketplaces, prices in the target marketplace are updated periodically to reflect exchange rate changes. The frequency of these updates may vary from daily to weekly.

Marketplace price rules apply to your entire inventory for the target marketplace and fulfillment method combination. Marketplace price rules cannot be set for individual ASINs or SKUs.

Marketplace price rules

If you want to apply the same settings to all selected marketplaces in a region, select Apply same rules by region.

Price rule example: For a source marketplace, you have a price of 10 and the currency exchange rate is 1 = 1.1262.

Price rule optionsYou enter or select:Price in the source marketplacePrice calculationPrice in target marketplace
Same price as the source marketplace
1010 x 1.126211.26
Fixed amount above the source marketplace price110(10 + 1) x 1.126212.39
Percentage above the source marketplace price+ 5%10(10 x 1.05) x 1.126211.83
Percentage below the source marketplace price- 5%10(10 x 0.95) x 1.126210.70

Note: You can edit your target marketplace settings at any time. The tool will recalculate the prices of your offer in target marketplaces whenever you update a price rule. It may take up to four hours before the price changes are reflected in each target marketplace.

  • Remote Fulfillment with FBA price rule: The "same as the source marketplace, adjust for fulfillment fees" pricing rule applies only to inventory in the Remote Fulfillment with FBA program. Once enabled, the price rule will let you automatically adjust prices to account for the fulfillment fee and currency difference between the source and target marketplaces.

  • Pan-European FBA price rule: The "source price + fulfillment fee adjustment" pricing rule applies only to Pan-European FBA inventory. Once enabled, the price rule lets you automatically adjust prices to account for the fulfillment fee difference between the source and target marketplaces.

  • Pan-European FBA price rule example: For a source marketplace, you have a price of 10 and the currency exchange rate is 1 = 1.1262. The FBA fulfillment fee in the source marketplace is 1, and the FBA fulfillment fee in the target marketplace is 2.

Pan-European price rule optionPrice in source marketplaceFBA fulfillment fee in source marketplaceFBA fulfillment fee in target marketplacePrice calculationPrice in target marketplace
Source price + fulfillment fee1012(10 - 1) x 1.1262 + 212.14

