Send to Amazon: 更改或取消货件

您可以点击页面底部的【取消货件和费用】按钮来取消您的 Send to Amazon 货件。执行此取消操作将取消您创建的所有货件,并使其在“货件处理进度”中进入【已取消】状态。

取消货件后,您将无法再使用系统为此类货件生成的亚马逊物流 (FBA) 箱号标签和承运人标签,并且这些货件也不会再存放在运营中心。


对于小包裹货件,在确认配送选择并接受费用后,您可以在 24 小时内取消亚马逊合作承运人费用,从而获得全额退款。在 24 小时期限过后,执行此取消操作将取消您已创建的所有货件,但您将无法取消运费。

重要: 本测试版的 Send to Amazon 不支持亚马逊合作承运人运送托拍货件。要通过合作承运人运送您的货车荷载货件,请使用备用的标准化货件创建流程。有关更多信息,请访问将商品运输到亚马逊。

如果【预计发货日期】在确认发货后发生变化,您可以在工作流程第 3 步打印箱子标签中更新日期。



在本测试版的 Send to Amazon 中,执行此取消操作将取消您创建的所有货件,并使其在“货件处理进度”中进入已取消状态。




不能,您无法在 Send to Amazon 中取消单个货件。

亚马逊可能将您的库存发往多个运营中心,以使库存离买家更近,并缩短您商品的订单配送时间。请确保将您的商品发送到工作流程的第 2 步确认发货中指定的运营中心。


我能否在创建货件后更改要发送的 SKU 的数量?

在当前版本的 Send to Amazon 中,无法更改货件中 SKU 的数量。我们正在努力添加此功能。


Send to Amazon: Change or cancel your shipment

You can cancel your Send to Amazon shipment by clicking on the Void shipments and charges button at the bottom of the page. Voiding will cancel all shipments you created and move them into Canceled status in your Shipping Queue.

Once you cancel your shipments, the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) box ID labels and carrier labels generated for the shipment can no longer be used, and these shipments are no longer expected at the fulfillment center.

Voiding Amazon partnered carrier charges

For small parcel shipments, after you have confirmed shipping selections and accepted charges, you have 24 hours to void Amazon partnered carrier charges and get a full refund. Beyond the 24-hour window, voiding will cancel all shipments you have created, but you will not be able to void the shipping charges.

Important: This beta version of Send to Amazon doesn’t support Amazon partnered carriers for pallet shipments. To a use partnered carrier for your truckload shipments, use an alternative shipment creation workflow. For more information, visit Shipping products to Amazon.

If your expected Ship date changes after you confirm your shipments, you can update the date in step 3 of the workflow, Print box labels.

Frequently asked questions

Can I change my shipping mode or carrier without canceling all my shipments?

In this beta version of Send to Amazon, voiding will cancel all shipments you created and move them into Canceled status in your Shipping Queue.

Can I change my ship-from address after my shipment is completed?

The ship-from address can’t be changed once the shipment has been finalized. You will need to cancel your shipment and create another one with the correct ship-from address.

Can I cancel individual shipments in my workflow?

No, it’s not possible to cancel individual shipments in Send to Amazon.

Amazon may route your inventory to multiple fulfillment centers to place it closer to customers and reduce the time to deliver orders for your products. Make sure to send your products to the fulfillments centers assigned in step 2 of the workflow, Confirm shipping.

For more information about the FBA shipment policy and the possible actions we may take if your shipments are not compliant with that policy, see Deleted, misrouted, and incomplete shipments.

Can I change the quantity of SKUs that I am shipping after shipment creation?

In the current version of Send to Amazon, it’s not possible to change the quantity of SKUs in a shipment. We are working to add this feature.

