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个人卖家: 此功能适用于参与专业销售计划的卖家。


业务报告(按日期、按 ASIN 和其他)

在左侧的导航栏中,有一系列【按日期】、【按 ASIN】 和【其他】条件组织的报告。

您可以使用【调位】按钮将业务报告从【按日期】切换为【按 ASIN】。此功能仅适用于按日期业务报告,不适用于【按 ASIN】 业务报告。点击同一按钮(此时标签为【返回日期报告】),返回【按日期】业务报告。


您可以点击【下载】,下载逗号分隔的 (CSV) 报告。选中您要下载的行旁边的复选框。如果没有选中行,则会下载所有行。

如果您已创建自定义报告,则可以通过为页面添加书签或者复制 URL 并将其保存在稍后可以检索的地方来保存设置。报告的参数会保留在 URL 中。


已订购商品销售额总和(商品价格 * 订购的数量)
转化数 *总和("不同转化数")
平均商品数总和(“商品数”)/总和 (1)

注意: 仅适用于商品数 > 0 时。总和 (1),指的是“具体时间段内的天数”

已发货商品销售额总和("商品价格" * "订购的数量")确认具体时间段内的发货量

* 一个会话对应的是买家对亚马逊页面进行的一次访问。在访问过程中,即使买家多次浏览许多页面(24 小时内),也只会记为一次转化。页面浏览量指的是买家访问该页面的实际次数。在一次转化中,买家可以多次浏览页面。因此,报告中显示的转化数可能会低于页面浏览量。



在“业务报告”中,有多个列会按日期和按 ASIN 显示企业买家的销售和流量详情。以下列表详细列出了按日期 - 销售和流量、按日期 - 详情页面销售和流量、按日期 - 卖家绩效和按 ASIN - 详情页面销售和流量报告中用于显示企业买家数据明细的各个列:

  • 已订购商品的销售额 - B2B

  • 订购的数量 - B2B

  • 订单商品总数 - B2B

  • 每种订单商品的平均销售额 - B2B

  • 每种订单商品的平均数量 - B2B

  • 平均售价 - B2B

  • 商品转化率 - B2B

  • 订单商品转化率 - B2B




  • 功能建议

  • 商品推荐

  • 库存建议

  • 配送建议

  • 建议的更低价格

  • 广告建议

  • 操作通知


如果您针对任何机会都选择【否】,则您以后不会在与该建议相关的任何报告中看到该商品。您仍可在其他机会中接收该商品的个性化建议;例如,如果您在“商品机会”下面对特定 ASIN 选择【否】,而在“库存机会”下面对同一 ASIN 选择【是】,则不会收到任何用于为该商品创建报价的建议,但仍可接收该产品的其他措施建议,如补充低库存。


注意: 库存和定价信息可能不会反映您最新报告的库存和商品价格。



Using the different types of Business Reports

Types of Business Reports

Individual sellers: This feature is only available to sellers with a Professional selling plan. Learn more by visiting Selling plan comparison.

You have access to several different kinds of business reports that you can access from the Business Reports section of Seller Central.

By Date, By ASIN, and Other Business Reports

In the left navigation bar, there are a series of reports organized By Date, By ASIN, and Other.

The Pivot button allows you to switch your Business Reports from by Date to by ASIN. This function is available for Business Reports by Date only (not for by ASIN). Return to Business Reports by Date by clicking the same button, now labeled Return to Date Report.

Data for these reports is generally available for up to two years.

You can download comma-delimited (CSV) reports by clicking Download. Check the boxes next to the rows you want to download. If no rows are selected, all rows will be included.

If you've created a custom report, you can save the settings by bookmarking the page or copying and saving the URL so that you can retrieve it later. Your report's parameters are contained within the URL.

By Date: Sales and Traffic

One of the popular reports is By Date: Sales and Traffic.The following table shows how the different columns in this report are calculated:

Field nameCalculation
Ordered Product SalesSum(ItemPrice * UnitsOrdered)
Units OrderedSum("Ordered Units")
Total Order ItemsSum("Order Items")
Average Sales per Order ItemOrdered Product Sales/Total Order Items
Average Units per Order ItemUnits Ordered/Total Order Items
Average Selling PriceOrdered Product Sales/Units Ordered
Sessions *Sum("Distinct Session Count")
Order Item Session PercentageTotal Order Items/Sessions
Average Offer CountSum("Offer Count") / Sum (1)

Note: Applies only when Offering Count > 0. Sum (1), stands for "Number of days in a specific time period"

Shipped Product SalesSum("ItemPrice" * "UnitsOrdered") confirmed shipped in a specific time period
Shipped Order ItemsSum("Order Items") confirmed shipped in a specific time period

* A session corresponds to a customer visit to Amazon pages. During a visit, even though a customer views a number of pages multiple times (within 24 hours), it will all be considered as one session. Page views are the actual number of times a customer visited that page. In one session a customer can have multiple page views. As a result, the report can show a lower number of sessions than page views.

The Listings with missing information report, under Other, takes you to the Manage Inventory tool. In Manage Inventory, you will find a variety of filters to identify listings that are incomplete or contain incorrect information. For more information, see Listing quality.

Amazon Business Program Sellers

In Business Reports, several columns show business buyer sales and traffic detail by date and by ASIN. The following list details the columns where the business buyer breakdown is available for By Date Sales and Traffic, By Date – Detail Page Sales and Traffic, By Date – Seller Performance, and By ASIN – Detail Page Sales and Traffic reports:

  • Ordered Product Sales – B2B

  • Units Ordered – B2B

  • Total Order Items – B2B

  • Average Sales per Order Item – B2B

  • Average Units per Order Item – B2B

  • Average Selling Price – B2B

  • Units Session Percentage – B2B

  • Order Item Session Percentage – B2B

Amazon Selling Coach

As we identify opportunities to maximize your effectiveness, we will alert you through Amazon Selling Coach, both through Business Reports and on your seller account home page.

In Business Reports, recommendations are grouped by:

  • Feature Recommendations

  • Product Recommendations

  • Inventory Recommendations

  • Fulfillment Recommendations

  • Suggested lower prices

  • Advertising Recommendations

  • Operational Notifications

You can vote on individual Business Report pages via the "Is this helpful" feature to indicate which of our product and opportunity recommendations are relevant to you to improve further recommendations

If you vote Yes on any Opportunities, your interest in the product(s) is recorded to better refine your future personalized recommendations.

If you vote No on any Opportunities, you will no longer see that product in any report related to that opportunity. You may still receive personalized recommendations for that product under other opportunities; for example, if you voted No on a particular ASIN under Product Opportunities and Yes for that same ASIN under Inventory Opportunities, you will not receive any recommendations to create offers for that product, but you may still receive recommendations for other actions for that product, such as restocking low inventory.

Amazon Selling Coach opportunities are calculated daily.

Note: Inventory and pricing information may not reflect your latest reported inventory and price.

Learn more about the Amazon Selling Coach.

