
注意: 此功能仅面向拥有品牌的卖家开放。此卖家必须是品牌内部人员,并负责在亚马逊上销售该品牌。




人口统计报告按买家年龄、家庭收入、教育、性别和婚姻状况列出了品牌所有者 ASIN 的销售情况明细概况。提供的指标包括每个人口统计细分的唯一身份买家数量、唯一身份买家占买家总数的百分比、已订购商品销售额、已订购商品销售额占总销售额的百分比、订购的商品数量、订购的商品数量占商品销量的百分比。提供的信息反映了 Amazon.com 账户的主账户持有人的销售情况。




人口统计报告会显示与品牌所有者成功注册亚马逊品牌注册计划的品牌相关的所有商品。此外,人口统计报告中仅包含在指定时间段内拥有 100 个或更多唯一身份买家的商品。


否。有多种原因导致人口统计报告中的销售数字(已订购商品销售额、订购的商品数量)与卖家平台中的业务报告不同。“品牌分析”中的销售数据反映了指定商品的所有销售情况,这与登记卖家是谁无关,而业务报告中的销售数据仅包含一个卖家的销售情况。此外,人口统计报告中仅包含在指定时间段内拥有 100 个或更多唯一身份买家的商品。


可以,用户可以使用报告顶部的 ASIN 搜索框来搜索特定商品或一组商品。ASIN 搜索框支持一次搜索最多 500 个 ASIN,每个 ASIN 均通过空格或逗号分隔。


Demographics Report

Note: This feature is only available to sellers who own a brand. This seller must be internal to the brand and responsible for selling the brand on Amazon.

If you do not have access to this feature, you have not been identified as a seller who meets these criteria as defined by the Amazon Brand Registry. If you believe that you do fit these criteria, please contact Seller Support.

The Demographics report shows Brand Owners the breakdown of their Amazon customers (in aggregate) by age, household income, education, gender, and marital status. This information allows Brand Owners to assess the need for and success of targeted marketing campaigns and make product portfolio decisions based on customer penetration by demographic. This report is only available in the United States.

What information is contained in the Demographics report?

The Demographics report shows the aggregate breakdown of sales of a Brand Owner’s ASINs by customer age, household income, education, gender, and marital status. The metrics provided are the number of unique customers, unique customers - % of total, ordered product sales, ordered product sales - % of total, ordered units, and ordered units - % of total for each of the demographic segments. The information provided is reflective of the primary account holder of the Amazon.com account.

What does information not available mean?

Sometimes not all demographic information is provided and certain demographic segments may have a high percentage of “Information Not Available” buckets because of this. At the top of the report there is a button titled Include Information not Available which allows the user to toggle these buckets on and off to show the breakdown of customer demographics both including and excluding these buckets.

Which products show up in the Demographics report?

The Demographics report shows all of the products associated with brands the Brand Owner has successfully registered with the Brand Registry. In addition, only products that have 100 or more unique customers in the given time period are included in the Demographics report.

Should the sales numbers in the Demographics report match the Business Reports?

No. There are a number of reasons why the sales numbers (ordered product sales, ordered units) in the Demographics report will be different than the Business Reports found in Seller Central. The sales data in Brand Analytics represents all sales of a given product regardless of the seller of record while the sales data in Business Reports includes only one seller’s sales. In addition, only products that have 100 or more unique customers in the given time period are included in the Demographics report.

Does the report allow searching for a particular product?

Yes, users can search for a specific product or set of products by using the ASIN search box at the top of the report. The ASIN search box supports searches for up to 500 ASINs at a time, with either a space or comma separating each ASIN.

