
您可以从 Launchpad 控制面板手动停止任何活动,包括那些具有计划结束日期的活动。



  1. 在 Launchpad 应用中打开活动页面。

    1. 在 Shopify 后台,点击 Launchpad

    2. 点击活动将其打开。

  2. 点击结束活动,然后点击确定


  • 如果您在活动中向销售渠道供应产品,则这些产品将继续供应。

  • 活动结束后不会调整库存。

  • 如果您在活动期间选择了使用不同的模板,那么您还要选择一个要在活动结束后使用的模板。此活动后的模板会在活动结束时应用于您的商店。

  • 如果您选择了在活动期间使用特定的 Shopify 脚本,那么您还要选择一个要在活动结束后使用的脚本。这些活动后的脚本会在活动结束时应用于您的商店。



Ending events

You can manually stop any event, even those that have a scheduled end, from the Launchpad dashboard.

When you create an event, you can schedule the date and time for it to end. If you schedule an ending for your event, then it ends automatically at the chosen date and time. If you don't schedule an end date and time, then you must manually stop the event.


  1. Open the Event page in the Launchpad app.

    1. From your Shopify admin, Click Launchpad.

    2. Click the event to open it.

  2. Click End event, and then click OK.

Your store returns to the state it was in before the event started with the following exceptions:

  • If your event made products available to sales channels, then these products remain available.

  • Inventories are not adjusted after the event ends.

  • If you chose to use a different theme during your event, then you also chose a theme to use after the event ends. This after-event theme is applied to your store at the end of the event.

  • If you chose to use specific Shopify scripts during your event, then you also chose scripts to use after the event ends. These after-event scripts are applied to your store at the end of the event.

To learn more about what changes occur during an event, refer to Changes that occur before, during, and after an event.

