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注意: 如果要在创建页面后更改模板,您需要删除该页面、创建新页面,然后选择所需模板。









Page templates

You can use templates to create pages with pre-organized tiles or start with a blank page and add your desired content.

Marquee template

Choose your template depending on the goals you have in mind for your brand, product line, or the types of content you want to promote. Some templates work best for your home page or to feature a product line, while others work best if you want to quickly add groups of related products.

You can add, reorder, or delete content tiles from a page template at any time to customize the template to fit your needs.

Note: If you want to change the template after you’ve created a page, you’ll need to delete the page, create a new page, and then select the template you want.

Marquee templates work well for a home page and brand story with products in multiple categories. This is a good choice if you have high-quality images or videos to link to your Store product pages.

Product highlight template

Product highlight templates feature a flagship product or top product line for your brand by focusing on high-quality images to accompany your brand message. This template also works well as your home page if you have a smaller selection of products that you want to create a brand story for.

Product grid template

If you have eight products or more in your Store, you can use a product grid template to add multiple products to a page at once. This template works best for displaying related products or products that are in the same category.

After you choose a template, you’ll see content tile placeholders in the preview canvas. This lets you preview your updates in real time. You can add, reorder, or remove content in the preview canvas to see what works best for the page.

To learn how to customize and manage content, see Manage Store pages.

