




  • 折扣

  • 买一赠一



  • 【买家必须知道有促销。】 考虑开展社交媒体广告活动,为您的促销吸引流量。

  • 【促销要有时效性。】 由于有可能错失优惠,买家往往会参与限时促销优惠。根据您的具体商品,可以尝试不同的促销时限。

  • 【要有足够的优惠力度才能影响买家的选择。】 追踪当前销售情况并搜集反馈,从而真正制定出对您的潜在买家更具吸引力的优惠策略。这样您可以获得一些深入见解,从而能够对促销进行相应的优化。

注意: 在考虑为商品推出促销时,请注意,促销不能作为激励买家提供评论的手段(无论明示还是暗示)。针对促销商品的买家评论不一定能获得“亚马逊已确认购买”标记。您可以点击此处了解有关“亚马逊已确认购买”的更多信息。



  • 媒介类商品(图书、音乐、影视)不能参与促销。

  • 酒水: 不参与任何促销。



Promotions can help your products stand out from the competition and stimulate sales. However, promotions are most effective when your offer wins the Buy Box. Otherwise, the promotional messaging cannot appear on the details page. For more information about winning the Buy Box, see How the Buy Box Works.

When to create a promotion

Consider creating a promotion when business is slow so that you can motivate both existing and new customers to buy. You can also distinguish your offer from the competition and encourage existing customers to try new products.

There are several options you can choose from when creating a promotion:

  • Percentage-off

  • Buy one, get one free

Successful promotions

Successful promotions motivate customers to buy your product. To run an effective promotion, consider the following guidelines:

  • The customer must know about it. Consider running social media campaigns to drive traffic to your promotion.

  • It is time-sensitive. Customers respond to limited time offers when they face the possibility of missing the offer. Experiment with the duration, depending on your product.

  • It offers sufficient value to influence the customer's choice. Track current sales and gather feedback to really figure out what offers your potential customers find more attractive. Then you’ll have some solid understanding to be able to refine your promotions accordingly.

Note: When considering running promotions for your products, keep in mind that promotions cannot be offered as an incentive for customer reviews, either explicitly or implicitly. Customer reviews for purchases made with promotions might not necessarily get the “Amazon Verified Purchase” badge. You can learn more about Amazon Verified Purchases here.


Amazon restricts the following categories from certain kinds of promotional offers:

  • Books, Music, Video and DVD (BMVD) products are excluded from promotions.

  • Wine: Excluded from all promotions.

