








  • 相对于竞争对手产品,您的产品定价是否具备竞争力?

  • 如果您的产品是独一无二的商品、收藏家的藏品或设计师的作品,买家是否具备足够的信息来评判价格的合理性?

  • 您能否提供运费优惠来推进交易?




  • 图片在尺寸、颜色等方面与产品说明相符。

  • 可在图片上识别出产品。

  • 图片是照片,而非绘画。

  • 图片的拍摄角度突出了产品优点。

  • 图片对焦清晰,产品采光效果出色。

  • 特写画面不会被高光或阴影所遮蔽。

  • 产品至少占据 80% 的图片画面。

  • 图片展现了完整的产品。

  • 主要的图片必须采用纯白背景。


  • 产品标题应诱使买家购买您的产品。

  • 为产品标题和品牌名称采用首字母大写。请勿使用“全部大写”。买家对于杂乱的产品和页面十分敏感。

  • 产品标题应仅包含特定于商品的相关信息。送货、促销信息或卖家名字不应包含在产品标题中。

  • 如果商品是设计师的作品,“品牌”字段中应包含设计师的名字。如果产品是无品牌的商品,“品牌”字段中应包含卖家的名字。

  • 应根据制造商的标准格式输入品牌名称。例如,TAG Heuer。




  • 突出展示您希望买家考虑的关键特点,比如大小/尺寸、适龄性、产品的理想条件、技能水平、成分含量、原产地等。

  • 保持一致的顺序。如果您的第一个产品要点是原产地,那么请为所有的产品保持相同的顺序。

  • 重申标题和说明中的重要信息。

  • 请在每条要点开头使用大写。

  • 请以句段书写,不要在结尾加入标点符号。

  • 请勿包含促销和定价信息。


  • 美国制造

  • 100% 防水

  • 100% 透气

  • 可选购卡其色、黄色或绿色

  • 退款满意担保





  • “专为音频专业人士打造的、坚固耐用的麦克风。”

  • “可洗帆布裤,背面带有人造麂皮装饰。”


  • “秉承 SM58® 的传统,Beta 58A 动态麦克风早已成为声乐家和巡回演出歌手的首选。Shure Beta 58A 是一款高输出超心型动态声学麦克风,专为专业扩声和项目工作室录音而设计。它在自身的整个频率范围内都保持了真正的超心型模式。这确保了极高的反馈前增益、最大程度地把其他音源隔离以及最低程度的离轴音色。Beta 58A 拥有极为适合人声特写的成形频率响应。即便遭遇粗暴操作,这款麦克风的卓越性能也不会受到影响,因为它那坚固的结构、经得起考验的减震架系统以及加固的钢制网罩有助于抵御各种损伤。Beta 58A 的典型用途包括主唱、和声和演讲。”

  • “采用运动风格裁剪,这些纯棉帆布裤可能是您穿过最耐磨和舒适的长裤。背面口袋上的可洗人造麂皮装饰和 D 型环增加了耐磨性,延长了穿戴寿命。可选购棕色、绿色、卡其色或石色。可洗。进口。”


在研究具备吸引力的价格点时,调查竞争对手的产品。也别忘记将运费成本考虑在内。在决定进行在线购物时,买家始终将运费成本视为主要问题。提供免费送货可以显著增加销售额。尤其要考虑廉价商品。价值 5 到 10 美元的商品却要花费 5 美元的运费,这种价格可不太具有吸引力。

您还需要让客户清楚理解您的送货政策 -- 包括运费和交货时间。使用“您的信息和政策”功能以在“发货设置”中将这些内容添加到您提供的信息中。


Success Factors on

After a buyer finds your product, you need to present them with a compelling offer. Quality images and effective product details entice buyers to purchase your products.

Clear, high-quality images

Is the image clear, on a white background, and a good representation of the product you are selling?

Great product details and descriptions

Does the buyer have the information they need to confidently purchase this item from you?

Effective merchandising

Do your items show up in the appropriate areas of the catalog based on the information you provided?

Pricing and shipping

  • Are your products priced competitively against comparable items?

  • If your products are unique, collector, or designer items, does the buyer have enough information to justify the price?

  • Can you offer shipping incentives to sweeten the deal?

Follow up with great customer service, an excellent buying experience, and (as a result) great feedback ratings for you as a seller.


Effective product images stimulate a buyer's imagination and inspire them to purchase your product. Evaluate your image quality based on these guidelines:

  • Image matches the product description in size, color, and so on.

  • Product is recognizable.

  • Image is a photo and not a drawing.

  • Photo is taken at a flattering angle.

  • Image is focused and product is well-lit.

  • Close-up shots are not obscured by highlights or shadows.

  • Product occupies at least 80% of the image area.

  • Entire product is shown in the image.

  • Main images must have a pure white background.

Consider these title and branding guidelines when creating your listings:

  • Product title should entice buyers to purchase your products.

  • Use title case for product titles and brand names. Do not use ALL CAPS. Buyers are wary of products and pages that appear to be shouting at them.

  • Product titles should contain only relevant information specific to the item. Shipping, promotional information, or seller name should not be included in the product title.

  • If the item is a designer item, the designer name goes in the Brand field. If it is an unbranded item, the seller name goes in the Brand field.

  • Brand names should be entered according to the manufacturer's standard format. For example, TAG Heuer.

Product Feature Bullets

Testing shows that well-crafted bullet points increase sales. Buyers rely on them to understand key product features.

Use the following guidelines as you craft your bullet points:

  • Highlight the key features you want buyers to consider, such as size/dimensions, age appropriateness, ideal conditions for the product, skill level, contents, country of origin, and so on.

  • Maintain a consistent order. If your first bullet point is country of origin, keep that same order for all your products.

  • Reiterate important information from the title and description.

  • Begin each bullet point with a capital letter.

  • Write with sentence fragments and do not include ending punctuation.

  • Do not include promotional and pricing information.

The bulleted list below follows these guidelines in describing a set of rain gear:

  • Made in USA

  • 100% waterproof

  • 100% breathable

  • Available in khaki, yellow, or green

  • Money-back satisfaction guarantee

Product Descriptions

As you describe your product, you might want to include some key features listed in your bullet points. Well-written product descriptions help the buyer imagine the experience of owning or handling your product.

Put yourself in the buyer's shoes. What do they want to feel, touch, think? How will their lifestyle be enhanced by your product? Incorporating information about the feel, usage, and benefits of your product can fire the buyer's imagination. This is as close as you can come to creating an in-store experience.

Avoid overly simplistic descriptions, such as these:

  • "A rugged microphone for sound professionals."

  • "Washable canvas pants with faux suede trim on the back."

Instead, consider these solid, compelling descriptions:

  • "In the tradition of the SM58®, the Beta 58A dynamic microphone has become a top choice among vocalists and touring sound professionals. The Shure Beta 58A is a high-output supercardioid dynamic vocal microphone designed for professional sound reinforcement and project studio recording. It maintains a true supercardioid pattern throughout its frequency range. This insures high gain-before-feedback, maximum isolation from other sound sources, and minimum off-axis tone coloration. The Beta 58A has a shaped frequency response that is ideal for close-up vocals. The superb performance of this microphone is not affected by rough handling, because of rugged construction, proven shock mount system, and hardened steel mesh grille help protect it from damage. Typical applications for the Beta 58A include lead vocals, backup vocals, and speech."

  • "Cut for active wear, these pure cotton canvas pants might be the most durable and comfortable trousers you'll ever wear. Washable faux suede trim on back pockets and D-ring add durability and extended wear. Available in brown, green, khaki, or stone. Washable. Imported."

Pricing and Shipping

Research the competition as you develop a compelling price point. Do not forget to take shipping costs into account as well. Buyers consistently see shipping costs as the main issue when deciding to make an online purchase. Offering free shipping can significantly increase your sales. In particular, think about inexpensive items. A $5 shipping charge on $5 to $10 worth of merchandise is not very compelling.

You also need to clearly communicate your shipping policy -- both charges and delivery times. Use the "Your Info & Policies" feature to add to the information you provide in your "Shipping Settings".

