

Shopify 模板提供以下附加功能:

  • 每个页面上的分区 - 自定义在线商店大多数页面上的内容。添加、重新排列或删除分区和块,以创建独特的页面布局。

  • 增强的应用支持 - 安装或更改应用,而无需修改任何代码。使用应用块和应用嵌入可在模板中的任意位置添加应用功能。您可以浏览应用产品系列以查找可与您的在线商店无缝集成的应用。

  • 使用动态源使内容更丰富 - 通过将设置连接到动态源,向您模板的任何设置中添加动态的专门化信息。动态源可以是资源属性或元字段值。

  • 产品系列筛选 - 允许客户按是否有货、价格等条件筛选商店中的产品系列。

您可以使用模板编辑器从 Shopify 后台自定义模板设置。如果模板中的设置没有涵盖您想进行的更改,则可以编辑您的模板代码。



在 Shopify 模板商店中查找适合您业务的模板。模板商店提供了各种可添加到在线商店的模板。它包含 Shopify 开发的免费模板和第三方设计人员开发的付费模板。在购买付费模板之前,请确保您了解可用的支持类型。

访问 Shopify 模板商店


  • 查找合适的模板

  • 后续步骤


您可使用 Shopify 模板商店的搜索和筛选选项为您的在线商店找到合适的模板。


您可以使用 Shopify 模板商店中的顶栏搜索字段查找包含您所需功能的模板。




  • FAQ 页面

  • Instagram 源

  • 产品筛选

  • 快速购买

  • 相关产品

  • 搜索引擎优化

  • 粘性网站地图

  • 视频

  • 宽幅布局



当您浏览 Shopify 模板商店中的模板时,您可以使用页面顶部的下拉菜单,按产品系列或行业浏览模板。



  1. 转到 Shopify 模板商店。

  2. 在页面顶部,点击产品系列行业,然后选择类别。

  3. 若要优化搜索结果,请使用侧边栏菜单上的筛选器。





A theme controls the organization, features, and style of your online store. Different themes have different styles and layouts, and offer a different experience for your customers. For example, if you're selling spa products, then you might want your online store to feel relaxed and luxurious. If you're selling electronics, then you might want your online store to look energetic and sleek.

Shopify themes offer the following additional features:

  • Sections on every page - Customize the content on most of your online store's pages. Add, rearrange, or remove sections and blocks to create unique page layouts.

  • Enhanced app support - Install or change apps without touching any code. Add app functionality anywhere in your theme by using app blocks and app embeds. You can browse the app collection to find apps that integrate seamlessly with your online store.

  • Richer content using dynamic sources - Add dynamic, specialized information to any setting in your theme by connecting the setting to a dynamic source. A dynamic source can be a resource attribute or a metafield value.

  • Collection filtering - Allow customers to filter collections in your store by availability, price, and more.

You can customize your theme settings from your Shopify admin by using the theme editor. If your theme doesn't have a setting for a change that you want to make, then you can edit your theme code.

When you make changes to your theme or switch to a new theme, it doesn't affect the other parts of your account. You can try different theme styles and settings without worrying about the rest of the content in your admin.

In this section

  • Choosing themes

  • Adding, previewing, and buying themes

  • Password protection for your online store

  • Customizing themes

  • Managing themes

  • Theme structure

  • Themes by Shopify

  • Theme support

Choosing themes

Find the right theme for your business in the Shopify Theme Store. The Theme Store offers a wide variety of themes that you can add to your online store. It includes free themes that are developed by Shopify and paid themes that are developed by third-party designers. Before you buy a paid theme, make sure that you understand what kind of support is available.

Visit the Shopify Theme Store

On this page

  • Find the right theme

  • Next steps

Find the right theme

You can use the Shopify Theme Store's search and filtering options to find the right theme for your online store.

Search by theme feature

You can find themes with the features that you're looking for by using the top bar search field on the Shopify Theme Store.

For example, if you search for "FAQ page", then you will see a search results page with all the themes that include an FAQ page.

To find themes that include specific features, click Search at the top of the page.

Examples of search terms that you can use include the following:

  • FAQ page

  • Instagram feed

  • Product filtering

  • Quick buy

  • Related products

  • Search engine optimization

  • Sticky navigation

  • Video

  • Wide layout

To refine your search results, use the filters on the sidebar menu.

Search by collection or industry

When you're browsing themes in the Shopify Theme Store, you can use the drop-down menus at the top of the page to browse themes by collection or industry.

You can sort by collection to see themes with a particular style, layout, or purpose. You can sort by industry to see themes that have been designed primarily for a particular industry. However, no theme is restricted to any industry. For example, a technology store could use a theme that is listed under "Art and photography".


  1. Go to the Shopify Theme Store.

  2. At the top of the page, click Collections or Industries, and then select a category.

  3. To refine your search results, use the filters on the sidebar menu.

Next steps

You can learn about adding, previewing, and buying themes for your online store in Adding, previewing, and buying themes.

