Shopify 提供有竞争力的费率和定价计划,帮助您找到符合您需求和预算的计划。
如果不确定选择哪种定价计划,欢迎注册以获取 14 天的免费试用期,从而了解 Shopify 的功能如何帮助您销售产品和开发业务。您随时可以升级套餐以向商店添加新的特色和功能。
Shopify 提供各种定价计划、账单周期、信用卡手续费等。
Shopify Plus
如果您想了解关于 Shopify Plus 套餐定价的信息,请联系shopify。
在查看 Basic Shopify、Shopify 和 Advanced Shopify 定价套餐时,您可以看到多种费率和费用,例如每月价格、信用卡手续费和交易费。即使您的商店位于美国境外,您也需要以美元结算。
每月价格是使用 Shopify 的定期订阅费用,根据您选择的套餐而有所不同。与您选择的套餐相关的价格包含在分配的账单周期结束时所发放的账单中。
Shopify 会向您收取少量费用,让您可以接受主流信用卡(如 Visa 和 Mastercard)作为您商店的付款方式。您无需向信用卡支付服务提供商支付任何费用。由于在线付款与当面付款的安全性和风险不同,因此,这些费用会因在线付款或通过 Shopify POS 付款而有所不同。
交易费是当您使用第三方支付 服务提供商来收取客户付款时为每次交易支付的费用。此费用包括 Shopify 与外部支付服务提供商集成的费用。与信用卡手续费一样,交易费根据您选择的套餐而有所不同。您可以通过激活 Shopify 自己的支付服务提供商 Shopify Payments 来避免支付交易费。
shopify 商户官网原文详情:
Pricing plans
Shopify offers competitive rates and pricing plans to help you find one that fits your needs and budget.
If you are unsure which pricing plan to choose, then register for a 14-day free trial to see how Shopify's features can help you to sell your products and build your business. You can always upgrade your plan to add new features and functionality to your store.
Pricing plans and billing overview
Shopify offers a variety of pricing plans, billing cycles, credit card rates, and more. For more information about billing, see Managing billing .
Shopify Plus
If you want information about Shopify Plus plan pricing, then contact us.
If you want to cancel your plan, then you need to pause or close your store.
Plan fees and charges
When you review the Basic Shopify, Shopify, and Advanced Shopify pricing plans, you can see multiple rates and fees, such as monthly price, credit card rates, and transaction fees. You are billed in US dollars even if your store is located outside of the US.
Monthly price
The monthly price is a recurring subscription charge for using Shopify, which varies depending on the plan you choose. The price associated with whichever plan you choose is included in the bill issued at the end of your assigned billing cycle.
If you sign up for a one, two, or three year billing cycle, then you can receive a discount on your subscription charge.
Subscription charges are non-refundable. For more information, see Shopify's terms of service.
Credit card rates
Shopify charges you a small fee to allow you to accept major credit cards, such as Visa and Mastercard, as payment in your store. You don't pay any fees to the credit card payment provider itself. These fees vary for online and Shopify POS due to the security and risk of taking a payment online versus taking a payment in person.
Credit card rates vary depending on the plan that you choose.
Credit card transaction fees aren't returned to you when you issue a refund.
Transaction fees
Transaction fees are charges that apply for each transaction if you use a third-party payment provider to take customer payments. This fee covers the charge for Shopify to integrate with an external payment provider. Like credit card rates, transaction fees vary depending on the plan that you choose. You can avoid transaction fees by activat ing Shopify Payments, which is Shopify's own payment provider.
If you're located in Austria, Belgium, or Sweden, then you're only charged transaction fees on orders processed through a third-party payment provider.