
您可以通过添加自定义 logo 和网站图标、产品图片、幻灯片、横幅、博客文章图片和库存图片来自定义在线商店。您可以上传您自己的图片,或使用 Burst 中的免费图库照片。


Shopify Hatchful 是 Shopify 创建的一款免费工具,可用于自己制作 logo。logo 对于商店品牌推广有着重要的作用,并且有助于为客户创造一致的体验。

创建新 logo 后,您可以在各种位置中使用,例如模板、订单通知和社交媒体文章中。

创建 logo


  1. 打开 Hatchful 工具。

  2. 点击开始

  3. 选择与您商店最相关的业务类型。单击下一步

  4. 选择您希望 logo 呈现的视觉效果。您可以选择多个选项。点击下一步

  5. 输入您的公司名称,如果您的公司有标语,也可以一并输入。这样做可将这两项内容都添加到 logo 中。点击下一步

  6. 选择计划使用 logo 的位置。选择所有适用选项。单击下一步

  7. 点击您认为最适合您业务的 logo。您可以在下一屏幕上自定义该 logo。

  8. 使用侧边菜单编辑 logo 的各个方面,例如措辞、字体和颜色。点击下一步

  9. 点击下载 logo



  1. 启动 Hatchful 应用。

  2. 点击与您商店最相关的业务类型。

  3. 点击与您商店最相关的品牌价值观。您可以选择多个选项。点击继续

  4. 输入您的公司名称,如果您的公司有标语,也可以一并输入。这样做可将这两项内容都添加到 logo 中。点击继续

  5. 选择计划使用 logo 的位置。选择所有适用选项。点击继续

  6. 点击您认为最适合您业务的 logo。您可以在下一屏幕上自定义该 logo。

  7. 点击 logo 下方的选项以编辑 logo 的各个方面,例如措辞、字体和颜色。点击完成

  8. 点击下载图标。

如果您在上述任何步骤中改变了注意,点击返回箭头即可返回上一屏幕。点击 ... > 创建新 logo 即可重新开始。


  1. 启动 Hatchful 应用。

  2. 点击与您商店最相关的业务类型。点击下一步

  3. 点击与您商店最相关的品牌价值观。您可以选择多个选项。点击下一步

  4. 输入您的公司名称,如果您的公司有标语,也可以一并输入。这样做可将这两项内容都添加到 logo 中。点击下一步

  5. 选择计划使用 logo 的位置。选择所有适用选项。点击下一步

  6. 点击您认为最适合您业务的 logo。您可以在下一屏幕上自定义该 logo。

  7. 点击 logo 下方的选项以编辑 logo 的各个方面,例如措辞、字体和颜色。点击 

  8. 点击下载图标。

如果您在上述任何步骤中改变了注意,点击返回箭头即可返回上一屏幕。点击  > 创建新 logo 即可重新开始。

Hatchful 常见问题解答

是否可将我自己的图片、logo 或其他资产导入 Hatchful?

不可以。但我们将不断向 Hatchful 中增加更多图片、设计和其他资产。

是否可将我的 logo 设置为不同的文件格式?

我们以 PNG 格式发送 logo 文件。但是,如果您想更改 logo 文件格式,则可以使用图片编辑应用执行此操作。

是否可保存我的 logo 并在以后继续编辑?

如果您使用 Web 版 Hatchful,则您下载 logo 后所收到的电子邮件中会包含用于编辑 logo 的链接。


Online store images

You can customize your online store by adding a custom logo and favicon, product images, slideshows, banners, blog post images, and stock images. You can upload your own images, or use free stock photos from Burst.


Hatchful by Shopify is a free tool created by Shopify that allows you to create your own logo. Logos are an important part of branding your store. They help build a cohesive experience for your customers.

After creating your new logo, you can use it in various places, such as your theme, order notifications, and social media posts.

Create a logo


  1. Open the Hatchful tool.

  2. Click GET STARTED.

  3. Choose the type of business that you most associate with your store. Click NEXT.

  4. Choose the visual style that you want for your logo. You can choose more than one option. Click NEXT.

  5. Enter in your business name, if your business has a slogan you can type that as well. Doing so adds both to your logo. Click NEXT.

  6. Choose where you plan to use your logo. Select all the options that apply. Click NEXT.

  7. Click the logo that you think is most suitable for your business. You can customize the logo on the next screen.

  8. Use the side menu to edit aspects of your logo, such as the wording, fonts, and colors. Click NEXT.


If you change your mind during any of these steps, click BACK to return to the previous page.


  1. Open the Hatchful tool.

  2. Click GET STARTED.

  3. Choose the type of business that you most associate with your store. Click NEXT.

  4. Choose the visual style that you want for your logo. You can choose more than one option. Click NEXT.

  5. Enter in your business name, if your business has a slogan you can type that as well. Doing so adds both to your logo. Click NEXT.

  6. Choose where you plan to use your logo. Select all the options that apply. Click NEXT.

  7. Click the logo that you think is most suitable for your business. You can customize the logo on the next screen.

  8. Use the side menu to edit aspects of your logo, such as the wording, fonts, and colors. Click NEXT.


If you change your mind during any of these steps, click BACK to return to the previous page.


  1. Launch the Hatchful app.

  2. Tap the type of business that you most associate with your store. Tap NEXT.

  3. Tap the brand values that you most associate with your store. You can choose more than one option. Tap NEXT.

  4. Enter in your business name, if your business has a slogan you can type that as well. Doing so adds both to your logo. Tap NEXT.

  5. Choose where you plan to use your logo. Select all the options that apply. Tap NEXT.

  6. Tap the logo that you think is most suitable for your business. You can customize the logo on the next screen.

  7. Tap on the options below your logo to edit aspects of your logo, such as the wording, fonts, and colors. Tap .

  8. Tap the download icon.

If you change your mind during any of these steps, tap the Back arrow to return to the previous screen. Tap  > Create new logo to start again.

Hatchful FAQ

Can I import my own images, logos, or other assets into Hatchful?

No. But we are continuously adding more images, designs, and other assets to Hatchful.

Can I get my logo in different file formats?

We send logo files in PNG format. However, if you want to change your logo file format, then you can do it using an image editing app.

Can I save my logo and continue to work on it later?

If you use the web version of Hatchful, then the email you receive after downloading your logo contains a link to edit your logo.

