
在自定义并保存标签布局后,您可以从 Shopify 导出的 CSV 文件中选择要添加到标签对象的信息。将产品信息添加到标签布局后,即可打印条码标签。


  1. 在 Dymo Label 软件的文件菜单中,将鼠标悬停在导入数据并打印上,然后点击新建

  2. 在出现开始使用对话框时,点击下一步

  3. 点击浏览,选择从 Shopify 导出的 CSV 文件。

  4. 找到并双击 CSV 文件名(例如,ProductLabels.csv)。

  5. 请确保标签预览显示您使用条码和文本标签对象设计的布局。如果要使用其他布局,请点击更改布局...以浏览预设和已保存的布局,然后双击要使用的布局。

  6. 点击下一步。您可看到 CSV 数据显示在布局和预览窗口下方的数据字段部分中。

  7. 选中将首行用作字段名称复选框。

  8. 点击标签布局中的文本字段,然后点击数据字段部分中的列标头以填充文本字段。例如,点击标签布局中的条码标签对象,然后点击 CSV 数据字段中的条码列标题。

  1. 根据需要为其他标签对象重复这些步骤。您可在预览窗口预览您的工作成果。

  1. 为所有标签对象分配字段名称后,点击下一步

  2. 使用复选框来选择要打印的产品条码标签。

  3. 请确保选择 DYMO LabelWriter 打印机,然后点击打印

更新 Dymo Label 软件

Retail Barcode Printer 应用仅适用于 Dymo Label 软件 8.7.3 版及更高版本。

若要更新 Dymo Label 软件,请执行以下步骤:


  1. 下载最新版本的 Dymo Label 软件。

  2. 运行安装程序并按照安装提示操作。

  3. 如果显示已阻止系统扩展程序的安全提示,请点击打开安全性偏好设置。在安全和隐私视图中,点击通用选项卡,然后点击允许


  1. 下载最新版本的 Dymo Label 软件。

  2. 运行安装程序并按照安装提示操作。

  3. 如果显示已阻止系统扩展程序的安全提示,请点击打开安全性偏好设置。在安全和隐私视图中,点击通用选项卡,然后点击允许

对 Dymo Label 软件进行故障排除

如果您在使用 Dymo Label 软件打印条码标签时遇到问题,请在对打印机设置进行故障排除后尝试以下步骤:

  • 尝试增加宽度时出错

  • 无法扫描自定义条码标签

如果您在对 Dymo Label 软件进行故障排除后仍然遇到问题,请联系 Shopify 支持团队。





  • 大:40 个字符

  • 中等尺寸:22 个字符

  • 小:8 个字符

  • 超小:12 个字符。



如果您无法扫描使用 Dymo Label 软件打印的自定义条码标签,请检查您在打印自定义标签时是否选择了 CSV 文件中的条码列。


Print your customized barcode labels

After you've customized and saved your label layout, you can select which information to add to the label objects from the CSV file you exported from Shopify. When you've added your products' information to the label layout, you are ready to print your barcode labels.


  1. From the File menu in the Dymo Label software, hover over Import data and print, and then click New.

  2. When the Getting Started dialog appears, click Next.

  3. Click Browse to choose the CSV file that was exported from Shopify.

  4. Find and doule-click the CSV file name (for example, ProductLabels.csv).

  5. Make sure that the label preview shows the layout you designed with the barcode and text label objects. If you want to use a different layout, then click Change layout... to browse the preset and saved layouts, and double-click the one you want to use.

  6. Click Next. You'll see the CSV data appear in the Date fields section below the layout and preview windows.

  7. Check the Use first row as field names checkbox.

  8. Click a text field in your label layout, then click a column header in the Data fields section to populate the text field. For example, click the barcode label object in your label layout, then click the barcode column heading in your CSV data fields.

  1. Repeat as necessary for your other label objects. You can see a preview of your work in the Preview window.

  1. When you've assigned field names to all your label objects, click Next.

  2. Use the checkboxes to select which product barcode labels you want to print.

  3. Make sure the DYMO LabelWriter printer is selected, then click Print.

Update the Dymo Label software

The Retail Barcode Printer app works only with the Dymo Label software version 8.7.3 and up.

To update the Dymo Label software, do the following steps:


  1. Download the latest version of the Dymo Label software.

  2. Run the installer and follow the installation prompts.

  3. If the security prompt System Extension Blocked is displayed, then click Open Security Preferences. In the Security and Privacy view, click the General tab and then click Allow.


  1. Download the latest version of the Dymo Label software.

  2. Run the installer and follow the installation prompts.

Troubleshooting the Dymo Label software

If you're having trouble printing barcode labels with the Dymo Label software, then try these steps after troubleshooting your printer setup:

  • Try to increase width error

  • Can't scan custom barcodes labels

If you're still having trouble after troubleshooting the Dymo Label software, then contact Shopify Support.

Try to increase width error

If you get a Try to increase width error, then the barcode is too big for the label. You can resize the barcode object on your layout to make the barcode object wider on the label.

If you have made the barcode object as wide as possible and you still see the Try to increase width error, then you need to use a larger label size.

The following maximum number of characters fit on each barcode label size.

  • Large: 40 characters

  • Medium: 22 characters

  • Small: 8 characters

  • X-Small: 12 characters.

If you use letters or symbols in your barcodes, then these characters take up more space on the label than numbers.

Can't scan custom barcode labels

If you can't scan the custom barcode labels that you printed with the Dymo Label software, then check that you selected the barcode column in the CSV file when you printed your customized labels.

