使用 CSV 文件导出或导入库存(Shopify 后台)

如果您只有一个地点,则可以导出一份包含此地点库存数量的库存 CSV 文件。如果您有多个地点,则可以导出一份包含所有地点库存数量的库存 CSV 文件。您可以将此导出的 CSV 文件用作模板来更新库存数量。然后,您可以导入此 CSV 文件来更新 Shopify 中每个产品的库存数量。

库存 CSV 文件格式

库存 CSV 文件包含唯一标识您所在位置的产品和产品多属性及其库存数量的信息。它与您在 Shopify 中使用的其他 CSV 文件类似,但包含不同的列。

如果您计划导入您的库存数量,则需要创建具有以下列的 CSV 文件:

  • Handle - handle 是每个产品的唯一名称。它们可以包含字母、短划线和数字,但不能包含空格。每个产品的 URL 中都使用一个 handle。

  • Title - 标题列是选填的。如果包含它,则可以将值留空。

  • Option1 Name - 如果某个产品有选项,请输入选项名称。例如,Color。如果产品没有选项,应将此设置为 Title

  • Option1 Value - 如果某个产品有选项,请输入选项值。例如,Black。对于不含选项的产品,则应将此设置为 Default Title

  • Option2 Name - 如上所述,但可以留空。

  • Option2 Value - 如上所述,但可以留空。

  • Option3 Name - 如上所述,但可以留空。

  • Option3 Value - 如上所述,但可以留空。

  • SKU SKU 列是选填的。如果包含它,则可以将值留空。目前在 Shopify 中,SKU 不需要是唯一的。

  • <Name of location> - 列名称指定的地点中的库存量。


    数字可以是正数、负数或零。您也可以输入 Not stocked,表示该产品从未存放在该地点。

要唯一标识多属性,请指定 HandleOption1 ValueOption2 Value 和 Option3 Value 列的值。

您的库存 CSV 文件必须采用正确的格式,并且需要具有 .csv 文件扩展名。


您可以导出库存 CSV 文件,以创建一个模板(该模板包含该地点的唯一标识的产品或产品多属性)或导出库存数量以供在其他系统或过程中使用。


  1. 转至产品 > 库存

  2. 点击导出

  3. 指定要导出的行。

  4. 点击导出库存


在导入库存之前,请确保已创建文件格式正确的 CSV 文件。




  1. 转至产品 > 库存

  2. 点击导入

  3. 选择 CSV 文件。

  4. 点击导入库存

  5. 验证要导入的内容,然后点击开始导入


Exporting or importing inventory with a CSV file (Shopify admin)

If you have a single location, then you can export an inventory CSV file that contains your inventory quantities at that location. If you have multiple locations, then you can export an inventory CSV file that contains your inventory quantities from all of them. You can use that exported CSV file as a template to update the inventory quantities. Then you can import the CSV file to update Shopify with the inventory quantities for each product.

Inventory CSV file format

The inventory CSV file contains information that uniquely identifies products and product variants and their inventory quantities at your location. It's similar to other CSV files that you use with Shopify, but has different columns.

If you plan to import your inventory amounts, then you need to create a CSV file that has the following columns:

  • Handle - Handles are unique names for each product. They can contain letters, dashes, and numbers, but no spaces. A handle is used in the URL for each product.

  • Title - The Title column is optional. If you include it, then the values can be left blank.

  • Option1 Name - If a product has an option, then enter its name. For example, Color. If a product has no options, then this should be set to Title.

  • Option1 Value - If a product has an option, then enter its value. For example, Black. For products that have no options, this should be set to Default Title.

  • Option2 Name - As above, but can be left blank.

  • Option2 Value - As above, but can be left blank.

  • Option3 Name - As above, but can be left blank.

  • Option3 Value - As above, but can be left blank.

  • SKU - The SKU column is optional. If you include it, then the values can be left blank. Currently in Shopify, SKUs do not need to be unique.

  • <Name of location> - The amount of inventory in the location specified by the column name.

    The column heading is case sensitive and must be the name of one of your locations. Include a column for each location where you want to update inventory. Remove any other location columns and headings.

    The number can be positive, negative, or 0. You can also enter Not stocked to indicate that the product is never stocked at the location.

To uniquely identify a variant, specify values for the HandleOption1 ValueOption2 Value, and Option3 Value columns.

Your inventory CSV file must be in the correct format and needs to have a .csv file extension.

Export inventory

You can export an inventory CSV file either to create a template that contains your uniquely identified products or product variants for the location, or to export the inventory quantities for use in other systems or processes.


  1. Go to Products > Inventory.

  2. Click Export.

  3. Specify the rows that you want to export.

  4. Click Export inventory.

Import inventory

Before you import inventory, make sure that you have created a CSV file in the correct file format.

The import procedure updates (overwrites) inventory quantities only. It doesn’t create a location or update the values that identify products.

Importing inventory quantities overwrites your inventory data, so you should import your inventory only when other inventory adjustments, such as ongoing sales or manual changes, aren’t taking place.


  1. Go to Products > Inventory.

  2. Click Import.

  3. Choose your CSV file.

  4. Click Import inventory.

  5. Verify what you intend to import, and then click Start import.

