如果您采用多种货币进行销售,则需要支付常规的 Shopify Payments 手续费和货币转换费。
Shopify Payments 费用
获取订单的付款时,您需要支付用于处理付款的 Shopify Payments 费用。此费用取决于所使用的信用卡类型(例如,VISA 卡的费用有时可能与 American Express 的费用不同)以及信用卡的注册地点:
付款手续费(国内)- 处理在您商店所在的国家/地区或区域签发的信用卡的费用。
付款手续费(跨境)- 处理不在与您商店关联的国家/地区或区域签发的信用卡的费用。
如果您使用 Shopify Payments,则无需为订单支付交易手续费。如果您停用 Shopify Payments 并启用外部支付服务提供商,则需要为以后的订单支付第三方交易手续费。此交易手续费取决于您商店的 Shopify 订阅套餐。
货币转换率 - 一种货币兑换为另一种货币的市场汇率。转换率并不是一种费用(它是一种中间市场价格,没有任何加价)。例如,美元/欧元的转换率为
,这表示 1 美元可兑换为 0.87 欧元。货币转换费 - Shopify 在您获取付款时对转换货币收取的费用。发放退款时,不会退还货币转换费和信用卡费,但在发放退款或收到拒付时,不会向您收取额外的转换费。转换费取决于您的商店所在的主要国家/地区:
Fees and costs
When you sell in multiple currencies you're charged the regular Shopify Payments processing fee and a currency conversion fee.
You can find the fee values in your Terms of Service.
You can view a breakdown of how each product price is calculated for each market.
Shopify Payments fee
When you capture the payment for an order, you're charged a Shopify Payments fee to cover the cost of processing the payment. This fee depends on the type of credit card that is used (for example, the fee for a VISA card can sometimes be different from the fee for an American Express card) and the location where the credit card is registered:
Payment processing fees (Domestic) - The cost to process credit cards that are issued in the same country or region as your store.
Payment processing fees (Cross border) - The cost to process credit cards that are issued in a country or region that is different from the one that is associated with your store.
Third-party transaction fee
You're charged third-party transaction fees for all transactions that aren't processed through Shopify Payments.
When you use Shopify Payments, you aren't charged third-party transaction fees for orders processed through Shopify Payments or Paypal Express, and you aren't charged transaction fees on manual payment methods such as cash, COD, and bank transfers.
If you deactivate Shopify Payments and enable an external payment provider, then going forward, you're charged third-party transaction fees for your orders. The transaction fees are determined by your store's Shopify subscription plan.
Conversion rate and fee
When you accept payment in a currency that is different from your payout currency, then a currency conversion occurs. The amount that you receive in your customer's local currency (also referred to as the presentment currency) is converted to your payout currency, and you're charged a currency conversion fee:
Currency conversion rate - The market rate at which one currency is exchanged for another. The conversion rate is not a fee (it's a mid-market rate, without any markup). For example, a conversion rate of USD/EUR
means that $1 USD is exchanged for €0.87 EUR.Currency conversion fee - The fee that Shopify charges to convert currencies when you capture a payment. Currency conversion fees and credit card fees aren't returned to you when you issue a refund, but you're not charged additional conversion fees when you issue a refund or when you receive a chargeback. The conversion fee is based on your store's primary country:
1.5% in the US
2% in all other countries and regions with Shopify Payments
The currency conversion rate and fee appear on your payout details. After the currency conversion fee has been calculated, it's included in your customer's price.