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英国脱欧过渡期已于 2020 年 12 月 31 日结束。因此,从 2021 年 1 月 1 日起,新的法律适用于英国与欧盟之间的销售。详细了解对您企业的影响

自 2020 年 12 月起,设置英国税费的方法已发生变化。

  • 如果您不熟悉 Shopify,请参阅设置英国税费

  • 如果您已在使用 Shopify,请参阅英国基于登记的税费

  • 如果您想详细了解英国脱欧对您的业务有何影响,请参阅英国税费和英国脱欧

如果您的业务位于英国境内,并且您想向欧盟范围内的国家/地区销售产品,则需要向其税务机构注册增值税 (VAT) 号。使用增值税号,您可以根据客户所在的地点向欧盟范围内的客户收取 VAT。您还可以为具有特殊税率的产品设置手动税费。

您可以使用 Shopify 自动收取税费,但您不能使用 Shopify 为您汇出或提交税费。当您知道您需要在哪些区域负责收取税费时,您可以按照本指南进行操作,确保您已将 Shopify 商店配置为收取正确的税费。


  • 英国基于登记的税费

  • 设置英国税费

  • 针对北爱尔兰设置税费

  • 管理英国税费

  • 英国税费和英国脱欧


UK taxes

As of December 2020, the method for setting up UK taxes has changed.

  • If you're new to Shopify, then refer to Setting up UK taxes.

  • If you already use Shopify, then refer to Registration-based taxes in the UK.

  • If you want more information on how Brexit affects your business, then refer to UK taxes and Brexit.

If your business is based in the United Kingdom, and you want to sell to countries within the EU, then you need to register with their tax authorities for a value-added tax (VAT) number. The VAT number allows you to charge VAT to your customers in the EU, based on their location. You can set up tax overrides for products that have special tax rates.

You can use Shopify to automate charging taxes, but you can't use Shopify to remit or file your taxes for you. When you know where you're responsible for charging taxes, you can follow this guide to make sure that you've configured your Shopify store to charge the correct rates.

In this section

  • Registration-based taxes in the UK

  • Setting up UK taxes

  • Setting up taxes in Northern Ireland

  • Manage your UK taxes

  • UK taxes and Brexit

