中文的书信,都是在称呼后面跟冒号,然后另起一段写正文。英文则不然,称呼后都是紧跟逗号的,这是英文跟中文的差别,不论前面加的是 Dear,Hi还是 Hello,后面跟名字,又或者直呼其名,都用逗号作为标点符号隔开。

只有一种情况例外,当不知道对方收件人是谁,或者写给对方公司任何一个看邮件的人,以“敬启者”作为称呼,英文是“To Whom It May Con-cern”,后面是需要接冒号的。如:

To whom it may concern :

This is Nicole from ABC Trading ,LC. It has come to my attention that your company is involved in the retail of ceramic plates.

Could you please advise the contact info for your purchasing department? I could sen d you our quotes accordingly.

Yours sincerely ,


ABC Trading, LLC

