

您在进口货物到欧盟时,需要遵守欧盟的海关法规,以及欧盟国家/地区适用于进口事务的法律法规。请注意,未经授权,您不得以 Amazon EU S.à r.l 或其他任何亚马逊子公司或下属机构的名义(统称为“亚马逊”,其公司名称统称为“亚马逊名称”)进口货物,或在您的发货单证的任何位置提及亚马逊。否则,您的货件可能会被退回其来源地、丢弃或弃置(具体由运送您货物的承运人或货运代理自行决定),且相关费用由您承担。




  • 发票开具日期。

  • 出口商或发货人(卖家或生产厂家)的全名和地址。

  • 发货人的联系人姓名、公司名称、地址和税号。

  • 收货人地址。 提供公司的法定名称,后接“c/o FBA”。 然后,您可以在下方写上货物将要发往的亚马逊运营中心的地址。然而,亚马逊并没有授权您在这个地址中包括任何“亚马逊”字眼。请参阅以下示例。

  • 海关登记进口商: 提供贵公司或欧盟进口代理人的法定名称,随附完整的联系信息,经济营运者注册和识别号 (EORI) 及进口国家/地区的增值税注册号(参见下面的示例)。发货前,应确保贵公司或代理人可以满足在该进口国家/地区作为海关登记进口商的所有条件。如将此信息留空,也可能导致货件被拒收或退货。

    重要: 亚马逊明确禁止将亚马逊的名称(包括其运营中心的名称)用作任何亚马逊物流库存货件的海关登记进口商。任何试图以亚马逊作为海关登记进口商的亚马逊物流库存货件,无一例外将被拒收并退回给发货人,且相关费用由发货人承担。 如将此信息留空,也可能导致货件被拒收或退货。

[卖家法定名称] c/o FBA

1401 Rue Du Champ Rouge

45770 Saran, France

[卖家法定名称] 或 [卖家的法人代表名称]

1234 Rue de Lyon

9876 Paris, France

EORI: XY123456789

VAT ID: YX87654321


  • 亚马逊物流货件编号(亚马逊物流证明)。这是您使用亚马逊卖家账户创建货件时收到的编码。如果出现海关问题,这将确保亚马逊可以快速确定货件是否属于亚马逊物流。如果您在卖家平台的“亚马逊物流货件编号”中未包含“FBA”,请在发票上的显要位置添加该字样。

  • 已开发票的货物的详细描述。除其他必填信息外,还需要包括:

    • 协调关税表代码(HTS 代码)

    • 商品数量

    • 每件商品的价值。对于没有商业价值的样品或商品,为清关目的必须标注名义价值或公允市价

    • 货件中所有商品的总价值

  • 交易货币





亚马逊运营中心对于接收的货件设有相关要求,包含托拍的尺寸和运货至运营中心的卡车类型。 了解这些要求和最佳实践,有助于避免在向亚马逊运营中心运输库存以及向买家配送的过程中出现延误。








意大利Ufficio Italiano Brevetti e Marchi(意大利专利和商标局)意大利语
西班牙Propiedad Intelectual(知识产权)西班牙语





有关更多信息,请参阅: 国际卖家重要须知。


European regulatory considerations


When you import goods into the European Union (EU), you will need to comply with EU customs laws, as well as laws and regulations that are applicable to the EU country of import. Please note that you are not authorized to import your goods in the name of Amazon EU S.à r.l. or any other Amazon subsidiary or affiliate (indistinctly referred to as "Amazon" and its corporate name as an "Amazon name") or to reference Amazon anywhere in your shipping documentation. Otherwise, your shipments may be returned to their origin, abandoned, or disposed of at your cost, at the discretion of the carrier or freight forwarder carrying your goods.

Importation regulations may differ between countries in the EU and will depend on the mode of shipping you choose. Therefore, you should strongly consider hiring a logistics provider, such as a customs broker or freight forwarder, to handle the importation process for your company and help you understand all applicable requirements.

Commercial invoice

When your goods are ready to be shipped from your facility, manufacturer, or distributor, the shipper prepares the commercial invoice. It is critical that the commercial invoice be accurate to avoid delays in clearing customs. The following information must be included on the commercial invoice when importing goods into an EU country:

  • Invoice issue date.

  • The complete name and address of the exporter or shipper (seller or manufacturer).

  • The shipper's contact name, company name, address, and tax ID number.

  • Ship-to address. Provide the legal name of your company, followed by "c/o FBA." Below this, you may use the address of the Amazon fulfillment center to which your goods should be delivered. Amazon does not, however, authorize you to include any Amazon name in this address. Please see the example below.

  • Importer of record: Provide the legal name of your company or EU import representative, along with full contact details, Economic Operators' Registration and Identification number (EORI) and VAT registration number for the country of import (example below). Prior to shipping, you should consider ensuring that your company or representative can fulfill all criteria to act as importer of record in the country of import. Leaving this information blank also can result in your shipment being refused and returned.

    Important: Amazon expressly prohibits the use of an Amazon name, including a fulfillment center's name, as the importer of record for any shipment of FBA inventory. Any FBA inventory shipment attempting to make entry with an Amazon name as the importer of record will be refused and returned at the shipper's expense —no exceptions. Leaving this information blank also can result in your shipment being refused and returned.

Example "Ship to/Deliver to" fieldExample "Importer of record" field
[Seller legal name] c/o FBA

1401 Rue du Champ Rouge

45770 Saran, France

[Seller legal name] or [Seller's representative legal name]

1234 Rue de Lyon

9876 Paris, France

EORI: XY123456789

VAT ID: YX87654321

Please note the differences in addresses. The "Ship-to" address includes the Amazon fulfillment center, while the "Importer of record" address includes the seller's or seller representative's registered address.

  • FBA Shipment ID (FBA reference). This is the number you receive when you create the shipment in your Amazon seller account. This ensures that Amazon can quickly identify the shipment as belonging to FBA if customs questions arise. If your FBA Shipment ID in Seller Central does not contain "FBA," please add it in a visible place on the invoice.

  • Detailed description of the goods invoiced. Includes, among other required elements, the following:

    • Harmonized Tariff Schedule Code (HTS Code)

    • Product quantity

    • Value of each product. For samples or products with no commercial value, a nominal or fair-market value must be stated for customs purposes

    • Total value of all products in a shipment

  • Currency of the transaction

Additional information may also be required. These requirements are subject to change. It is your responsibility to determine and comply with import requirements.

Depending on the type of product, there may be additional certificates and licenses required for import. These can include a Declaration of Conformity, test reports or leather certificates.

Please check with your logistics provider or customs broker to ensure that you have the complete documentation needed to import into the EU destination country.

Delivery best practices

Amazon fulfillment centers have requirements for the shipments they receive, including the size of the pallets and the type of truck that can deliver to the fulfillment center. Paying attention to these requirements and best practices will help avoid delays in getting your inventory to the fulfillment center and into your customers' hands.

Using standard postal services

Using postal services such as China Post, Royal Mail, Parcelforce, and Deutsche Post to send your shipments to Amazon fulfillment centers is not recommended. Postal services may have different importer of record requirements for their shipments than for freight or express carrier shipments. It is possible that by using postal services to ship your goods, you could not ship to an Amazon fulfillment center as the IOR. If you are considering a postal service as a shipping option, you should consider sending the shipment to the address of your representative in the country of import and, after the shipment is delivered, forward the goods to the Amazon fulfillment center address. Prior to shipping, you may want to check with the postal service that your company or representative can be the importer of record.

Intellectual property rights

You should ensure that you have all intellectual property rights (such as patents, trademarks, or copyrights) necessary for listing your products in the EU or selling them cross-border within the EU. You may need to have the permission of the brand owner to sell their products in a given EU member state in order to avoid an infringement of intellectual property rights (as in the case where your license to the intellectual property is only valid for a specific country). In particular, your products must not be counterfeit or illegal parallel imports.

You should investigate the law governing intellectual property for every country where you want to list your products because your rights in intellectual property may only be valid for a particular country.

In addition, you may want to protect your own intellectual property in the EU.

Other resources

United KingdomIntellectual Property OfficeEnglish
German Patent and Trade Mark OfficeEnglish
ItalyUfficio Italiano Brevetti e MarchiItalian
SpainPropiedad IntelectualSpanish

