注意: 由于货件量增加,完成货件入库所需的时间可能比平时更长。我们无法手动加快货件入库流程,销售伙伴支持团队没有更进一步的指导信息。
注意: 您可以在货件中包含的包装箱数量因您使用的配送方式而异。
通过合作承运人运送的小包裹快递 (SPD): 限 200 个包装箱。
通过非合作承运人运送的小包裹快递 (SPD): 限 500 个包装箱。
汽运零担 (LTL) 货件: 限 5,000 个包装箱。
重要: 如果您想要更改已批准的货件计划,则必须在开始运送此计划内的任何货件之前删除整个货件计划。否则,您需要将货件计划中指定的商品按照指定的数量运送到指定的目的地。
关闭货件与取消货件不同。当运营中心接收完所有商品并且货件没有其他活动时,货件将关闭。一旦接收完所有商品,亚马逊运营中心系统将自动指定此状态。部分货件可能保留打开状态长达 90 天以等待审核、调查或申诉。您可以通过【一览】页面的【货件差异查询】选项卡查看货件状态、识别问题并调整货件。
提示: 请务必遵循亚马逊货件包装要求,以防在运输过程中发生商品损坏。有关更多信息,请参阅运输和路线安排要求。
对于使用箱子包装且单独贴标配送的商品,请参阅本页面上的【小包裹快递 (SPD)】 部分。
对于堆叠在托拍上的箱子,请参阅本页面上的【汽运零担或整车运输 (LTL/FTL)】 部分。
重要: 创建货件时,请确保您为货件选择了正确的配送方式。使用不一致的配送方式或承运人,或多种配送方式或多个承运人发送货件可能会在请求送货预约时遇到问题,也可能在取件时被拒。有关小包裹快递和汽运零担/整车运输配送预约的更多信息,请参阅安排提前送货预约。
小包裹快递 (SPD)
小包裹快递 (SPD) 是指使用单独贴标的配送箱包装进行商品配送。通常这些是通过 DHL、UPS、FedEx 或当地邮政服务发送的小型货件。
重量不得超过 50.00 磅,除非其中包含单件重量超过 50.00 磅的大件商品
任何一侧的长度均不得超过 25.00 英寸,除非其中包含单件尺寸超过 25.00 英寸的大件商品
重要: 我们对包装箱的重量和尺寸执行严格的管理政策。将超重或超大包装箱运送到运营中心可能会导致我们阻止您今后向运营中心运送货件。
提示: 合作承运人货件的最低收费起重为 1 磅。对于重量小于 1 磅的货件,按 1 磅收取最低费用。
在【预处理货件】页面上选择【小包裹快递 (SPD)】 和首选承运人。
重要: 您应该选择最长运输段的配送模式。例如,如果您从中国采购库存并通过海运集装箱将库存运输到美国,则应选择【海运】。
在【货件包装】下,提供有关每个箱子内物品的准确信息,包括每个箱子中每个 ASIN 的数量、箱子的所需重量和尺寸以及任何相关的有效期/保质期。有关更多信息,请参阅提供箱内物品信息。点击【确认】。
重要: 如果您不提供准确的箱内物品信息,我们可能会阻止您今后运送货件,并将收取人工处理费。
如果您使用的是亚马逊合作承运人,添加完箱子后,请点击【计算】来估算运费。 选择【我同意这些条款和条件】,然后点击【接受收费】
。重要: 如果您在接受收费之后想要更改配送方式或取消入库计划,您可以点击【取消费用】以获得该货件的运费退款。小包裹快递 (SPD) 必须在提交货件请求后的 24 小时内并且您开始配送其中任何货件之前取消。
选择标签纸并点击【打印货箱标签】。 此时将为您生成一个 PDF 文件。您可以使用 Adobe Acrobat Reader 将其打开并立即打印标签,也可以保存该文件,稍后打印标签。请确保打印全套标签。如果您选择了亚马逊合作承运人,则您货件中的每个箱子上应有两个标签:一个供承运人查看的地址标签,以及一个亚马逊物流货件标签,其中包含运营中心用以核实箱子到达以及箱内物品的信息。 请确保为每个箱子贴上正确的标签。如果要在打印标签后更改箱子的数量,需要为货件重新打印全套标签。有关更多信息,请参阅货件标签要求。
重要: 每个货件编号标签都是唯一且必须的。请不要影印、重复使用或修改标签并将其用于其他箱子。未正确为箱子贴标可能会导致今后我们阻止您向运营中心运送货件。
如果要重复使用之前货件的箱子,则需清除或覆盖任何其他货件标签或标记。不要将标签贴到箱子的接缝处。如果可能,请尽量将货件标签贴在距离箱子边缘至少 1.25 英寸的位置。用于密封箱子的胶带不应覆盖货件标签。点击【完成货件】以完成并确认您的货件。
重要: 未能完成货件及所有必要步骤可能会导致货件出现延迟、被拒收或货件创建权限被阻止。
汽运零担或整车运输 (LTL/FTL)
【汽运零担 (LTL)】 是指将装运箱或箱子固定在已贴标的托拍上进行运输。采用汽运零担时,货车上可能还装有运往其他目的地的货件。如果您的货件符合整车运输 (FTL) 的条件,货件将直接发往运营中心。汽运零担和整车运输需要送货预约。有关更多信息,请参阅安排提前送货预约。
总货件重量不得低于 150.00 磅
单独包装的不可堆叠托拍重量不得超过 1,500.00 磅,可堆叠托拍重量不得超过 750.00 磅
托拍必须是达到 GMA 标准 B 级或更高级别且尺寸为 40 x 48 英寸的四向进叉木制托拍
重量超过 100.00 磅、长度超过 80.00 英寸或宽度超过 30.00 英寸的单件商品必须单独放在一个托拍上
如果多个箱子成套销售且总重量超过 100.00 磅,则必须单独放在一个托拍上
理想情况下,托拍应为 50.00 英寸(箱子为 45.00 英寸,托拍为 5.00 英寸)且可堆叠,因为这样能节省空间并最大限度地增加拖车空间。不可堆叠托拍的高度不得超过 72.00 英寸,且空间利用率较低
选择【汽运零担 (LTL)】,然后选择是否使用亚马逊合作承运人运送。
重要: 您应该选择最长运输段的配送模式。例如,如果您从中国采购库存并通过海运集装箱将库存运输到美国,则应选择【海运】。
在“货件包装”下,提供有关每个箱子内物品的准确信息,包括每个箱子中每个 ASIN 的数量、箱子的所需重量和尺寸以及任何相关的有效期/保质期。有关更多信息,请参阅提供箱内物品信息。点击【确认】。
重要: 如果您不提供准确的箱内物品信息,我们可能会阻止您今后运送货件,并将收取人工处理费。
重要: 每个亚马逊物流箱号标签都是唯一且必需的。请不要影印、重复使用或修改标签并将其用于其他箱子。未正确为箱子贴标可能会导致今后我们阻止您向运营中心运送货件。
注意: 使用亚马逊合作承运人运送货件时,需遵循以下步骤。如果您不打算使用亚马逊合作承运人进行配送,请执行步骤 14。请参阅亚马逊合作承运人选项了解更多信息。
输入完全包装后的托拍高度(托拍和包装的理想高度是 50.00 英寸)、每个托拍的重量(不可堆叠托拍的最大重量为 1,500.00 磅,可堆叠托拍的最大重量为 750.00 磅),以及托拍总数。
选择您包装好的托拍是否为【可堆叠托拍】。两个托拍叠放的总高度不得超过 100.00 英寸(每个托拍 50.00 英寸),非叠放托拍的高度不得超过 72.00 英寸。
如果您有不同高度和重量的托拍,请点击【添加另一行】来添加更多托拍定义。每个货件最多可以有 26 个不可堆叠托拍和 52 个可堆叠托拍。
在【运输就绪日期】下,输入货件在当地时间上午 8:00 之前准备就绪以供取件的日期。
重要: 如果我们确定您为货件提供了错误的货物等级,我们可能会禁止您输入货物等级,并且改为由亚马逊估算货物等级。有关货物等级的更多信息,请参阅亚马逊合作承运人货物等级。
重要: 如果您在接受收费之后想要更改配送方式或取消货件,可以在 1 个小时内点击【取消费用】,以取消该货件的运费。
注意: 您货件中每个托拍的每个亚马逊物流托拍编号标签将生成四个副本。亚马逊物流托拍编号标签包含运营中心用以核实货件到达的信息。
重要: 使用亚马逊货运计划发送货件时,您需要提供额外的亚马逊承运人托拍编号标签。每组的四个亚马逊承运人托拍编号标签都是唯一的,必须与亚马逊物流托拍编号标签一起贴上。有关更多信息,请参阅亚马逊货运。
重要: 未能完成货件及所有必要步骤可能会导致货件出现延迟、被拒收或货件创建权限被阻止。
Prepare shipment to Amazon
Note: You may experience longer than usual shipment delivery time due to higher volume of shipments. We are unable to manually expedite the process and Selling Partner Support does not have further guidance.
The Prepare shipment page helps you ship your inventory to Amazon. Follow the requirements below to help ensure safe and on-time delivery to our fulfillment centers.
Preparing the shipment to Amazon is the fifth step in the six-step shipment creation process:
Set quantity for shipment to Amazon
Prepare your products for FBA shipping
Label products
Review/view shipments to Amazon
Prepare shipment to Amazon
Summary of shipment process
On the Prepare shipment page, you can make selections regarding shipping method and carrier, and plan the number of boxes that will make up the shipments you are preparing to send. As part of this step, you also schedule and pay for your shipment, as well as print all of the labels for your shipping boxes or pallets.
Note: The number of boxes you can send in a shipment varies depending on the shipping method you use.
Small parcel delivery (SPD) with a partnered carrier: 200 box limit.
Small parcel delivery (SPD) with a non-partnered carrier: 500 box limit.
Less than truckload (LTL) shipments: 5,000 box limit.
Change, modify, add, or delete items in a shipping plan
On the Prepare shipment page, you can make small modifications to your shipping plan. Your shipping fees will be automatically updated to match your revised shipping plan.There is a limit on the number modifications you can make to a shipping plan in the Prepare shipment page. If you need to make additional changes beyond this limit, delete the shipping plan and create a new shipping plan with the correct quantity.
Note: Make sure you follow the Amazon shipment packaging requirements to help prevent damage to your products while in transit. For more information, see Shipment packing requirements.
For more information about the FBA shipment policy and the possible actions we may take if your shipments are not compliant with that policy, see Cancelled, misrouted and incomplete shipments.
Cancelling a shipment
To delete a shipping plan, use the Delete plan button at the bottom of the Send/replenish inventory page.
To cancel a shipment, use the Delete shipment/Cancel shipment button at the bottom of the Prepare shipment page.
Important: If you want to change a shipment plan after you have approved it, you must delete the entire shipment plan before you have begun shipping any portion of it. Otherwise, you are required to send the items and quantity specified in the plan to the destinations specified in the plan.
If you do not want to split your shipments to multiple destinations, you can sign up for the FBA Inventory Placement Service and send all of your eligible inventory to a single receive or fulfillment center (see the Inventory Placement Exceptions section at the help page link above). When the shipment arrives, we route your products to different fulfillment centers for you. A per-item service fee applies for the Inventory Placement Service.
Closing a shipment
Closing a shipment is not the same as cancelling a shipment. A shipment is closed when all units have been received at the fulfillment center and there is no more activity on the shipment. This status is automatically designated by the fulfillment center system once all units have been received. Some shipments may remain in an open status pending audit, investigation, or claims for up to 90 days. You may review shipment status, identify problems, and reconcile shipments on the Reconcile tab of the Summary page.
Tip: Make sure you follow the Amazon shipment packaging requirements to help prevent damage to your products while in transit. For more information, see Shipping and routing requirements.
For items packed in boxes that are individually labeled for delivery, see the Small parcel delivery (SPD) section on this page.
For boxes stacked on pallets, see the Less than or full truckload (LTL/FTL) section on this page.
Important: While creating your shipment, ensure you are selecting the correct shipping method for your shipment. Shipments sent under a different or multiple shipping methods or carriers may experience issues while requesting a delivery appointment or may be refused at pickup. For more information about SPD and LTL/FTL appointments, see Scheduling advanced delivery appointments.
Items packed in boxes for small parcel delivery or stacked on pallets for transport by truck must adhere to Amazon's Shipping and routing requirements.
Accurate box weight and dimensions are required for all shipments, even if you opt to not provide box content information in Seller Central. For more information, see Shipping and routing requirements.
Small parcel delivery (SPD)
Small parcel delivery (SPD) is for items packed in shipping boxes that are individually labeled for delivery. These are normally smaller shipments that are sent via DHL, UPS, FedEx, or local postal services.
All boxes for small parcel delivery must:
Meet the shipping and routing requirements
Have units inside each box prepped according to the Packaging and prep requirements page.
Have an FBA shipment label and a carrier label
Not weigh more than 50.00 lb, unless they contain a single oversize item that weighs more than 50.00 lb
Not exceed 25.00 inches on any side, unless they contain a single oversize item that measures more than 25.00 inches
Be properly packed to arrive at the fulfillment center intact
Important: Box weight and dimension policies are strictly enforced. Sending overweight or oversize boxes to the fulfillment center may lead to blocking of future shipments.
Tip: There is a 1 lb minimum charge for partnered-carrier shipments. For shipments that weigh less than 1 lb, the minimum charge applies.
To complete your small parcel delivery request:
Select Small parcel delivery (SPD) and your preferred carrier on the Prepare shipment page.
If you choose to ship using your own carrier, select Shipping mode (air, ocean, or ground) to indicate how you plan to transport your shipment so that Amazon can better prepare to receive your inventory.
Important: You should select the shipping mode for the longest leg of transportation. For example, if you are sourcing inventory from China and transporting it to US by ocean container, you would select Ocean.
Under Shipment packing, provide accurate information about the contents of each box, including the quantity of each ASIN in each box, the required weight and dimensions of the box, and any expiration dates. For more information, see Provide box content information. Click Confirm.
Important: Failure to provide accurate box content information might result in blocking of future shipments, and a manual processing fee will be applied.
If you are using an Amazon partnered carrier, after you have finished adding the boxes, click Calculate to get an estimate of your shipping charge. Select I agree to the terms and conditions, and then click Accept charges
Important: If you want to change the shipping method or cancel the shipping plan after you accept the charges, you can click Void charges to obtain a refund for the shipping fees for that shipment. A small parcel delivery (SPD) must be voided or cancelled within 24 hours after submitting a shipment request, and before you have begun shipping any portion of it.
Select Ship date to enter the date that you expect to hand your inventory to the carrier. This date helps us prepare to receive your inventory. This date can be changed after you have confirmed shipping.
Select the label stock and click Print box labels. A PDF file is generated for you. You can open it with Adobe Acrobat Reader and print your labels immediately or save the file and print your labels later. Make sure you print the full set of labels. If you have selected an Amazon partnered carrier, there are two labels for each box in your shipment: an address label for the carrier and an FBA shipping label, which includes information the fulfillment center uses to verify the arrival and contents of the box. Make sure you put the correct label on each box. If you modify the number of boxes after you have already printed your labels, you must reprint the entire set of labels for your shipment. For more information, see Shipment label requirements.
Important: Each shipment ID label is unique and required. Do not photocopy, reuse, or modify labels for use on additional boxes. Not properly labeling your boxes may lead to blocking of future shipments.
Affix the FBA shipment labels to the boxes.
If you are reusing boxes from previous shipments, remove or cover any other shipment labels or markings. Do not place labels on the box seam. Whenever possible, place shipment labels no closer than 1.25 inches from the edge of the box. The tape used to seal the box should not cover the shipment labels.
Click Complete shipment to finalize and confirm your shipment.
Important: Not completing your shipment and all necessary steps may result in delays, rejection of your shipment, or blocking of your shipment creation abilities.
Less than or full truckload (LTL/FTL)
Less than truckload (LTL) is for cases or boxes secured on pallets labeled for delivery. For LTL, the truck might contain shipments to other destinations. If your shipment qualifies for full truckload (FTL), the shipment will go directly to the fulfillment center. LTL and FTL shipments require a delivery appointment. For more information, see Scheduling advanced delivery appointments.
For products shipped by truck:
Follow the Packaging and prep requirements and the Seller requirements for LTL, FTL, and FCL deliveries
All boxes on a single pallet must belong to the same shipment ID
Every box on a pallet must have a unique FBA box ID label. Do not photocopy, reuse, or modify labels for use on additional boxes
Total shipment weight must be no less than 150.00 lb
A single packed pallet must not exceed 1,500.00 lb for non-stackable pallets and 750.00 lb for stackable pallets
Pallets must be made of wood, GMA standard Grade B or higher, 40 x 48 inches, with 4-way access
Boxes on pallets must not overhang the pallet edge
Boxes must be secured to the pallet with plastic or stretch wrap
Single items weighing more than 100.00 lb, longer than 80.00 inches, or wider than 30.00 inches must be on their own pallet
Multiple boxes sold as a set, that together weigh more than 100.00 lb, must be on their own pallet
Pallets identified as stackable may be stacked by the carrier
Pallets are ideally 50.00 inches (45.00 inches for boxes and 5.00 inches for pallet) and stackable, as this is space efficient and maximizes trailer space. Non-stackable pallets cannot exceed 72.00 inches in height and are less space efficient.
For more information, see Shipping and routing requirements, Shipment label requirements, and Truckload (LTL/FTL) packing requirements.
To complete your less than or full truckload request:
Select Less than truckload (LTL) and whether you are shipping with an Amazon partnered carrier.
If you choose to ship using your own carrier, select Shipping mode (air, ocean, or ground) to indicate how you plan to transport your shipment so that Amazon can better prepare to receive your inventory.
Important: You should select the shipping mode for the longest leg of transportation. For example, if you are sourcing inventory from China and transporting it to US by ocean container, you would select Ocean.
Under Shipment packing, provide accurate information about the contents of each box, including the quantity of each ASIN in each box, the required weight and dimensions of the box, and any expiration dates. For more information, see Provide box content information. Click Confirm.
Important: Failure to provide accurate box content information might result in blocking of future shipments, and a manual processing fee will be applied.
Click Generate box labels.
Affix a FBA box ID label to the outside of each box so they will be visible when the pallet is unpacked at the fulfillment center. For more information, see Shipment label requirements.
Important: Each FBA box ID label is unique and required. Do not photocopy, reuse, or modify labels for use on additional boxes. Not properly labeling your boxes may lead to blocking of future shipments.
Note: The following steps apply when shipping with an Amazon partnered carrier. If you are not shipping with an Amazon partnered carrier, proceed to step 14. See the Amazon partnered carrier options for more information.
Type the height of your fully packed pallets (50.00 inches is ideal pallet and pack height) the weight of each pallet (maximum 1,500.00 lb for non-stackable pallets and 750.00 lb for stackable), and the total number of pallets.
Select whether or not your packed pallets are Stackable. Two stacked pallets cannot exceed 100.00 inches total in height (50.00 inches per pallet) and non-stacked pallets cannot exceed 72.00 inches.
If you have pallets of differing heights and weights, click Add another row to add more pallet definitions. You can have up to 26 non-stackable and 52 stackable pallets per shipment.
Under Freight-ready date, enter the date that your shipment will be ready for pick up by 8 a.m. local time.
Confirm that your contact information is correct. Please ensure your fax information is either blank or provides your fax number. To modify your contact information, click Change contact.
Select your freight class from the Freight class drop-down list. If you do not know the freight class, select Estimate my freight class and we will estimate it for you.
Important: If we determine that you are providing incorrect freight classes for your shipments, we may disable your ability to enter freight class and, instead, estimate your freight class for you. For more information about freight class, see Amazon partner carrier freight class.
Provide the declared value for your shipment.
After you finish adding the pallet information, click Calculate to get an estimate of your shipping charge.
Select I agree to the terms and conditions, and then click Accept charges.
Important: If you want to change the shipping method or cancel the shipment after you accept the charges, you can click Void charges within 1 hour to void the shipping fees for that shipment.
Select Ship date to enter the date that you expect to hand your inventory to the carrier. This date helps us prepare to receive your inventory. This date can be changed after you have confirmed shipping.
Under Shipping labels, enter the number of pallets you are sending.
Click Print pallet labels.
Note: Four copies of each FBA pallet ID label will be generated for each pallet in your shipment. The FBA pallet ID label includes information the fulfillment center uses to verify the arrival of the shipment.
Important: When sending your shipment with the Amazon Freight program, there are additional required Amazon carrier pallet ID labels. Each set of four Amazon carrier pallet ID labels are unique and must be applied with your FBA pallet ID label. For more information, see Amazon Freight.
Affix an FBA shipping label to the top-center of each of the four sides of every stretch-wrapped pallet in your shipment.
Click Complete shipment to finalize and confirm your shipment.
Important: Not completing your shipment and all necessary steps may result in delays, rejection of your shipment, or blocking of your shipment creation abilities.