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亚马逊卖家自配送 Prime 即将出现哪些变更?


卖家自配送 Prime 即将变更


最近,我们发布了针对美国卖家自配送 Prime (SFP) 的更新,以提高 Prime 买家期望的配送速度,无论采用哪种配送渠道。本指南提供了有关这些变更的更多详情,可在这些新要求加入到卖家自配送 Prime 资格和实施之前帮助您做好准备。新要求将于 2021 年 2 月 1 日生效。美国的新要求包括:

  • 注册卖家自配送 Prime 的卖家需要为启用了 Prime 的配送模板上的所有标准尺寸商品提供全国配送服务(全国范围仅包括美国本土 48 个州和哥伦比亚特区)。 您可以在管理卖家自配送 Prime 页面上查看哪些商品是标准尺寸商品或大件商品。

  • 注册卖家自配送 Prime 的卖家需要使用支持星期六配送和取件的配送方式,让买家在一周内能享受到更加一致的配送体验。查看您的订单配送设置以设置周末选项(自 2021 年 2 月 1 日起,星期六为取件日)。

  • 注册卖家自配送 Prime 的卖家需要达到次日达和隔日达承诺的目标。这些指标衡量的是,当卖家自配送 Prime 商品为推荐报价时,显示有一个或两个日历日配送承诺的页面的买家浏览量百分比(无论买家是否购买了商品)。这些配送速度目标可确保无论由谁配送其 Prime 订单,买家均可享受相似的配送体验。


  • Prime 商品周末取件和配送:启用这些功能之后,如果您是推荐卖家,会让更多买家在浏览商品时看到更快的配送速度。

  • 订单截止时间选项灵活多变,具体因星期几和配送服务级别而异。这些设置让您能够更细致地控制截止时间,从而最大限度地提高在截止时间之前浏览您商品的买家数量,提高配送速度。

  • 配送区域自动化可帮助您根据首选配送服务的配送速度和 ZIP3 级别的库房位置,为次日达和隔日达设置配送区域。

  • 绩效控制面板包含有关配送速度指标目标和您当前绩效的详细信息。

  • 配送速度报告让您可以调查哪些 SKU 降低了配送速度。您需要应用上述工具来提高速度。

  • 亚马逊根据商品的包装重量和尺寸自动将您的商品分类为标准尺寸或大件商品;您可以在管理卖家自配送 Prime 中查看此信息。有关更多信息,请参阅商品尺寸、重量和包裹尺寸帮助页面。

  • 管理卖家自配送 Prime 现在可让您在 SKU 级别查看所分配配送模板计算的 Prime 覆盖范围百分比,从而轻松确保您的 SKU 位于相应的配送模板中。



自明年起,注册卖家自配送 Prime 计划的卖家需要满足以下新要求才能保有卖家自配送 Prime 资格:


达到次日达和隔日达承诺的配送速度目标。配送速度指标衡量的是,当卖家自配送 Prime 商品为推荐报价时,显示有次日达或隔日达配送承诺的页面的买家浏览量百分比(无论买家是否购买了商品)。

卖家自配送 Prime 配送速度指标的目标如下所示,您也可以在绩效控制面板中查看。

次日达或更少详情页面浏览量 (%)30%17%
隔日达或更少详情页面浏览量 (%)74%63%


注册卖家自配送 Prime 的卖家必须在星期一至星期六营业并配送 Prime 商品。在星期五截止时间以后或星期六截止时间之前的买家页面浏览量预计会在星期六配送。

提示: 确保您使用的配送服务可以在周末取件和扫描包裹。


注册卖家自配送 Prime 的卖家必须在星期一至星期六配送标准尺寸的 Prime 商品。



Prime 配送模板上的标准尺寸商品必须提供全国配送服务覆盖范围(全国范围仅包括美国本土 48 个州和哥伦比亚特区)。您可以在管理卖家自配送 Prime 上看到哪些商品是标准尺寸商品或大件商品。有关更多信息,请参阅此处的帮助页面。


1. 为何要进行这些变更?

我们一直倾听买家的意见,Prime 会员不断告诉我们他们想要获得快捷、免费的配送服务。因此,亚马逊当前大力投资配送和运输能力,提高 Prime 配送速度,使隔日达计划向次日达计划转变。在不断改善买家的亚马逊 Prime 体验时,我们希望同时确保卖家自配送 Prime 能够满足买家对 Prime 的期望。卖家自配送 Prime 未达到这些美国买家期望,在很大程度上是因为许多卖家周末不营业。我们正在推出变更,无论订单配送方式如何,美国买家都能够获得相同的 Prime 体验。

2. 这些新要求如何以及何时实施?

我们于 8 月宣布这些新要求,以便您有时间调整您的业务。这些要求将于 2021 年 2 月 1 日实施。

如果您的绩效指标在 2021 年 2 月 1 日之后降至要求以下,您的 Prime 资格可能会被暂停。

3. 哪些因素会影响配送速度指标?


4. 如果我满足标准尺寸商品但不满足大件商品的速度要求,会怎么样?

您必须同时满足这两种商品尺寸的速度要求。如果做不到,您的 Prime 资格可能会被暂停。

如果您在过去 7 天内未达到标准尺寸商品或大件商品的配送速度目标,我们将遵循今天使用的相同强制流程。这包括在必要时暂停您的 Prime 参与资格,直到提交行动计划并被接受。这是针对现有资格要求遵循的相同流程。

5. 我是否需要在全国范围内配送才能达到次日达速度目标?

不需要,您无需提供全国范围的次日达服务。您至少需要为查看详情页面的买家提供次日达服务,以达到标准尺寸商品和大件商品的配送速度目标。<=次日达速度目标是根据显示的买家配送承诺不超过 1 个日历日时的详情页面浏览量百分比来衡量的。这取决于您的配送模板中定义的次日达配送区域覆盖范围以及订单配送设置下定义的订单截止时间、周末营业和配送设置。例如,如果买家位于次日达区域,且详情页面浏览发生于星期一的订单截止时间之前,则买家配送承诺将在星期二,并视为次日达详情页面浏览。但是,如果买家在订单截止时间之后浏览该页面,则买家配送承诺将调整为星期三,使此次浏览成为隔日达详情页面浏览。下表说明了如何为次日达计算详情页面浏览的配送承诺。

星期一订单截止之前星期一星期二1 个日历日
星期一订单截止之后星期二星期三2 个日历日
星期五订单截止之前星期五星期六1 个日历日
星期五订单截止之后星期六星期日或星期一*2 或 3 个日历日

*目前仅对 Fedex Home Delivery 支持的特定邮政编码启用星期日配送。

提示: 在您的配送模板中,您可以使用配送区域自动化,根据首选配送服务的配送速度和 ZIP3 级别的库房位置为次日达和隔日达设置配送区域。亚马逊将定期刷新这些区域,以反映您的配送服务的最新速度。启用“配送区域自动化“”之后,您将无需为优先配送选项手动配置配送区域,也无需从扩大 ZIP3 级别的 Prime 覆盖范围中获益。

6. 如何查看哪些配送模板符合标准尺寸商品的新的全国配送要求?

转到“设置”> 配送设置,在屏幕左侧查看您的当前模板列表。要确定模板是否符合标准尺寸商品的标准,请确认所选的 Prime 区域覆盖美国本土 48 个州和哥伦比亚特区。

7. 周末取件有哪些配送服务?

通过“购买配送”,您将能够在 FedEx、USPS 和 UPS 之间购买周末取件的所有配送服务。Ontrac Ground 目前不支持在星期六取件,并且可能不包括在“购买配送”服务中。

8. 周末配送有哪些配送服务?

通过“购买配送”,您将能够购买周末配送的所有配送服务。我们目前支持 Fedex Home Delivery、UPS Ground、USPS Priority Mail、USPS Priority Mail Express 和 Ontrac Ground。到 2021 年 2 月 1 日,我们将扩展对 FedEx 隔日达和 FedEx 隔夜达配送服务(含单次费率)以及 UPS 隔日达和次日达航空配送服务的支持。

9. 将在何时允许新卖家重新注册卖家自配送 Prime?

我们的首要任务是帮助现有卖家适应这些变化,从而改善 Prime 买家体验。以后,我们会分享有关美国卖家自配送 Prime 注册和资格的更多信息。

10. 我周末不营业。我可以破例吗?

不会,我们不会批准此要求的例外情况。为了提供始终如一的 Prime 买家体验,无论采用何种配送方式,注册卖家自配送 Prime 的卖家都需要支持星期六配送和取件。买家可能会选择其他或更慢的配送方式,但这不会影响卖家提供星期六取件和配送选项的责任。此要求将于 2021 年 2 月 1 日生效。

11. 尽管我已将营业设置为启用次日达和隔日达 Prime 配送选项,为什么我的配送速度指标还是如此低?

亚马逊会考虑您的发货地址、收货目的地和您的首选承运人的绩效,来确定要向买家显示的准确承诺。如果我们发现承运人绩效降低(由于天气事件、能力限制或其他因素),我们可能会暂时延长标准运输时间,并延长部分商品的承诺配送时间。由于这一额外调整,您的配送速度指标可能低于您的预期。向买家做出可靠承诺对 Prime 买家体验至关重要。虽然显示的配送速度指标可能低于预期绩效,但由于我们会在绩效计算中排除这些订单,因此不会影响您的绩效指标。

12. 对标准尺寸商品和大件商品的要求为何不同?

如果需要,标准尺寸商品通过航空运输更具经济效益,可满足配送承诺。在全国范围内提供此选择并承诺隔日达服务,可让最大数量的 Prime 买家享受此选择。大件商品主要通过陆运进行配送,仍符合区域配送要求。

13. 标准尺寸和大件商品有什么区别?

标准尺寸商品是指完全包装后的重量不超过 20 磅且包装尺寸不超过 18 x 14 x 8 英寸的所有商品。超过上述尺寸的商品属于大件商品。您可以前往管理卖家自配送 Prime 来更新商品包裹重量和商品尺寸。如果有多个尺寸数据来源,我们会使用最准确的信息来确定尺寸分段(标准尺寸或大件)。

14. 亚马逊将我的许多大件商品显示为标准尺寸商品。如何更改此设置?

如果商品缺少任意尺寸值,则会被归为标准尺寸。您可以在管理卖家自配送 Prime 中查看缺少这些值的商品,并更新为正确的值或提交批量上传。您更新这些值后,商品便会被重新分类到相应的尺寸分段,并反映在卖家平台和详情页面上。

15. 这些新要求适用于美国境外的卖家自配送 Prime 吗?

不会。这些要求仅适用于美国的卖家自配送 Prime。

16. 将来是否会针对美国境外的卖家自配送 Prime 制定这些要求?

这些要求仅适用于美国的卖家自配送 Prime。如果其他国家/地区的要求发生变化,我们会直接通知参与卖家自配送 Prime 的卖家。


Upcoming Changes to Seller Fulfilled Prime


We recently announced updates to Seller Fulfilled Prime (SFP) in the U.S. to improve the delivery speed that Prime customers expect regardless of fulfillment channel. This guide provides additional details on these changes to help you prepare before these new requirements are included in SFP eligibility and enforcement. The new requirements will not go in to affect until February 1, 2021. The new US requirements are:

  • Sellers enrolled in SFP will be required to have nationwide delivery coverage for all standard-size products on Prime enabled shipping templates (nationwide coverage includes only the 48 contiguous United States and the District of Columbia.) You can see which products are standard size or oversize on the Manage Seller Fulfilled Prime page.

  • Sellers enrolled in SFP will be required to use ship methods that support Saturday delivery and pickups to provide customers with a more consistent delivery experience throughout the week. View your Order Fulfillment Settings to set weekend options (Saturday as a pickup day will be mandatory starting February 1, 2021).

  • Sellers enrolled in SFP will be required to meet targets for one-day and two-day delivery promises. These metrics measure the percentage of customer page views that displayed a one or two calendar-day delivery promise when your SFP offer was the featured offer, regardless of whether a purchase was made. These Delivery Speed Targets ensure that customers have a similar experience regardless of who fulfills their Prime order.

More details on each of these new requirements are included later in this guide. However, we want to remind you of the tools and features available now that can help you achieve faster delivery speeds. These include:

  • Weekend pick-up and delivery for Prime offers: enabling these will allow more customers to see faster delivery speeds when viewing products where you are the featured merchant.

  • Flexible order cut-off time options that vary by day of week and shipping service. These settings give you more granular control to fine tune cut off times to maximize the number of customers that see your offer before cut off time thereby improving delivery speed.

  • Shipping Region Automation that helps in setting up delivery regions for One-Day Delivery and Two-Day Delivery based on the delivery speeds of your preferred shipping services and your warehouse location(s) at a ZIP3 level.

  • Performance Dashboard contains details on the delivery speed metric target and your current performance.

  • The Delivery Speed report allows you to investigate which SKUs are contributing to lower delivery speeds. You will need to apply the tools listed above to increase speeds.

  • Amazon automatically classifies your products into standard size or oversize based on the product’s package weight and dimensions; this information is available in Manage SFP. View more information on the Item Size, Weights, and Dimensions help page.

  • Manage SFP now provides SKU-level visibility into the calculated Prime coverage percentage for the assigned shipping template, making it easy to ensure your SKUs are on the appropriate shipping template.

In addition to the above, we will continue to innovate and launch new tools and capabilities that enable you to improve your delivery speed.

Upcoming Eligibility Requirements

Starting next year, Sellers enrolled in SFP will be required to meet the following new requirements to maintain SFP eligibility:

Delivery Speed Metrics

Meet delivery speed targets for one-day and two-day delivery promises. The delivery speed metrics measures the percentage of customer page views that displayed a one or two-day delivery promise when your SFP offer was the featured offer, regardless of whether a purchase was made.

The targets for SFP Delivery Speed metrics are below, and also visible on the Performance Dashboard.

Standard SizeOversize
One Day or less Detail Page Views (%)30%17%
Two Day or less Detail Page Views (%)74%63%

Weekend Pick-ups

Sellers enrolled in SFP are required to operate and ship out Prime products Monday through Saturday. Customer page views occurring Friday after cut-off time or Saturday before cut-off time will be expected to ship on Saturday.

Tip: Ensure you are using a shipping service that can pick-up and scan the package over the weekend.

Weekend Delivery

Sellers enrolled in SFP are required to deliver standard-sized Prime products Monday through Saturday.

You can review and update your weekend pick-up and delivery settings using Order Fulfillment Settings. We recommend that you use shipping services that support Saturday pick-up and delivery to provide customers with a more consistent delivery experience throughout the week.

Nationwide Delivery Coverage

Standard size products on a Prime shipping template must offer nationwide delivery coverage (nationwide coverage includes only the 48 contiguous United States and the District of Columbia). You can see which products are standard size or oversize in Manage Seller Fulfilled Prime. For more information, see the help page here.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why are you making these changes?

We are always listening to our customers, and Prime members consistently tell us they want fast and free shipping. That is why Amazon is making significant investments in our fulfillment and transportation capabilities to make Prime faster, transitioning from a two-day to a one-day delivery program. As we continue to improve the Amazon Prime experience for customers, we want to ensure Seller Fulfilled Prime meets customers’ expectations of Prime. SFP has not met these US customer expectations, in large part because many Sellers do not operate on weekends. We are introducing these changes so U.S. customers can rely on the same Prime experience regardless of how their order is fulfilled.

2. How and when will these new requirements be enforced?

We are announcing these new requirements now, in August, so you have time to adjust your business. The requirements will not be enforced until February 1, 2021.

If your performance metrics fall below the requirements in after February 1, 2021, your Prime eligibility may be suspended.

3. What factors influence the delivery speed metrics?

Amazon considers your ship-from location, ship-to destination, and performance of your preferred carriers to determine the accurate promise to be shown to customers. Based on this information, we display a guaranteed delivery date to customers on the product detail page. Other factors that influence delivery speed metrics include later order cut-off times, delivering on the weekends, and weekend pickups.

4. What happens if I meet the speed requirement for standard-size products but not oversize?

You must speed requirements for both product sizes. If you don't, your Prime eligibility may be suspended.

If you do not meet delivery speed targets in the trailing 7 days for either standard-size or oversize products, then we will follow the same enforcement process in use today. This includes, where necessary, suspending your Prime eligibility until a plan of action is submitted and accepted. This is the same process followed for existing eligibility requirements.

5. Do I need to ship nationwide to meet the one-day delivery speed target?

No, you do not need to provide nationwide one-day delivery coverage. You are required to provide one-day delivery coverage for at least the percentage of customers viewing the detail page to meet the delivery speed targets for standard size and oversize items. The <=one-day delivery speed target is measured based on the percentage of detail page views when the customer delivery promise displayed is 1 calendar day or less. This is determined by the one-day delivery region coverage defined on your shipping templates along with your order cut-off times, weekend operations, and delivery settings defined under Order Fulfillment Settings. For example, if the customer is located in a one-day region, and the detail page view occurs before the order cut-off time on Monday, the customer delivery promise will be on Tuesday and considered as a one-day detail page view. However, if the customer views the page after the order cut-off time, the customer delivery promise will be adjusted to Wednesday thereby making it a two-day detail page view. The table below illustrates how delivery promise for a detail page view is calculated for one-day delivery.

Detail Page View DayDetail Page View TimeExpected Ship DateCustomer Delivery PromiseDetail Page View (calendar days)
MondayBefore order cut-offMondayTuesday1 calendar day
MondayAfter order cut-offTuesdayWednesday2 calendar days
FridayBefore order cut-offFridaySaturday1 calendar day
FridayAfter order cut-offSaturdaySunday or Monday*2 or 3 calendar days

*Sunday delivery is currently enabled only for specific ZIP codes supported by Fedex Home Delivery.

Tip: On your shipping templates, you can use Shipping Region Automation to set up delivery regions for one-day delivery and two-day delivery based on the delivery speeds of your preferred shipping services and your warehouse location(s) at a ZIP3 level. Amazon will periodically refresh these regions to reflect the latest speeds of your shipping services. With Shipping Region Automation enabled, you will not need to manually configure your delivery regions for Premium Shipping Options and benefit from increased Prime coverage at a ZIP3 level.

6. How can I see what shipping templates meet the new nationwide shipping requirements for standard-size products?

Go to Settings > Shipping Settings to see a list of your current templates on the left-hand side of the screen. To identify if a template meets the criteria for standard-size products, confirm that the Prime regions selected cover the 48 contiguous United States and the District of Columbia.

7. What shipping services are available for weekend pickups?

On Buy Shipping, you will be able to purchase all shipping services that pick up over the weekend across FedEx, USPS, and UPS. Ontrac Ground currently does not support pickups on Saturdays and may not be available on Buy Shipping.

8. What shipping services are available for weekend deliveries?

On Buy Shipping, you will be able to purchase all shipping services that deliver over the weekend. We currently support Fedex Home Delivery, UPS Ground, USPS Priority Mail, USPS Priority Mail Express, and Ontrac Ground. By Feb 1, 2021 we will extend support to FedEx 2Day and FedEx Overnight shipping services (including One Rate), as well as UPS Second Day and Next Day Air shipping services.

9. When will new sellers be allowed to reenroll in SFP?

Our priority is to help existing sellers adapt to these changes to improve the Prime customer experience. We will share more information about SFP enrollment and eligibility in the U.S. at a later date.

10. I don’t operate on the weekends. Can I get an exception?

No, we will not grant exceptions to this requirement. To provide a consistent Prime customer experience regardless of fulfillment method, Sellers enrolled in SFP will need to support Saturday deliveries and pickups. Customers may choose a different or slower delivery method but this does not affect Sellers’ responsibility to offer Saturday pickup and delivery options. This requirement will be effective February 1, 2021.

11. Why are my delivery speed metrics so low despite my setting up my operations to enable one-day and two-day Prime shipping options?

Amazon considers your ship-from location, ship-to destination, and performance of your preferred carriers to determine the accurate promise to be shown to customers. If we observe degraded carrier performance (due to weather events, capacity constraints, or other factors), then we may temporarily increase the standard transit time and extend the delivery promise for some products. Because of this additional padding, your delivery speed metrics may look lower than you expect. Making reliable promises for customers is of the utmost importance to the Prime customer experience. While the delivery speed metrics may show lower than expected performance, it will not impact your performance metrics as we will exclude these orders from performance calculations.

12. Why are the requirements different for standard size versus oversize products?

Standard size products are more economically shipped via air, if needed, to meet the delivery promise. Offering this selection nationwide with a two-day delivery promise provides this selection to the maximum number of Prime customers. Oversize products are primarily shipped by ground and will remain eligible for fulfillment regionally.

13. What’s the difference between standard size and oversize?

Standard size is defined as any item that, when fully packaged, weighs 20lb or less and does not exceed 18” x 14” x 8” inches in packaging dimensions. Any item exceeding these dimensions is considered oversize. You can go to Manage Seller Fulfilled Prime to update the item package weight and dimensions of your item. We use the most accurate information to determine the size tier (standard size or oversize) if there are multiple sources for dimensional data.

14. Amazon shows many of my products are standard size even though they are oversize. How do I change this?

If an item is missing any dimensional values, it will be classified as standard size. You can view items missing these values in Manage Seller Fulfilled Prime and update to the correct values or submit a bulk upload. When you update the values, it will be reclassified to the appropriate size tier and reflected in Seller Central and on the detail page.

15. Do these new requirements apply to SFP outside the United States?

No. These requirements only apply to SFP in the United States.

16. Will you institute these requirements for SFP outside the United States in the future?

These requirements only apply to SFP in the United States. If requirements in other countries change, we will notify participating sellers directly.

