亚马逊卖家自配送 Prime 的配送设置
配置卖家自配送 Prime 的配送设置
参与卖家自配送 Prime 计划的卖家必须在他们的配送设置中为至少一个配送模板配置 Prime 设置,才能在他们的商品上显示 Prime 标记。卖家现在可以创建 Prime 自动配送设置。有关更多信息,请参阅配送设置自动化。
在您设置 Prime 地区之后,用户界面将确保您模板的配置正确无误,以便您保存模板。所有分配给 Prime 模板的 SKU 都将在您选择的地区向 Prime 买家显示 Prime 标记。
为商品启用卖家自配送 Prime
加入卖家自配送 Prime 计划后,请按以下步骤为商品启用 Prime 配送:
点击启用 Prime 配送。
注意: 选择首选承运人以启用【下一步】按钮。
如果需要,请选择配送地区限制。这将减少 Prime 地区,但同时会帮助您管理您的运费。点击【下一步】。
查看 Prime 配送设置,然后点击【确认】。您仍可继续查看配送设置,然后点击【保存】。
您的配送模板现在已经更新了卖家自配送 Prime 地区设置。
检查设置,并根据卖家自配送 Prime 配送要求页面上提供的指南输入适用于非 Prime 买家的运费。
重要: 有关 Prime 和非 Prime 地区的配送要求的更多信息,请访问卖家自配送 Prime 配送要求页面。
重要: 有关 Prime 自动配送的更多信息,请参阅配送设置自动化。
在卖家自配送 Prime 中注册 SKU
通过为 Prime 配送启用模板和地区来配置配送设置后,您便可注册要显示 Prime 标记的 SKU。请按照以下步骤将 SKU 分配给配送模板。
Configure shipping settings for Seller Fulfilled Prime
Sellers participating in Seller Fulfilled Prime must configure Prime settings on at least one shipping template in their Shipping settings in order for the Prime badge to appear on their listing. Sellers can now create automated Prime shipping settings. For more information, see Shipping Settings Automation.
Once you set your Prime regions, the user interface will ensure your template is configured properly in order for you to save the template. All SKUs assigned to a Prime template will display Prime badging to Prime customers in the regions you select.
Enable listings for Seller Fulfilled Prime
Once you've enrolled in Seller Fulfilled Prime, follow the steps below to enable listings for Prime shipping:
From the Settings drop-down menu on the top right of Seller Central, click Shipping Settings.
From the Shipping Templates List, click the template you want to enable for shipping of Seller Fulfilled Prime items.
On the top-right side, click Edit Template.
Click to enable Prime Delivery.
Select your Shipping address and Preferred carriers in the pop-up window.
Note: Select a Preferred carrier to enable the Next button.
Select the Ship services for Standard shipping, Two-Day and One-Day delivery based on the shipping services coverage. One-Day delivery is optional.
Select Delivery zone limit if needed. This will reduce Prime regions but also help you manage your shipping costs. Click Next.
Review Prime shipping settings and click Confirm. You can still continue to review the shipping settings before clicking Save.
Your shipping template is now modified with regional settings for Seller Fulfilled Prime.
Check the settings and enter any shipping rates for non-Prime customers according to the guidelines provided on the Seller Fulfilled Prime shipping requirements page.
Save the shipping template.
Important: For more information on Shipping Requirements for Prime and non-Prime regions, visit the Seller Fulfilled Prime shipping requirements page.
Important: For more information on Automated Prime shipping, please refer to Shipping Settings Automation.
Enroll a SKU in Seller Fulfilled Prime
After you have configured Shipping Settings by enabling a template and regions for Prime shipping, enroll SKUs that will display the Prime badge. Follow these steps to Assign SKUs to shipping templates.