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为帮助商户在 Wish 交易平台之外将产品进一步推广给更多用户,Wish 在小范围内推出了名为 ExternalBoost 的项目,目前仅对部分商户开放。

参加 ExternalBoost 的商户可以选择以下两种版本之一,通过 Facebook 等外部平台推广产品:

  • 版本1 :仅当来自外部平台的用户点击广告并且在 Wish 上下单时,才启用广告花费(无需设置预算)并向商户收取费用。这是 ExternalBoost 的“按转化次数付费”版本。

  • 版本2:设置广告花费预算,仅为来自外部平台的点击次数付费。这是 ExternalBoost 的“按点击次数付费”版本。

Wish 和外部平台会根据各种数据源帮助商户优化 ExternalBoost 广告,找到最感兴趣的潜在用户,并为商户提供广告业绩数据。

本文将通过几个简单的步骤指导参加该项目的商户如何使用上述两种版本的 ExternalBoost。请注意,两种不同版本的 ExternalBoost 目前分别仅对两组不同的选定商户开放。


How to use ExternalBoost to market your Wish products across external platforms?

To help merchants further publicize and market Wish products among wider audiences beyond the Wish marketplace, Wish has rolled out a small-scale program called ExternalBoost, now available to select merchants only.

ExternalBoost allows participating merchants to access one of the following two versions of boosting products across external platforms, such as Facebook:

  • Version 1: Enable ad spend (without setting a budget) and be charged a fee only when customers from external platforms click on the ad and place an order on Wish. This is the “cost-per-acquisition” version of ExternalBoost.

  • Version 2: Set a budget for ad spend for the number of clicks only from external platforms. This is the “cost-per-click” version of ExternalBoost.

Wish and external platforms in turn help optimize merchants’ ExternalBoost ads based on a variety of data sources to target the most interested potential customers, and provide merchants with ads performance insights as well.

This article walks participating merchants through a few simple steps to enable the two different versions of ExternalBoost described above. Please please note that the two different versions of ExternalBoost are currently available to two separate groups of select merchants only. 

