您选择的所有配送及相关服务的费用会显示在订单详情页面的配送详情部分。在您的卖家账户中,依次点击订单 > 管理订单,然后点击某个订单。
您还可以在付款报告中查看配送及相关服务的费用。要查看此报告,请依次点击报告 > 付款。有关更多信息,请参阅获取付款报告。
要更改您的运费,请依次点击设置 > 配送设置。有关更多信息,请参阅设置运费。
TForce 配送及相关服务费用由承运人计算,并从您的卖家账户(即扣除销售费用的账户)中扣除。
TForce 配送及相关服务没有固定的每笔交易费。
UPS 配送及相关服务费用由承运人计算,并且可从您的卖家账户或 UPS 配送账户中扣除。默认情况下,通过卖家平台购买的 UPS 配送及相关服务的费用将从您的卖家账户中扣除。
UPS 配送及相关服务没有固定的每笔交易费。
要购买配送及相关服务,请在管理您的承运人账户中将您的卖家账户与 UPS 账户关联起来。通过 UPS 账户购买配送及相关服务的卖家可享受较低的运费并获得额外服务。
USPS 配送及相关服务费用由承运人计算,并从您的卖家账户(即扣除销售费用的账户)中扣除。
FedEx 配送及相关服务费用由承运人计算,并从您的卖家账户(即扣除销售费用的账户)中扣除。
FedEx 配送及相关服务没有固定的每笔交易费。
适用于配送至墨西哥的卖家:DHL 美国
DHL 美国配送及相关服务费用由承运人计算,并从您的卖家账户(即扣除其他费用的账户)中扣除。
DHL 美国配送及相关服务没有固定的每笔交易费。
Shipping services fees
The fees for any shipping and related services you select display on the Order details page in the Shipping Details section. From your seller account, go to Orders, clickManage Orders, and then click an order.
You can also see fees for shipping and related services in the Payments report. To see the report, go to Reports, and then click Payments. For more information, see Get payments reports.
To change your shipping fees, go to Settings, and then click Shipping Settings. For more information, see Set your shipping rates.
To learn more about shipping options, see Use the Buy Shipping services.
There is no fixed recurring charge for using the Buy Shipping tool (for example, a monthly charge).
Amazon does not provide carriers credit card or bank account information, and charges related services to your seller account.
The carrier calculates TForce shipping and related service fees and charges them to your seller account, the same account from which we deduct your selling fees.
There is no fixed per-transaction fee for TForce shipping and related services.
The carrier calculates UPS shipping and related service fees and charges either your seller account or your UPS shipping account. By default, fees for UPS shipping and related services purchased through Seller Central are charged to your seller account.
There is no fixed per-transaction fee for UPS shipping and related services.
To buy shipping and related services, link your seller account to your UPS account in Manage your carrier accounts. Buying through your UPS account could result in lower shipping rates and access to additional services.
The carrier calculates USPS shipping and related service fees and charges your seller account, the same account from which we deduct your selling fees.
The carrier calculates FedEx shipping and related service fees and charges your seller account, the same account from which Amazon deducts your selling fees.
There is no fixed per-transaction fee for FedEx shipping and related services.
Applicable to sellers shipping to Mexico: DHL US
DHL US shipping and related service fees are calculated by the carrier and charged to your seller account, same as other selling fees.
There is no fixed per-transaction fee for DHL US shipping and related services.