Counterfeit products.仿品。
ltems whose copyright you do not own or hold(copyrighted to someone else)版权非本人所有的产品。
Services: Any service that does not yield a new, tangible, physical item.服务:任何不产生新的、有形的物理实体的服务类产品。
Virtual goods and digital goods: items that are not tangible or must be delivered electronically.虚拟产品和数码产品:非有形的或必须以电子方式交付的产品。
Gift cards, physical or digital.礼品卡,包括实体卡或电子卡。
Tobacco and other smokeable products including electronic cigarettes.烟草和其他可抽吸的产品,包括电子香烟。
Dangerous chemicals.危险化学品。
Piercing gun and tattoo gun.穿刺枪和纹身枪。
Bike and motorcycle helmet自行车和摩托车头盔。
Drugs,medical drug claims about an item, drug paraphernalia.药物,声称为医疗药物的产品,医疗设备。
Live animals, illegal animal products.活体动物,非法的动物制品。
Plant seeds.植物种子。
Human remains or body parts ( excluding hair and teeth ).人类遗骸或身体的一部分(不包括头发和牙齿)。
Pornography or adult/sexually explicit/obscene material.色情或成人/性裸露/淫秽内容。
Firearms and/or weapons.枪支和/或其他武器。
Child carseat, child harness, and recalled toys.儿童婴儿车,儿童束带及召回的玩具。
Hate crime and items or listings that promote, support or glorify hatred toward or otherwisedemean people based upon: race,ethnicity,religion, gender, gender identity, disability,orsexual orientation; including items or content that promote organizations with such views.仇恨罪行及促进、支持或美化仇恨,或其他基于种族、民族、宗教、性别、性别认同、残疾、性取向来贬低他人的产品,包括提倡这些观点的组织的项目或内容。
商户需注意,如果产品清单不符合 Wish 的政策,则产品可能会被删除或暂停销售。不符合政策的商户可能会受到审查,这也可能会导致账户的暂停或终止。