

注意: 此功能仅适用于亚马逊企业采购商城卖家。




  1. 转至商品文档上传工具,然后点击【管理单个商品】选项卡。
  2. 在【我的商品】部分,键入要删除商品文档的商品所对应的 SKU。
  3. 从【文件类型】下拉菜单中,选择商品文档类型。
  4. 从“操作”下拉菜单中,选择【删除商品文档】。
  5. 如果要删除该商品的额外商品文档,请点击【添加另一文件】。
  6. 点击【提交】

    成功提交时,您将看到以下消息: “我们正在删除您的商品文件。这可能需要几分钟时间。 检查您的文件状态(批次编号:####)。”



    1. 转至商品文档上传工具,然后点击【管理多个商品】选项卡。
    2. 点击【示例文件模板】,下载文件。
    3. 在文件中输入 SKU。
    4. 在【操作: 更新、删除】列,将字段设置为【删除】,并在要删除的商品文档所对应的列上标记 【x】。
    5. 将文件以文本(制表符分隔) (*.txt) 文件格式保存在您的本地硬盘上。
    6. 点击【浏览】,从您的本地硬盘上选择文件。
    7. 点击【更新】。

    成功提交时,您将看到以下消息: “您的商品文档上传请求已成功发送。检查您的文件状态(批次编号:####)。”


    Delete product documents

    You can delete product documents from your products individually or by using feeds.

    Note: This feature is available to Amazon Business sellers only.

    Delete product documents individually

    You can only delete documents uploaded by you. To delete product documents from your products individually, complete the following steps:

    1. Go to the Product Document Uploader and click on the Manage single product tab.
    2. In the Your product section, type the SKU for the product to which you want to delete product documents.
    3. Select the type of product document from the Type of documentdrop-down list.
    4. Select Delete document from the action drop-down list.
    5. If you want to delete an additional product document for this product, click Add another file.
    6. Click Submit

    When successful, you will see the message: "We're deleting your product documents. This may take a few minutes. Check the status of your file (Batch ID: ####)."

    Delete product documents with a feed

    You can only delete documents uploaded by you. To delete product documents from your products using a feed, complete the following steps:

    1. Go to the Product Document Uploader and click on the Manage multiple products tab.
    2. Download the file by clicking sample file template.
    3. Enter the SKU in the file.
    4. In the Action: Update, Delete column, set the field to Delete and place an x on the columns for the documents you want to delete.
    5. Save the file to your local hard drive in text (Tab-delimited) (*.txt) format.
    6. Click Browse and select the file from your local hard drive.
    7. Click Update.

    When successful, you will see the message: "Your product document upload request was successfully sent. Check the status of your file (Batch ID: ####)."
