
注意: 批量上传数据仅适用于单面文本定制。如果您有多个表面需要定制,或需要进行图片定制或商品配置,请逐个上传。



提示: 打开报告后,您会发现各列未对齐;您需要将内容复制并粘贴到 Excel 电子表格中,将数据对齐。



这是您应引用的 Excel 工作表中的行号。


引用的 SKU 值。








错误代码 解决方案
1002 SKU 最近经过编辑,且无法在编辑过程中添加新的变更请求。最长可能需要 48 小时才能看到编辑内容。请在 48 小时后重新运行上传数据。
1003 请联系卖家支持。卖家支持可能需要您提供上传时使用的上传数据模板、批次编号及上传时间和日期。
1004 您的库存中找不到此 SKU。请添加此 SKU 或耐心等待,直到 SKU 处于在售状态且所有信息发布完成。
1005 SKU 必须处于在售状态且库存必须设为“1”。
1006 此 ASIN 对应多件“在售”或“非在售”商品。每件定制商品必须使用自己的 ASIN 进行发布。您可以通过申请 UPC 豁免申请 ASIN。有关更多信息,请转至如何发布没有全球贸易项目代码(UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN)的商品。
1007 定制商品无法由亚马逊配送。请转换此 SKU,以便由您自行配送。
1008 模板中的必填字段缺失。
1009 文本字段的长度限制为 99 个字符,请确认所有文本框均符合此要求。
1010 您必须至少填写 1 个字符。

请仔细检查 URL 是否正确无误以及其格式是否受定制商品支持。

图片:.jpg 或 .png

字体:.ttf 或 .woff

1012 URL 格式无效。
1013 字体或图片文件超过 3MB,请缩减大小或选择替代项。


  • 正好为 400 x 400 像素
  • .jpg 或 .png 格式
  • 不超过 3MB


1015 图片 URL 必须以 .jpg 或 .png 结尾
1016 字体 URL 必须以 .ttf 或 .woff 结尾

整数字段(如 x 轴、y 轴、宽度和高度)必须为数值。数值不得包含特殊字符、小数或字母。


1018 需要填入“true”或“false”值的一个或多个单元格存在无效值。
1019 需要填入 SKU 的某一行没有值。
1020 联系卖家支持。
1021 颜色代码无效。请确保您已在颜色代码的 6 个字符前输入“#”。
1022 打印或表面区域不得包含特殊字符,如 !、&、%、$、#、?、> 和 <
1023 将表面或打印区域名称缩减到少于 99 个字符。
1024 请确保设置的 x 轴、y 轴、高度和/或宽度值介于 1 和 400 之间。
1025 存在重复的字体 URL,请确保每个字体都有不同的字体 URL。
1026 您必须为其中一个默认字体输入“TRUE”,或者输入您自己的定制字体。
1027 联系卖家支持
1028 联系卖家支持



Error codes for configuring customizations in bulk

Note: Bulk feeds are only available for single surface text customization, if you have multiple surfaces or need Image Customization or Product Configuration, please upload them via the One by One method.


Once your upload has finished processing, it will report the number of errors. Download the report to view the errors.

Tip: When you open the report, you will notice that the columns are not aligned; you might want to copy and paste the contents into an Excel spreadsheet to align the data.

Column header definitions


This is the row number in the excel sheet you should reference.


The SKU value that is being referenced.


This code helps to specify the error that you received. Ideally the error-message (the last value) should have enough information to help you resolve the issue; if not, then lookup the error-code below.


Currently, our only error-type that we support is “Error.”


This should be a readable message to easily help you resolve the error as well as which field(s) to reference for the error. If you need more information, please reference the code below.


Error codes resolution guide

Error-Code Resolution
1002 The SKU has recently been edited and new change requests can’t be added while the edits are in process. It can take up to 48 hours to see the edits populate. Please re-run the feed after 48 hours.
1003 Please contact Seller Support. Seller Support may need the feed template that you used for the upload, the Batch ID, andthe time and date of the upload.
1004 The SKU can’t be found in your inventory. Please add the SKU or wait until the SKU has gone live and all of the information is published.
1005 The SKU must be active and the inventory has to be set to ‘1’.
1006 There are multiple active or inactive offers on the ASIN.Each Custom Product must be listed with its own ASIN. You can request your ASIN by applying for a UPC Exemption. For more information, please go toHow to list products that do not have a GTIN (UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN).
1007 Custom Products cannot be fulfilled by Amazon. Please switch the SKU, so it’s fulfilled by you.
1008 A mandatory field is missing in the template.
1009 Text fields have a limit of 99 characters, please verify that all your text boxes meet this requirement.
1010 You must have a minimum character limit of 1.

Double check that the URLs work and that they are in a format that Custom supports.

Images: .jpg or .png

Fonts: .ttf or .woff

1012 The URL is in an invalid format.
1013 The font or image file is over 3MB, please reduce the size or find an alternative.

Preview Image does not meet Custom’s specifications:

  • 400x400 pixels, exactly
  • .jpg or .png
  • 3MB maximum size


1015 Image URL must end in .jpg or .png
1016 Font URL must end in .ttf or .woff

Integer fields like the x-axis, y-axis, width and height require a numerical vale. The numerical value must not contain special characters, decimals, or letters.

Find the valid values in the Data Definition tab in the feed template.

1018 There’s an invalid value in one or more of the cells, which require either a “true” or “false” value.
1019 One of the rows has no value, where a SKU is expected.
1020 Contact Seller Support.
1021 Invalid color code. Please ensure you have entered "#" before your 6 characters for your color code.
1022 Your print or surface area cannot include special characters such as: !&%$#?><
1023 Reduce surface or print area name to less than 99 characters.
1024 Please ensure your X-axis, Y-axis, height, and/or width values are set between 1 and 400.
1025 There are duplicate font URLs present, please ensure you have different font URLs for each individual font.
1026 You must enter “TRUE” for one of the default fonts, or enter your own custom font.
1027 Contact Seller Support
1028 Contact Seller Support

