订单缺陷率 (ODR) 是衡量您能否提供良好买家体验的主要指标。该指标涵盖在给定的 60 天时间段内存在一种或多种缺陷的所有订单占订单总数的百分比。以下是订单缺陷的类型:
我们的政策规定,卖家应维持低于 1% 的 ODR,这样才能在亚马逊上销售商品。如果订单缺陷率高于 1%,可能会导致账户被停用。
取消率 (CR) 是在给定的 7 天时间段内,卖家取消的所有订单占订单总数的百分比。取消率仅适用于卖家自配送订单。
此指标包括所有由卖家取消的订单,但买家使用其亚马逊账户中的订单取消选项请求取消的订单除外。买家在亚马逊上直接取消的等待中订单不包括在内,不构成卖家 CR 的因素。
我们的政策规定,卖家应维持低于 2.5% 的取消率,这样才能在亚马逊上销售商品。如果取消率高于 2.5%,可能会导致账户被停用。
迟发率 (LSR) 涵盖在预计发货日期之后才完成发货确认的所有订单。迟发率表示为 10 天或 30 天时间段内延迟发货的订单数占订单总数的百分比。LSR 仅适用于卖家自配送订单。
我们的政策规定,卖家需要保持低于 4% 的 LSR,才能在亚马逊商城销售商品。高于 4% 的 LSR 可能会导致账户停用。
有效追踪率 (VTR) 是在给定的 30 天时间段内,具有有效追踪编码的所有货件占总货件数的百分比。有效追踪率仅适用于卖家自配送订单。
亚马逊买家根据追踪编码了解订单配送状态和预计收货时间。有效追踪率是一项可以反映这些期望的绩效指标。目前,包括 USPS、FedEx、UPS 和 DHL 在内的所有主要承运人都提供免费追踪服务。
我们的政策规定,北美卖家的美国货件应维持高于 95% 的有效追踪率。如果某个商品分类中的有效追踪率低于 95%,我们可能会限制您销售此分类下非亚马逊物流 (FBA) 商品的权限。这还可能影响您参与优先配送和保证配送的资格。
按时配送率 (OTDR) 是在预计送达日期之前送达的所有货件占追踪货件总数的百分比。按时配送率仅适用于卖家自配送订单。
我们建议卖家保持高于 97% 的 OTDR 绩效以提供良好的买家体验,但目前我们不会因卖家未达到此绩效目标要求而施加处罚。
注意: 您只能使用“买家与卖家消息服务”模板就订单或客户服务问题联系买家。
Monitor your account health
To view your account health, follow these instructions:
Go to Seller Central homepage.
Under Performance, click Account Health.
The Account Health page provides an overview of your seller account's adherence to the performance targets and policies required to sell on Amazon. To ensure we are delivering a great experience for our customers, Amazon might take action on these metrics if they do not comply with our targets.
We regularly review the performance of all sellers and notify them when they are off-target. The intent of this review is to give you the opportunity to improve your performance before the issue affects your ability to sell. Occasionally, seller accounts with very poor performance are immediately deactivated.
Appeal a deactivated seller account
If your seller account has been deactivated, you may be eligible for reinstatement. You can appeal by providing us with a plan of action for correcting the problems that contributed to the enforcement action. Learn how to Appeal the restriction or removal of selling privileges.
Performance metrics
The Account Health page provides you with visibility into your seller account's adherence to the targets for various product policies as well as the below performance metrics:
Order Defect Rate
The Order Defect Rate (ODR) is a key measure of your ability to provide a good customer experience. It includes all orders with one or more defects represented as a percentage of total orders during a given 60-day time period. The following are the types of order defects:
Negative feedback
An A-to-z Guarantee claim that is not denied
Credit card chargeback
Our policy is that sellers maintain an ODR under 1% in order to sell on Amazon. An ODR above 1% may result in account deactivation.
Cancellation Rate
The Cancellation Rate (CR) is all seller-cancelled orders represented as a percentage of total orders during a given 7-day time period. CR only applies to seller-fulfilled orders.
This metric includes all order cancellations initiated by the seller, with the exception of those requested by the customer using the order-cancellation options in their Amazon account. Pending orders that are cancelled by the customer directly on Amazon are not included and do not factor in the seller’s CR.
Our policy is that sellers maintain a CR under 2.5% in order to sell on Amazon. A CR above 2.5% may result in account deactivation.
Late Shipment Rate
The Late Shipment Rate (LSR) includes all orders with a ship confirmation that is completed after the expected ship date. LSR is represented as a percentage of total orders over both a 10-day or 30-day period. LSR only applies to seller-fulfilled orders.
It is important to confirm the shipment of orders by the expected ship date so that customers can see the status of their shipped orders online. The following results can occur due to an order with a confirmed late shipment date:
Increased A-to-z Guarantee Claims
Negative feedback
Customer contacts
Negative customer experience
Our policy is that sellers maintain an LSR under 4% in order to sell on Amazon. An LSR above 4% can result in account deactivation.
Valid Tracking Rate
The Valid Tracking Rate (VTR) includes all shipments with a valid tracking number represented as a percentage of total shipments during a given 30-day time period. VTR only applies to seller-fulfilled orders.
Amazon customers depend on tracking numbers to find out where their orders are and when they can expect to receive them. The Valid Tracking Rate is a performance metric that reflects those expectations. All major carriers, including USPS, FedEx, UPS, and DHL now offer free tracking.
Our policy is that sellers in North America maintain a VTR greater than 95% for their U.S. shipments. A VTR below 95% in a product category may result in restrictions on your ability to sell non-FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon) items within that category. This might also affect your eligibility to participate in Premium Shipping and guaranteed delivery.
On-Time Delivery Rate
The On-Time Delivery Rate (OTDR) includes all shipments delivered by their estimated delivery date represented as a percentage of total tracked shipments. OTDR only applies to seller-fulfilled orders.
We consider OTDR performance when determining which Transit Times you are eligible to set, which may enable you to promise faster delivery times and improve your conversion.
We recommend that sellers maintain an OTDR greater than 97% in order to provide a good customer experience, however, there is no penalty for not meeting the performance target at this time.
Address buyer feedback
Certain negative performance metrics are caused by a buyer’s feedback based on their experience. Sellers should try to determine the cause of the problem and work with the buyer using one of the following options:
Use the Feedback Manager
Go to Feedback under the Performance tab.
In the Recent Feedback table, select Contact Customer under the Actions column next to the designated Order ID.
Use the Buyer-Seller Messaging templates
For more information, see Email templates for Buyer-Seller Messaging.
Note: You can only use the Buyer-Seller Messaging templates to contact a buyer in regards to an order or a customer service question.