


重要: 日期范围报告会获取第一个报告日期(太平洋时间凌晨 12:00)与最后一个报告日期(太平洋时间午夜 11:59)之间的所有交易。


  1. 在付款报告的【日期范围报告】选项卡上,点击【生成报告】。

  2. 在【生成日期范围报告】对话框中:

    • 要生成月度报告,请从【月份】下拉列表中选择月份和年份。您可以选择过去的某个月份或未来一年内的某个月份。

    • 要生成自定义报告,请使用日期选择器为您的报告指定日期范围。

      注意: 如果您选择了未来的某个日期范围,可以将报告设置为在指定结束日期之后定期生成报告。报告的最长日期范围是 365 天,时间可以追溯到 2012 年。

    • 【汇总报告】 (PDF) 提供特定日期范围内您的卖家账户中资金活动的概况。

    • 【交易报告】 (CSV) 是特定日期范围内您的卖家账户中交易的详细列表。

    1. 选择报告类型。

    2. 选择【月份】或【自定义】报告日期范围。

  3. 点击【生成】。生成报告最长可能需要 1 小时。如果列表中尚没有您的报告,请稍后再查看。


日期范围报告可以包含分配给您用于资金转账的联邦自动清算所系统 (ACH) 追踪编码。自亚马逊发起转账之日起 5 个工作日后,您的银行可以使用此追踪编码来调查存款状态。


SKU与交易相关的商品 SKU(如适用)。




请注意: 点击此处了解有关收取销售税的更多信息


Date Range Reports

The Date Range Reports page generates individual transaction reports and summary reports for orders within a specific range based on the date you marked the orders as shipped.

To see additional account activity, go to All Statements summary report.

Important: The Date Range Reports capture all the transactions between the first report date at 12:00 a.m. to the last report date at 11:59 p.m. Pacific time.

Follow these steps to generate a custom date range report:

  1. On the Date Range Reports tab of your Payments Report, click Generate Report.

  2. In the Generate date range report dialog box:

    • To generate a monthly report, select a month and year from the Month drop-down list. You can select a previous month or a future month that includes days up to a year in the future.

    • To generate a custom report, use the date pickers to specify the date range for your report.

      Note: If you select a date range in the future, you can set the report to recur after the end date. Reports can be generated for upto 365 days at a time going as far back as 2012.

    • A Summary Report (PDF) is an overview of financial activity in your seller account during a specific date range.

    • A Transaction Report (CSV) is a detailed list of the transactions that occurred in your seller account during a specific date range.

    1. Select the report type.

    2. Select the Month or Custom reporting range.

  3. Click Generate. Reports can take up to 1 hour to generate. If you do not see your report in the list yet, check again later.

Scheduled reports will be marked Scheduled in the table. To cancel a report, click Cancel.

A Date Range Report can include the Federal Automated Clearing House (ACH) Trace ID assigned to your fund transfer. If it has been more than 5 business days since Amazon initiated the transfer, your bank can use the Trace ID to research the status of the deposit.

A Transaction-level Date Range Report can includes the following columns. Note that columns in the report might vary by country.

Date / TimeThe date/time associated with transaction.
Settlement IDThe settlement group associated with the transaction.
TypeThe transaction type which includes orders, refunds, fees, transfers and adjustments.
Order IDThe ID generated when a customer places an order. (if applicable)
SKUThe product SKU associated with the transaction. (if applicable)
DescriptionThe product description associated with transaction.
QuantityThe quantity of product in customer order.
MarketplaceThe marketplace of sale.
FulfillmentThe fulfillment method, i.e. seller-fulfilled or Amazon-fulfilled.
Order CityThe city where customer order will be shipped to.
Order StateThe prefecture where customer order will be shipped to.
Order Post CodeThe postal code where customer order will be shipped to.
Tax Collection ModelThe model by which Amazon collects taxes owed to tax authorities. (if applicable)
Product SalesThe amount of your sales for product in associated order.
Product Sales TaxThe sales tax collected from buyers for product sales.
Shipping CreditsThe amount paid by buyers for shipping.
Shipping Credits TaxThe sales tax collected from buyers for shipping.
Gift Wrap CreditsThe amount paid by buyers for gift wrap.
Gift Wrap Credits TaxThe sales tax collected from buyers for gift wrap.
Promotional RebateThe amount deducted from your account balance for promotional offerings.
Promotional Rebate TaxThe sales tax collected from buyers for promotional rebates.
Marketplace Withheld Tax

The amount collected by Amazon to remit to tax authority. (applicable in Mexico and certain jurisdictions in Canada and US)

Amazon is a marketplace facilitator for third party sales facilitated through our store and is responsible to calculate, collect, remit, and refund sales and use tax on orders shipped to a jurisdiction (state, county, city, district) that has enacted marketplace facilitator or similar laws.

Selling FeesThe fees charged for Selling on Amazon, including variable closing fees and referral fees.
FBA FeesThe fees charged for order fulfillment, including variable closing fees and referral fees on orders fulfilled by Amazon.
Other Transaction FeesOther fees charged for Selling on Amazon, including sales tax collection fees, per-item fees, and referral fees.
OtherOther adjustments to your account such as disbursements
TotalThe change in your seller balance as a result of the transaction.

Note: Click here to learn more about collecting sales tax

