总销售额 - 您组织中所有商店的总销售额。此值是使用以下公式计算的:
Total sales = gross sales (excluding gift card sales) - discounts - monetary returns + taxes + shipping charges
总订单数 - 您组织中所有商店的总订单数。此部分中的订单不包括仅包含礼品卡的订单。
总销售额 - 商店的总销售额。此值是使用以下公式计算的:
Total sales = gross sales (excluding gift card sales) - discounts - monetary returns + taxes + shipping charges
访问次数 - 访问的次数,其中每次访问是指访客在一段时间内进行持续活动。
总订单数 - 商店的总订单数。此部分中的订单不包括仅包含礼品卡的订单。
转化率 -导致订单数超过总访问次数的访问次数所占百分比。如果您选择时间范围今天或 24 小时,则转化率将与前一天的平均转化率进行比较。
平均订单金额 - 一段时间内订单的平均金额。此值是使用以下公式计算的:
Total sales / Total orders
点击其中的任一链接都可转到商店的 Shopify 后台中的相应报告。
Organization analytics
Organization analytics provide top-level information about the performance of the stores in your organization.
The Overview dashboard in the organization admin provides top-level information about the performance of the stores in your organization. Users who have the Overview access can see metrics and trends at a glance across all stores.
By default, the date range for the metrics that are displayed on the Overview dashboard is set to Today. At the top of the page, you can select other date ranges, including a range for Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Sales are shown in the time zone of each individual store.
The Overview dashboard is divided into two sections:
The top of the page displays the combined analytics for all stores in your organization (not including development stores).
The rest of the page displays the analytics for each store in your organization.
On this page
Viewing the analytics data for all stores in your organization
Viewing the analytics data for each store in your organization
Viewing the analytics data for all stores in your organization
The section at the top of the page combines the analytics across all the stores in your organization, and it includes the following information:
Total sales - The total sales of all the stores in your organization. This value is calculated using the following formula:
Total sales = gross sales (excluding gift card sales) - discounts - monetary returns + taxes + shipping charges
Because negative values, such as discounts and returns, are included in this calculation, the total might be a negative value. For example, if you have more returns than sales in the time frame shown, then the total sales amount for that time frame is a negative value.
Total orders - The total number of orders for all the stores in your organization. The orders in this section don't include orders that only contain gift cards.
By default, the currency shown in this section is set to the currency of the store in your organization that has the highest sales. You can change the currency by clicking the icon above the Total orders section and selecting your preferred currency.
Viewing the analytics data for each store in your organization
The store details section shows tiles for every store in your organization (not including development stores) listed according to gross revenue. If you have more than six stores in your organization, then you can use the arrow buttons at the bottom of the page to display the next or the previous page. If you want to view analytics for a specific store, then you can search for the store by entering the store's name into the Search for a live store field.
Each store tile shows the following information:
Total sales - The total sales for the store. This value is calculated using the following formula:
Total sales = gross sales (excluding gift card sales) - discounts - monetary returns + taxes + shipping charges
Because negative values, such as discounts and returns, are included in this calculation, the total might be a negative value. For example, if you have more returns than sales in the time frame shown, then the total sales amount for that time frame is a negative value.
Sessions - The number of sessions, where each session is a period of continuous activity from a visitor.
Total orders - The total number of orders from the store. The orders in this section don't include orders that contain only gift cards.
Conversion rate - The percentage of sessions that resulted in orders over the total number of sessions. If you select the time range Today or 24 hours, then the conversion rate is compared to the average rate from the previous day.
Average order value - The average value of the orders for the time period. This value is calculated using the following formula:
Total sales / Total orders
The currency that appears in the store tile is the store's currency. You can view a conversion to the currency used in the All stores section by hovering your mouse over the Total sales value.
Clicking any of these links takes you to the corresponding report in the store's Shopify admin.
Clicking View dashboard takes you to the Analytics page for that store.