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Name Emily Johnson

Age 38

Occupation Environmental consultant

Annual income $70, 000

Marital status Married

Family situation Has two children, aged 7 and 10

Location Suburban area, California

Personal characteristics Eco-conscious,health-conscious,outdoor enthusiast

Hobbies Gardening, hiking, camping, reading

Interests Sustainable living, renewable energy

Pains Concerned about carbon footprint, energy costs

Main challenges Finding eco-friendly solutions for household needs

Needs Energy-efficient and durable outdoor lighting

Dreams To have a beautiful and sustainable outdoor space

Budget Willing to invest in quality products within the range of $100-$200

Shopping frequency Occasional purchases, typically during spring and summer seasons

Preferred channels Online platforms (e.g., Amazon, sustainable living websites), local home improvement stores

Online behavior Conducts extensive research, reads product reviews, and compares features and prices

