“由于贵方订单第 111 号的货已备待运有相当长时间了,贵方必须立即行动尽快开出信用证。As the goods against your order No.111 have been ready for shipment for quite some time, it is imperative that you take immediate action to have the covering credit established as soon as possible.”
“我们已经多次传真要求贵方从速开来有关信用证,以使我们装运上述订单的货。但是三个月过去了,仍未收到有关信用证。We repeatedly requested you by faxes to expedite the opening of the relative letter of credit so that we might effect shipment for the above mentioned order, but after the lapse of 3 months, we have not yet received the covering L/C.”
“希望贵方认真考虑商业信誉,立即开证,否则,由此产生的一切损失均由贵方负责。We hope that you will take commercial reputation into account in all seriousness and open L/C at once, otherwise you will be responsible for all the losses arising therefrom.”
“贵方订单的装船期已经临近,但我们尚未收到有关信用证,请尽最大努力从速将信用证在本月底开到,以便及时装运。The shipment time for your order is approaching, but we have not yet received the covering L/C. Please do your utmost to expedite the same to reach here before the end of this month so that shipment may be effected without delay.”