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Important: 如果您在亚马逊上销售商品,则必须遵守适用于这些商品和商品信息的所有联邦、州和当地法律以及亚马逊政策。



某些司法管辖区会限制这些商品的出口、进口或销售。例如,某些武器被视为“国防物品”,由美国国务院根据《国际武器贸易条例》(以下简称“ITAR”)进行监管。对于受 ITAR 监管的所有商品,均需从美国国务院取得许可证、许可证豁免或其他批准才能“出口”(22 C.F.R. § 120.1 及后续条款对出口活动进行了界定,其中包括向美国境内或境外的“外国人”,或位于美国境外的 APO/DPO/FPO 地址的“美国人”出售或传输“技术数据”)。违反 ITAR 可能导致以下处罚:每次违规被处以最高 $500,000 罚款的民事处罚、每次违规被处以最高 $1,000,000 罚款的刑事处罚和 10 年有期徒刑,以及/或者禁止与美国公司进行生意往来。


根据《出口管理条例》(以下简称“EAR”),被视为“军民两用”的武器商品(即同时用于国防和商业目的的商品)可能受美国商务部的监管。在销售这些商品之前可能需要从美国商务部取得出口许可证或其他批准。违反 EAR 可能导致以下处罚:每次违规被处以最高 $250,000 或违规交易额两倍罚款的民事处罚、每次违规被处以最高 $1,000,000 罚款的刑事处罚和 20 年有期徒刑,以及/或者剥夺出口权限。


Export Controls

Important: If you supply products for sale on Amazon, you must comply with all federal, state, and local laws and Amazon policies applicable to those products and product listings.

Items subject to International and Export Trade Regulations

International Traffic in Arms Regulations

Some jurisdictions restrict the export, import, or sale of these products. For instance, some weapons are deemed to be “defense articles” that are regulated by the U.S. Department of State under the International Traffic in Arms Regulations (“ITAR”). All items governed by ITAR require a license, a license exemption, or other approval from the U.S. Department of State in order to “export” (22 C.F.R. § 120.1 et seq. defines export to include releasing or transferring “technical data” to “foreign persons,” whether inside or outside the United States, or to “US persons” located at APO/DPO/FPO addresses outside of the United States). Non-compliance with the ITAR can result in civil penalties as high as $500,000 per violation, criminal penalties up to $1,000,000 in fines, 10 years imprisonment per violation, and/or a bar from conducting business with U.S. companies.

Export Administration Regulations

Weapon products considered “dual-use” (i.e., those having both a defense and commercial purpose) may be regulated by the U.S. Department of Commerce under the Export Administration Regulations (“EAR”). An export license or other approval from the U.S. Department of Commerce may be required prior to selling these items. Non-compliance with EAR can result in civil penalties as high as $250,000 per violation or twice the amount of the transaction that is the basis of the violation, criminal penalties up to $1,000,000 per violation, 20 years imprisonment per violation, and/or loss of export privileges.

