



  1. 前往管理电子邮件模板。

  2. 点击【创建模板】按钮。

  3. 在【模板名称】字段中输入您的模板名称,然后在【模板文本】字段中输入模板的电子邮件内容。

  4. 创建或选择要应用到此模板的标签。这是可选项,但是标签将对您的模板进行分类,以便日后查找。

  5. 点击【保存】完成操作。


  1. 前往买家与卖家消息页面。

  2. 找到您要回复的消息,然后点击位于【回复】框上方的【选择模板】下拉项。

  3. 从弹出的列表中选择一个模板。模板文本将显示在“回复”框中。在发送消息之前,仍可选择对消息进行个性化设置。

  4. 点击【发送】。


  1. 前往管理电子邮件模板。

  2. 点击要更改的模板旁边的【编辑】或【删除】。

  3. 编辑模板时,请务必在完成修改后点击【保存】。

  4. 删除模板时,请点击【删除】,然后在系统提示 [ 是否确定要删除此模板? ] 时确认删除。


Buyer-Seller Messaging templates

As a seller, you might have a handful of messages that you find yourself frequently sending to buyers. Rather than rewrite the same message each time, you can create templates for the most common replies that you send to buyers or use Amazon’s templates for sending new messages.

The response template feature is part of Buyer-Seller Messages, which you can access by clicking the Messages link in the top right corner of your seller account home page.

For sending a new message to buyers, you can use the options available on the Contact Buyer page.

Create a response template

Go to Manage Templates to create a template or follow these steps:

  1. In the upper-right corner of your seller account home page, click Messages to go to Buyer-Seller Messages.

  2. Click the Manage E-mail Templates link.

  3. Click the Create Template button.

  4. Enter a name for your template in the Template Name field and the template text in the Template Text field.

  5. Create or select tags to associate with this template. Tags will categorize your template and make it easier to find the next time you want to use it.

  6. Click Save.

Follow these steps to use a response template:

  1. In the upper-right corner of your seller account home page, click Messages to go to Buyer-Seller Messages page.

  2. Click Select Template above the Reply box.

  3. A pop-up box labeled Templates will appear. Select the template you want to use from the list of recently used templates.

  4. The template text appears in the Reply box.

    Optional: Personalize the message before sending it.

  1. Click Reply to send the message.

Edit or delete a template

Go to Manage Templates to edit or delete a template and follow these steps:

  1. In the upper right corner of your seller account home page, click Messages to go to Buyer-Seller Messages page.

  2. Click the Manage E-mail Templates link.

  3. Click Edit or Delete next to the template you wish to change.

    • To delete a template, click Delete and confirm Are you sure you want to delete this template?

    • To edit a template, click Edit to revise your template and save your changes.

