连连(LianLian Global)官网首页






  • 包装和预处理要求

  • 贴标要求

  • 货件包装要求


我们会批量储存库存或将其储存在各个“易于取货”的位置。媒介类商品竖直存放在图书馆式货架上,书脊朝外,松散堆放,以免发生“货架磨损”。 食品或高价物品等特殊商品可能会根据需要放置在亚马逊运营中心的安全或控温区域。。


在亚马逊运营中心或收货中心收到您的库存后,该库存便可进行销售。查询已发货库存差异最长可能需要 21 天。您可以在【货件处理进度】中追踪货件的状态,其中状态会依次显示为“运输中”、“已完成配送”、“已登记”、“正在接收”和最终的“已完成”。在接收过程中,我们会逐个扫描您的商品条形码并将其输入到追踪系统中,而且会获取尺寸(精确到 1/10 英尺)和重量(精确到 1/10 磅)以便储存和配送。



How Amazon receives and stores your inventory

When you ship your inventory to Amazon for fulfillment, you can be assured that it will be stored in a secure environment.

When you send your shipments to our fulfillment centers, it is important to follow our preparation, packaging and labeling requirements so your shipments will be received quickly and accurately.

  • Packaging and Prep Requirements

  • Labeling Requirements

  • Shipment Packaging Requirements

How Amazon stores your inventory

We store inventory either in bulk or in individual "pickable" locations. Media products are stored on library-type shelving in vertical, spine out positions with loose stacking to avoid "shelf wear." Specialty items like food or high-value goods may be placed in specific secure or climate-controlled areas of the fulfillment center as appropriate. .

If inventory is damaged or misplaced while in Amazon's control (in the fulfillment center, during delivery to or from a customer), we will purchase the inventory from you.

Once your inventory is received at a fulfillment center or receive center, it is available for sale. Reconciliation of shipped inventory may take up to 21 days. You can track the status of your shipment in the Shipping Queue with the status cycling through In Transit, Delivered, Checked-In, Receiving and finally Closed. During the Receiving process, your item barcodes are individually scanned and entered into the tracking system, the dimensions (to the nearest 1/10') and weight (to the nearest 1/10 lb) are captured for storage and fulfillment purposes.

Before you ship your products to Amazon, be sure to review FBA Inventory Requirements and FBA Product Restrictions.

