连连(LianLian Global)官网首页









重要: 不遵守亚马逊物流商品预处理要求、安全要求及商品限制条件可能会产生以下后果:亚马逊运营中心拒收库存;弃置或退还库存;禁止今后向亚马逊运营中心发送货件;或者亚马逊运营中心针对未尽的预处理工作或额外包装工作收取费用。


  • 您的首个亚马逊物流货件: 贴标

  • 库存贴标要求

  • 如何为亚马逊物流商品贴标


  • 将库存打包并运输至亚马逊 (PDF)

  • 如何为商品贴标 (PDF)



使用热敏打印机,标签会立即打印出来。如果使用激光打印机,系统会生成一个 PDF 文件,您可以使用标准标签纸进行打印。


  1. 从【货件处理进度】页面选择您要为其贴标的货件。

  2. 在【商品】列,检查您要发送各个商品的数量。

  3. 在页面底部,点击【打印标签】。如果使用热敏打印机,标签会自动打印出来。如果使用激光打印机,系统会生成一个 PDF 文件,您可以使用标签纸进行打印。


  1. 在左列中选择商品。

  2. 从【对选定商品执行操作】下拉菜单中选择【打印商品标签】。



  • 亚马逊条形码和相关文本周围要保留足够空白: (两侧保留 0.25 英寸,上下保留 0.125 英寸)


  • 商品名称

  • 商品状况

注意: 直接打印在商品包装上的亚马逊条形码也必须符合这些要求。

如果您是商品制造商或品牌所有者并希望将条形码直接打印在商品包装上,请粘贴您自己的 GS1 标准 UPC 条形码。有关更多信息,请参阅 GS1。



  • 将条形码粘贴到对应的商品上。

  • 覆盖其他所有可见的条形码 ,但序列号条形码或 Transparency 验证码标签除外 。

  • 将条形码粘贴在所有预处理材料的外面。

  • 请勿将条形码粘贴在包装的弯曲部位或边角处。

  • 在标签边缘和包装边缘之间应留出 0.25 英寸 的间距。

  • 确保原厂包装中的每件商品都具有亚马逊条形码,且包装箱上的任何条形码都已被清除。

重要: 如果未遵守标签放置要求,可能会造成处理延迟,还会产生计划外预处理服务费。



提示: 亚马逊运营中心目前使用型号为 Zebra GX430t 的打印机,默认为热敏设置。

所有标签必须在 24 个月内保持清晰可读和可扫描的状态。以下指南将有助于确保您打印的标签至少在两年内不会模糊或褪色:

  • 定期扫描亚马逊条形码进行测试

  • 使用打印分辨率至少为 300 DPI 的打印机

  • 定期测试、清洗和更换打印机针头


所有亚马逊条形码必须使用黑墨打印在带有可移除不干胶的白色不反光标签上。尺寸必须介于 1 英寸 x 2 英寸和 2 英寸 x 3 英寸之间(例如,1 英寸 x 3 英寸或 2 英寸 x 2 英寸)。


  • 每页纸 21 个标签(A4 纸,63.5 毫米 x 38.1 毫米)

  • 每页纸 24 个标签(A4 纸,63.5 毫米 x 33.9 毫米;A4 纸,63.5 毫米 x 38.1 毫米;A4 纸,64.6 毫米 x 33.8 毫米;A4 纸,66.0 毫米 x 33.9 毫米;A4 纸,70.0 毫米 x 36.0 毫米;A4 纸,70.0 毫米 x 37.0 毫米)

  • 每页纸 27 个标签(A4 纸,63.5 毫米 x 29.6 毫米)

  • 每页纸 30 个标签(US 信纸,1 英寸 x 2 5/8 英寸)

  • 每页纸 40 个标签(A4 纸,52.5 毫米 x 29.7 毫米)

  • 每页纸 44 个标签(A4 纸,48.5 毫米 x 25.4 毫米)

打印标签时,如果打印机尝试缩放 PDF 打印区域,请确保将打印机缩放设置为【无】或 【100%】。












Use an Amazon barcode to track inventory

Amazon systems are barcode-driven. Each unit you send to a fulfillment center requires a barcode so that it can be tracked throughout the fulfillment process.

Products that do not use a manufacturer barcode for tracking require an Amazon barcode. You can print Amazon barcodes from within your seller account and apply the barcodes yourself.

If you do not want to apply the barcodes yourself, you can sign up for the FBA Label Service and have Amazon apply the labels for you for a per-item fee. For more information, see FBA Label Service.

For eligible products, you can use the manufacturer barcode to track your inventory. For more information, see Use the manufacturer barcode to track inventory.

Any item that requires an Amazon barcode that arrives at a fulfillment center without one will be subject to an unplanned prep service fee. For more information, see Unplanned Prep Services.

Important: Failure to comply with FBA product preparation requirements, safety requirements, and product restrictions may result in the refusal of inventory at the Amazon fulfillment center, disposal or return of inventory, blocking of future shipments to the fulfillment center, or charging for preparation or for noncompliance at the fulfillment center.

See our videos for additional information

  • Your First FBA Shipment: Labeling

  • Inventory Labeling Requirements

  • How to Label Products for Fulfillment by Amazon


  • Packaging and Shipping Inventory to Amazon (PDF)

  • How to Label Products (PDF)

Print Amazon barcodes

You can print Amazon barcodes for your products from the Label Products page when you create a shipment, or at any time from the Manage Inventory page.

If you use a thermal printer, labels are printed immediately. For laser printers, a PDF is generated that you can use to print labels using standard label paper.

To print Amazon barcodes from the Label Products page:

  1. Select the shipment that you want to work on from the Shipping Queue page.

  2. In the Items column, verify the number of each product that you want to send.

  3. At the bottom of the page, click Print labels. For thermal printers, the labels will print automatically. For laser printers, a PDF will be generated for use with label paper.

To print Amazon barcodes from the Manage Inventory page:

  1. Select the products in the left column.

  2. Select Print Item Labels from the Action on Selected Item(s) drop-down menu.

Amazon barcode requirements

When printing Amazon barcodes onto labels, make sure that the printed labels include:

  • Sufficient white space around the Amazon barcode and related text: (0.25 inch on the sides and 0.125 inch on the top and bottom)


  • Product name

  • Item condition

Note: Amazon barcodes that have been printed directly onto the product packaging must meet these requirements as well.

If you are the product manufacturer or brand owner and you want to print barcodes directly onto the product packaging, apply for your own GS1 standard UPC barcode. For more information, see GS1.

Label placement requirements

When you are ready to affix barcodes to your products, make sure you:

  • Put the correct barcode on each item.

  • Cover all other visible barcodes, except for any serial number barcodes or Transparency authentication code labels.

  • Place the barcode on the outside of any prep materials.

  • Do not place the barcode on a curve or corner of the package.

  • Allow 0.25 inch between the edge of the label and the edge of the packaging.

  • Ensure that each item in a case pack has an Amazon barcode and any barcodes on the case have been removed.

Important: Failure to follow label placement requirements can cause delays in processing and may result in unplanned prep service fees.

Printer requirements

The tools in your seller account are optimized for thermal printers. You can also use laser printers. Do not use ink jet printers to print Amazon barcodes.

Tip: Amazon fulfillment centers currently use Zebra GX430t model printers with a direct thermal setting.

Each label must be readable and scannable for 24 months. The following guidelines will help ensure that the label you print will not smudge or fade:

  • Periodically test your Amazon barcodes by scanning them

  • Use a printer with a print resolution of 300 DPI or greater

  • Periodically test, clean, and replace your printer heads

Label paper requirements

All Amazon barcodes must be printed in black ink on white, non-reflective labels with removable adhesive. Dimensions must be between 1inch x 2 inches and 2 inches x 3 inches (1 inch x 3 inches or 2 inches x 2 inches, for example).

For laser printers, the tools in your seller account support the following label sizes:

  • 21 labels per page (63.5 mm x 38.1 mm on A4)

  • 24 labels per page (63.5 mm x 33.9 mm on A4, 63.5 mm x 38.1 mm on A4, 64.6 mm x 33.8 mm on A4, 66.0 mm x 33.9 mm on A4, 70.0 mm x 36.0 mm on A4, 70.0 mm x 37.0 mm on A4)

  • 27 labels per page (63.5 mm x 29.6 mm on A4)

  • 30 labels per page (1 inch x 2 5/8 inches on US Letter)

  • 40 labels per page (52.5 mm x 29.7 mm on A4)

  • 44 labels per page (48.5 mm x 25.4 mm on A4)

If your printer attempts to scale the PDF print area when you print your labels, make sure that the printer scaling is set to None or 100%.

The following problems related to product labels may appear in your shipping queue.

For more information, see Inbound performance summary.

Barcode label missing

The item arrived without a proper barcode.

Unit mislabeled

The item arrived with a barcode that does not match the physical product.

Barcode cannot be scanned

The barcode was either smudged or smeared, or the label was placed around a corner or curve, making the barcode unscannable.

Unit/Shipment Preparation Errors

One or more of the items in your shipment arrived with labeling, packaging and prep, or shipping requirement errors.

