
月度仓储费报告针对您存放在亚马逊运营中心的库存中的每个 ASIN 提供预计月度库存仓储费。此报告仅供下载。



asin亚马逊商品编码 (ASIN) 是由 10 个字母或数字组成的唯一商品标识。ASIN 由亚马逊分配,您可以在商品详情页面找到该编码。0991519108
fnsku亚马逊物流库存单位 (SKU) 编码。X000A8GG1A
product-name商品详情页面上对相应 ASIN 的描述。时髦宠物帽子
fulfillment-center储存相应 ASIN 的运营中心。FTW3
median-side单件商品次长边的尺寸。库存仓储费按体积(等于“最长边 x 次长边 x 最短边”,以立方英尺为单位)收取。这些边通常对应商品的长、宽和高。5.81
shortest-side单件商品最短边的尺寸。库存仓储费按体积(等于“最长边 x 次长边 x 最短边”,以立方英尺为单位)收取。这些边通常对应商品的长、宽和高。0.73
item-volume库存仓储费按体积(等于“最长边 x 次长边 x 最短边”,以立方英尺为单位)收取。这些边通常对应商品的长、宽和高。0.0208
storage-rate此 ASIN 应支付的月度库存仓储费金额。0.51
estimated-monthly-storage-fee每个 ASIN 的预计月度仓储费。5.373
eligible-for-discount表示 FNSKU 是否符合享受目标库存月度仓储费优惠的条件。
qualified-for-discount表示 FNSKU 是否有资格享受目标库存月度仓储费优惠。


Monthly storage fees report

The Monthly Storage Fees report provides estimated monthly inventory storage fees for each ASIN of your inventory in Amazon fulfillment centers. This report is available for download only.

Learn more about the Inventory Storage Fee.

Field Definitions

Download headerDescriptionExample value
asinAmazon Standard Identification Numbers (ASINs) are unique blocks of 10 letters or numbers that identify items. Amazon assigns the ASIN, which you can find on the product-detail page.0991519108
fnskuAmazon's fulfillment network stock-keeping unit (SKU) identifier.X000A8GG1A
product-nameDescription of the ASIN on the product-detail page.Stylish hat for pets
fulfillment-centerFulfillment center in which the ASIN is stored.FTW3
country-codeCountry in which the fulfillment center is located.US
longest-sideThe dimensions of the longest side of a single unit of the item.8.43
median-sideThe dimensions of the side of a single unit of the item that is neither the longest nor the shortest. The Inventory Storage Fee is charged by volume in cubic feet, which equals the longest side x median side x shortest side. These often correspond to the length, width, and height of an item.5.81
shortest-sideThe dimensions of the shortest side of a single unit of the item. The Inventory Storage Fee is charged by volume in cubic feet, which equals the longest side x median side x shortest side. These often correspond to the length, width, and height of an item.0.73
measurement-unitsUnit of measurement for the longest, median, and shortest sides of the item for purposes of calculating the Inventory Storage Fee.inches
weightThe item's weight used to identify its product-size tier. This can be the item's unit weight or dimensional weight, depending on the item.0.79
weight-unitsUnit of measurement for the weight of the item.pounds
item-volumeThe Inventory Storage Fee is charged per volume in cubic feet, which equals the longest side x median side x shortest side. These often correspond to the length, width, and height of an item.0.0208
volume-unitsUnit of measurement for the volume of the item.cubic feet
product-size-tierClassification of the item by its dimensions for purposes of calculating fees.Standard-sized or Oversize
average-quantity-on-handDaily average quantity of the item in fulfillment centers. This is equal to the inventory for the trailing month divided by the number of days in that month.0.71
average-quantity-pending-removalDaily average quantity of items for which removal from the fulfillment center was requested.0.0
estimated-total-item-volumeAverage volume on hand, minus average volume pending removal, multiplied by the volume of the item.0.0148
month-of-chargeMonth of year in which storage-fee estimate applies; format is YEAR-MONTH.2016-07
storage-rateAmount of the Monthly Inventory Storage Fee that will apply to this ASIN.0.51
estimated-monthly-storage-feeEstimated monthly storage fee per ASIN.5.373
currencyCurrency of the storage rate amount.USD

