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当您为媒介类商品(图书、音乐、影视和 DVD)发放全额退款时,亚马逊将退还与原始订单相关的所有费用。 当您为媒介类商品发放部分退款时,亚马逊将扣留非固定交易手续费,并将最初收取的订单销售佣金按一定比例存入您的账户,具体取决于您向买家退还的金额在商品价格中所占的百分比。

对于个人卖家,亚马逊还将扣留 $0.99 的固定交易手续费。(专业卖家无需支付此费用。)



当您为非媒介类商品发放全额退款时,对于退款的每一款商品,亚马逊将扣留原始订单相关费用的 20%(最高 $5)。此金额将作为退款管理费用扣留。我们存入您账户的金额是用您最初为退款商品支付的订单相关费用减去退款管理费用计算得出的。

当您为非媒介类商品发放部分退款时,对于退款的每一款商品,亚马逊将扣留原始订单相关费用的 20%(最高 $5)。亚马逊会将最初收取的订单销售佣金按一定比例存入您的账户,具体取决于您向买家退还的金额在商品价格中所占的百分比。如果您为软件和视频游戏订单发放部分退款,亚马逊还将扣留非固定交易手续费。(专业卖家无需支付此费用。)

如果您为订单中的单个商品退款,那么亚马逊将扣留最多 $5 的退款管理费用。如果您为同一订单中的两个不同商品退款,那么亚马逊将针对每个商品扣留最多 $5 的退款管理费用,总额不超过 $10。由于该公式是针对退款中每一个单项商品计算得出的,当您为多个同款商品退款时,亚马逊将针对该款商品扣留最多 $5 的退款管理费用。





Refund Credits and Administration Fees

When reimbursing you for a buyer refund, Amazon determines the amount of the order-related fees that are credited back to you and the amount of such fees that Amazon retains, based on the item's product line and the order amount.

Refund media orders

When you issue a full refund for a Books, Music, Video, and DVD (Media Product), Amazon will refund all of the original order-related fees.When you issue a partial refund for a Media Product, Amazon retains the variable closing fee and credits you a proportional amount of the referral fee originally charged for the order, based on the percentage of the item price you refunded to the buyer.

For Individual sellers, Amazon also retains the $0.99 fixed closing fee. (This fee is waived for Professional sellers.)

For sample calculations, see Partial Refunds for Media Products.

Refund non-media orders

When you issue a full refund for a non-Media Product, Amazon retains 20% of the original order-related-fees, up to a maximum of $5, for each line item in the refund. This amount is retained as a refund administration fee. We will credit you the amount of the order-related fees originally charged for the item you refunded, minus the refund administration fee.

When you issue a partial refund for a non-Media Product, Amazon retains 20% of the original order-related fees, up to a maximum of $5, for each line item in the refund. Amazon credits you a proportional amount of the referral fee originally charged for the order, based on the percentage of the item price you refunded to the buyer. For partial refunds of Software and Video Games orders, Amazon also retains the variable closing fee. (This fee is waived for Pro Merchants.)

If you refund a single item in an order, Amazon retains no more than $5 as a refund administration fee. If you refund two different items in an order, Amazon retains up to $5 for each item, for a maximum of $10 as a refund administration fee. Because the formula is applied to each individual line item in a refund, when you refund multiple quantities of a single item, Amazon retains no more than $5 for that line item as a refund administration fee.

For more information about the administration fee for refunds of non-Media orders, see Refund Administration Fee Sample Calculations.

Refunds with tax calculation services

For information about fees for our tax calculation services, see Tax Calculation Services Terms.

