

了解更多有关 在亚马逊北美商城开店的信息。

如果您准备好在亚马逊北美商城中销售商品,首先请访问 亚马逊全球开店。

必须 拓展国际业务 工具帮助您创建所有在亚马逊北美商城中销售的商品,例如 Amazon.com 或者 Amazon.ca,而不用在卖家平台上从一个商城切换到另一个。只需单击几下,您就可以:

  • 选择来源商城和目标商城。

  • 选择选项,例如限制特定类别的结果或更改目标商城的报价。

  • 请求将您在来源商城中的商品信息与目标商城中的现有详情页面进行匹配的文件。

亚马逊将生成一个“库存加载器“上传数据文件,并用您提供的信息对其进行填充。您可以使用 Microsoft Excel 或选择其他电子表格程序编辑文件。


  1. 打开 拓展国际业务工具。

  2. 在 发布来源 下选择来源商城。

  3. 在 发布目标 下选择目标商城。 可选 :如果您愿意,可以用目标商城的商品价格预先填充文件。要进行此操作,请单击 “高级选项” 链接并选择其中一个适用的定价选项。我们将为您转换货币(在适用的情况下),您将可以选择按固定百分比或按绝对价值调整商品价格。

  4. 单击 创建请求 按钮。您将转至 请求队列 。

  5. 成功完成请求时,请单击 下载文件 按钮下载“库存加载器“(制表符分隔)文件。

  6. 将“库存加载器“文件导入到 Microsoft Excel 或您选择的其他文本编辑器中。

  7. 删除您不想出售或在目标商城中未得到授权或不能销售(例如因为当地语言或商品安全要求)的所有商品。

  8. 在“库存加载器”文件中查看每个商品的商品价格列,然后按要求编辑信息。如需获取文件里每一列的详细介绍,请查看以下 库存加载器文件格式部分的表格。

  9. 编辑文件之后, 把文件保存为文本(制表符分隔) 格式。

  10. 转至 批量上传商品 页面,并从下拉菜单中选择 库存加载器文件 。然后找到之前保存的文件并单击 立即上传 按钮。





*SM =来源商城;TM =目标商城


Expand Offers Internationally

Note: In order to sell and use the tools described below in any of Amazon's North America marketplaces, you must register for an Amazon North America Marketplace Account.

Learn more about Selling on Amazon's North America Marketplaces.

If you are ready to sell in Amazon North America Marketplaces, visit Amazon Global Selling to get started.

The Expand Offers Internationally (EOI) tool helps you to create offers for eligible products that you are selling through one Amazon marketplace on another Amazon marketplace. EOI will generate an Inventory Loader feed file and populate it with information based on your selection on the source marketplace, target marketplace, product categories, and pricing option.

Build International Listings (BIL) enables you to create, update, and keep offers synchronized across multiple marketplaces.

The difference between the two programs is that EOI does not include common offers between marketplaces and those that does not fit the criteria in the Inventory Loader feed file (see below), while BIL on the other hand includes those offers to give you a complete snapshot of the connections and provides you with reasons and next steps (through Status Report).

Use the Expand Offers Internationally tool

  • Open the Expand Offers Internationally tool.

  • Under List From, select a source marketplace.

  • Under List To, select a target marketplace. Optional: If you want, you can pre-populate the file with your prices for the target marketplace. To do this, click the Advanced Options link and select one of the available pricing options. We will convert the currency for you (where applicable) and you will be able to choose between adjusting the price by a fixed percentage or by an absolute value.

  • Click the Create Request button. You will be taken to the Request Queue.

  • When the request has completed successfully, click the Download File button to download the Inventory Loader (tab-delimited) file.

  • Import the Inventory Loader file into Microsoft Excel or open it in the text editor of your choice.

  • Remove all products which you do not want to sell or which you are unable or not authorized to sell in the target marketplace (such as because of local language or product safety requirements).

  • Review the price column for each offer in the Inventory Loader file and edit the information as required. For a detailed description of each column in the file, see the table in the Inventory Loader file format section below.

  • When you have finished editing the file, save the file in Text (Tab Delimited) format.

  • Go to the Add Products via Upload page and choose Inventory Loader File from the drop-down menu. Then locate the previously saved file and click the Upload Now button.

Amazon will ship the order to the customer and provide a receipt by e-mail.

Inventory Loader file format

The table below describes the editable columns in the feed file. Please note that only the price of each offer should be edited.

Note: Do not edit the first three rows of the file. Doing so may lead to unexpected results such as file upload or processing errors.

*SM = Source Marketplace; TM = Target Marketplace

