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  1. 履行已批准(“未退款”)的订单。

  2. Wish 商户平台上,将已批准的订单标记发货。

  3. 为已批准的订单提供有效的物流单号。


如果在商户完成以上步骤之前订单被退款,商户将无法获得订单付款。确保正在履行的订单未被退款是商户的责任,因为如果已批准的订单被退款,Wish 会立即向商户发送电子邮件通知。商户不应履行已退款的订单,因为如果退款发生在订单履行完成之前,商户将无法获得付款。



What happens if I shipped an order but it gets refunded?

Any order that is refunded before the merchant has fulfilled it is not eligible for payment. 

For an order to be eligible for payment, a merchant must meet order payment eligibility criteria outlined here, including completing the following steps within 5 calendar days of the order released date:

  1. Fulfill the approved ("unrefunded") order.

  2. Mark the approved order as “shipped” on the Wish Merchant Dashboard.

  3. Provide a valid tracking ID for the approved order. 

An approved order is any order that is not refunded and has not yet been shipped. If the merchant completes these three steps and meets other order payment eligibility criteria outlined here, their order will be eligible for payment. Please keep in mind that in order for the tracking ID to be considered valid, the shipping status should automatically update as the package is in transit. If the tracking ID shows the item to be in transit indefinitely, it is not considered valid. 

If the order is refunded before the merchant is able to complete these steps, they will not be paid for the order. It is the merchant's responsibility to ensure that an order they are fulfilling is not refunded, as Wish sends the merchant an email notification as soon as an approved order is refunded. Merchants should not fulfill orders that have been refunded, as they will not be paid if the refund has occurred before fulfillment is complete.

To ensure you get paid for your orders, please fulfill your order as soon as possible following the steps outlined above.

