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  • 制造商条形码(符合条件的条形码包括 GCID、UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN)

  • 亚马逊条形码(如 FNSKU)

  • (仅限品牌所有者) 某些商品可能需要其他 Transparency 验证码,以防假冒

注意: 自 2018 年 4 月 17 日起,GCID 不可代替 UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN 创建 ASIN。如果您的品牌已获准加入亚马逊品牌注册计划且您的商品没有 UPC、EAN、JAN 或 ISBN,请申请全球贸易项目代码豁免。







  • 具有有效期的商品

  • 消费类商品

  • 外用商品,如护肤品、洗发水和化妆品

  • 经过预处理但条形码无法扫描的商品


Transparency 验证码

Transparency 代码是商品级别的验证贴纸,有助于品牌所有者和买家以防假冒。Transparency 代码带有 Transparency 标志 “T”,且不得被任何其他标签覆盖,也不得覆盖任何其他标签。要了解更多信息并查看贴纸示例,请参阅 Transparency 页面。


FBA product barcode requirements

FBA uses barcodes to identify and track inventory throughout the fulfillment process. Each item you send to an Amazon fulfillment center requires a barcode.

There are three kinds of barcodes for identifying products:

  • Manufacturer barcodes (eligible barcodes include GCID, UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN)

  • Amazon barcodes (such as FNSKU)

  • (Brand owner only) Some products may require an additional Transparency authenticity code to help prevent counterfeit

Note: As of April 17, 2018, GCIDs can no longer be used in place of a UPC, EAN, JAN, or ISBN to create ASINs. If your brand has been approved for the Brand Registry program and you don’t have UPCs, EANs, JANs, or ISBNs for your products, apply for GTIN exemption.

Manufacturer barcodes

Amazon will always use the manufacturer barcode to track inventory throughout the fulfillment process, unless you change your barcode setting. If more than one seller has inventory with the same manufacturer barcode, Amazon fulfills orders with inventory that’s closest to the customer. We do this to facilitate faster delivery.

If you do not have an eligible barcode for your product, an Amazon barcode can be used in place of the manufacturer barcode.

For more information, see Using the manufacturer barcode to track inventory.

Amazon barcodes

Amazon barcodes must be applied to all products that are not tracked using manufacturer barcodes. This category is comprised of:

  • Products with an expiration date

  • Consumable products

  • Topical products such as skin creams, shampoos, and cosmetics

  • Products that are prepped so that the barcode cannot be scanned

You can print Amazon barcodes and apply them to your products yourself, or Amazon can print and apply them for a per-item fee. For more information, see Use an Amazon barcode to track inventory and FBA Label Service.

Transparency authenticity codes

Transparency codes are item-level authentication stickers that help protect brand owners and customers from counterfeit. Transparency codes are accompanied by a Transparency “T” logo and must not be covered by any other label, nor cover any other label. To learn more and see a sample sticker, see the Transparency page.

