对于大部分美国承运人(UPS、USPS、联邦快递和 DHL),货件追踪费用已计入运费中。如果您通过亚马逊的“购买配送”服务来购买配送,则可以免费使用追踪服务。
提示: USPS 的所有平邮和媒介商品邮递服务货件均包含免费的追踪服务。尽管我们要求您为 95% 的美国货件提供有效追踪编码,但仍鼓励您为所有的卖家自配送货件提供追踪编码。追踪可以大幅减少与买家联系、亚马逊商城交易保障索赔和货件丢失相关的成本。
追踪编码正确无误,但该编码与您指定的承运人没有任何关联。例如,如果您使用 UPS 配送包裹,但在承运人名称处输入了“USPS”,则该追踪信息将标记为“未确认”。
请仔细检查,确保您为包裹输入的承运人和追踪编码正确无误。在订单完成配送之前,您可以在【管理订单】部分更改、重新输入和更新追踪信息。您的指标将在 72 小时内反映此更改。
有效追踪率报告 E 列中的“InvalidId”是什么意思?
当我们的系统无法处理您针对某个订单输入的追踪信息时,系统将在该订单的 E 列中显示“InvalidId”。例如,如果您的订单编号为 001-12345-67890,且我们无法处理您针对该订单输入的追踪信息,则 E 列将显示 【001-12345-67890-InvalidId】。
请等待 72 小时,以便报告和指标显示更改后的信息。
Valid Tracking Rate FAQ
What should I do if I'm using tracking from a carrier that isn't integrated with Amazon?
If you're a U.S. seller using small or regional carriers that are not integrated with Amazon, you'll need to begin shipping your packages with one of our supported carriers. Look above to learn which carriers are integrated with Amazon. You can also purchase tracked shipping labels directly from Amazon. For more information on purchasing shipping from Amazon, see Buy shipping services and print labels.
If you're an international seller with access to a carrier that's integrated with Amazon (such as China Post), you'll need to use that supported carrier.
How much does tracking cost?
For the majority of US carriers (UPS, USPS, FedEx, and DHL), shipment tracking is already built into cost to ship. If you purchase shipping through Amazon's Buy Shipping service, tracking is also added free of charge.
Tip: All USPS First Class and Media Mail shipments include free tracking. While you're required to provide valid tracking for 95% of US shipments, we encourage you to provide tracking numbers on all of your seller-fulfilled shipments. Tracking can significantly reduce the costs associated with customer contacts, A-to-z Guarantee claims, and lost shipments.
How does Amazon know a package has valid tracking information?
We use the tracking information you submitted when confirming a shipment, and verify it with the shipping carrier. Tracking numbers are considered valid only if they have at least one physical carrier scan recorded.
My package has tracking but is showing up in my Valid Tracking Report as lacking valid tracking information. What should I do?
A package that doesn't include verified tracking information will have an "X" in the "No Valid Tracking" column of your Valid Tracking ID report. If you uploaded a tracking number but are seeing it marked as unconfirmed, it might be because:
The tracking number you provided is incorrect.
Your tracking number is correct, but it's not associated with the carrier you specified. For example, if you use UPS to ship a package but enter "USPS" as the carrier name, the tracking information will be marked as unconfirmed.
The tracking number and carrier name are correct, but you used an unsupported carrier, which we cannot verify and so will not count toward your Valid Tracking Rate metric.
The tracking number was uploaded after the order was delivered, meaning it was not useful to the buyer and thus does not count toward your Valid Tracking Rate metric.
Please check to make sure you entered the carrier and tracking number for your package correctly. You can change, re-enter, and update the tracking information under Manage Your Orders until the order is delivered. Your metrics will reflect this change within 72 hours.
If you have a package marked with an "X" in the "No Valid Tracking" column, and you've verified that the tracking number for the Amazon-supported carrier is correct, try submitting the tracking number again. If this doesn’t solve your issue, contact Seller Support for additional investigation.
Why are canceled orders showing up in my report?
If canceled orders are showing up in your report, it's because you confirmed shipment before you delivered the package to the carrier. An order is not considered a cancellation when you have confirmed shipment because the buyer's credit card is charged. To cancel this kind of order, you're actually refunding the buyer. To prevent this sort of mix-up, we recommend that you confirm shipment only after the carrier has received the package.
Why is my Valid Tracking Rate report showing metrics for a category in which I do not sell?
The Valid Tracking Rate metric is recorded for the category of an item at the time an order is placed. If your item was previously listed in a category at the time an order was placed, then you will have a Valid Tracking Rate metric in that category even if the item is now listed under a different category.
What does "InvalidId" mean in column E of my Valid Tracking Rate report?
When our system can't process the tracking information you entered for an order, "InvalidId" will display in column E for that order. For example, if your order ID was 001-12345-67890 and we weren't able to process the tracking information you entered for that order, column E will display 001-12345-67890-InvalidId.
This can happen if:
You left the tracking information blank
You entered special characters (such as punctuation) that our system can't recognize in the tracking information.
To correct any potential errors in the tracking information you provided, continue to How do I edit a tracking number?.
How do I edit a tracking number?
You can edit order tracking information by going to Orders, and then Manage Orders. Enter the Order ID into the Advanced Search. Once you find the correct order, click Edit Shipment and provide the revised tracking number.
Allow 72 hours for the report and metric to reflect the changes.