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从 PrestaShop 迁移到 Shopify

Store Importer 应用可以将您的产品和组合数据从 Prestashop 迁移到 Shopify。您需要先从 PrestaShop 导出数据,然后才能将数据导入 Shopify。

步骤 3:查看并更新导入的数据

如果数据已成功导入,则您的产品数据将在 Shopify 后台中出现。如果您的某些产品未导入,则您可以手动添加它们。您可以在导入数据后手动添加产品。

备注:您可能会在导入 CSV 时遇到错误。详细了解常见产品 CSV 导入问题的解决方案。

以下部分介绍了将 PrestaShop 数据导入 Shopify 时可能出现的一些行为:




从之前的平台导入的订单仅会出于历史记录目的迁移到您的 Shopify 商店。这些订单会自动设为已存档状态。虽然从技术上来说,您可以取消对它们进行存档,但您无法执行通常为 Shopify 商店中创建的订单保留的任何功能。




如果您的产品可见性设置为在 PrestaShop 中隐藏,则客户将无法在您的商店中购买您的产品。您可以通过将产品提供给销售渠道来销售您的产品。


如果您的产品是数字下载内容,则不会发布在您的商店中。您需要使用应用来销售数字产品。您可以安装 Digital Downloads 应用,以在您的商店中提供您的产品。


如果您的产品具有多属性,并且其中一个多属性缺少选项,则不会导入该产品。您需要手动将此产品添加到 Shopify。例如,假设您销售的 T 恤有不同的尺寸和颜色选项。如果其中一个多属性包含关于尺寸但不包含关于颜色的信息,则不会导入该产品。

提示:在 PrestaShop 中,多属性称为组合。




如果您的产品需要以多种语言显示,您需要使用应用来翻译产品详细信息。您可以在 Shopify 应用商店中查找应用来翻译您的产品。


Store Importer 应用将标签应用于导入的记录。标签可让您更轻松地找到已导入的内容、查看其中的错误或进行调整。




Migrating from PrestaShop to Shopify

The Store Importer app can migrate your product and combination data from Prestashop to Shopify. You need to export your data from PrestaShop before you can import it to Shopify.

Step 3: Review and update your imported data

If your data import was successful, then your product data is available in your Shopify admin. If some of your products did not import, then you can add them manually. You can add a product manually after your data import.


You might encounter errors with your CSV import. Learn more about solutions to common product CSV import problems.

The following sections describe some of the behaviors that you might see while importing your PrestaShop data into Shopify:

Import was successful with changes

When your import is finished, the import summary page shows you the details of your import. Review the messages in the review section of the import summary for any errors. You can edit your imported information manually by clicking View items next to these messages.

Historical orders

Orders that were imported from your previous platform are migrated to your Shopify store only for historical purposes. These orders are automatically set to the Archived status. While you can technically unarchive them, you'll not be able to perform any functionality normally reserved for orders created in a Shopify store.

Some products failed to import

If some of your products didn't import, then you can add the products manually.

Products imported successfully but are not published

If your product visibility was set to hidden in PrestaShop, then your product is not available for purchase on your store. You can make your products available by making them available to a sales channel.

Digital products imported successfully but are not published

If your product is a digital download, then your product is not published on your store. You need to use an app to sell digital products. You can install the Digital Downloads app to make your products available on your store.

Product variants failed to import

If your product has variants and one of the variants is missing an option, then the product isn't imported. You need to add this product to Shopify manually. For example, suppose that you sell T-shirts that have different options for size and color. If one of your variants includes information about its size but not its color, then your product isn't imported.


Variants are called combinations in PrestaShop.

Imported products no longer have their dimensions

If your customers need the dimensions of your product, then add the dimensions directly to the product description.

Products are no longer available in multiple languages

If your products need to be shown in multiple languages, then you need to use an app to translate product details. You can find an app to translate your products on the Shopify App Store.

Tags applied to imported records

The Store Importer app applies tags to imported records. Tags make it easier to find the things you've imported, review them for errors, or make adjustments.

Tags that are automatically applied to each imported record are in the following format: import_<date>_<import_id>. Tag formats for any import errors, such as a missing image or duplicated variant, vary based on the platform that you are importing from.

You can keep these tags on your imported records, but this might create problems if you use tags as a method of organization for your store. For example, these tags could be visible to your customers on your online store. To avoid this, you can remove them once you've checked your imported records for errors.

