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Shopify在Exchange 产品页面审核内容介绍



Exchange 产品页面有时会由 Exchange 团队进行手动审核。如果您的产品页面需要审核,在您将产品页面发布到 Exchange 之前,您会收到通知。

产品页面审核最多可能需要五个工作日才能完成。Exchange 团队审核内容包括:

  • 您已包含促使销售成功所需的所有信息。要确保您满足此要求,请查看关于产品页面中要包含的内容的章节。

  • 确保您的商店符合 Exchange 的所有卖家指南。




  • 提高您的完整性评分

  • 完整性评分是如何计算的?

  • Exchange 产品页面审核提示


发布产品页面后,您可在 Exchange 应用的控制面板选项卡中找到完整性评分。该完整性评分可帮助您确保产品页面中所有的必填部分都已填写。虽然它不会影响产品页面对买家的可见性,但产品页面中的某些元素可以提升产品页面的效果。将这些内容添加到产品页面将提升您的完整性评分,帮助引导您的产品页面更快地找到买家。





在决定联系卖家或提供报价之前,潜在买家会仔细阅读您的产品页面说明。该说明用于介绍您的业务故事、成功原因以及出售原因的相关信息。有关其他内容,请参阅针对 Exchange 产品页面的最佳做法。Exchange 建议您在整个产品页面中至少使用 1,000 字来描述您的商店。



在所有其他书面字段中添加至少 5 个句子






Exchange 产品页面审核提示

  • 请确保您的数字符合情理。在提交产品页面以供审核前,请仔细检查所有统计信息、数字和成本。仔细计算您的每月利润率,并确保您的社交媒体关注者计数准确无误。

    • 将所有费用包含在费用列表中。这包括付费应用、域名和用于广告的资金。请务必将这些数字纳入您每月的平均利润计算中。您还应包括已卸载的所有已付费应用和已停止的付费广告,以便让买家准确了解他们可能需要花费的费用。

    • 将付费应用的成本与订阅成本分开,以便买家了解哪些费用为可选内容。

  • 在完成销售之前,请为所有订单发货,包括在出售您的商店时所下的订单。

  • 如果 Shopify 已向您请求任何身份验证文档,那么您必须满足此请求,然后您的产品页面才能获得批准。

  • 请确保您的地点已由 Escrow.com 批准。

  • 使用您最熟悉的语言编写您的产品页面。如果您在寻找会说某种语言的买家,请考虑使用该语言编写产品页面。

  • 为买家提供切合实际的售后支持。包括结束日期和提供支持的方法,例如,通过电话或电子邮件提供 6 个月的支持。请不要提供“终生支持”,要求公司中的合作关系或股权,或表示您将收取持续支持费。

  • 在账户设置中使用您的全名。如果当前有多人在经营在线商店,并且将主名称设置为类似于后台的内容,则应将其更改为所有者的真实姓名,以免出现任何混淆。

  • 请勿在产品页面中包含任何其他个人联系信息。这包括电话号码、WhatsApp 号码和 Skype 名称。

  • 请勿复制任何其他 Exchange 产品页面,包括您已创建的其他清单。

  • 请勿在产品页面中推广任何其他服务,或向买家发送后续消息。

  • 在列出待售的商店前支付所有未结发票。

  • 如果您不包括 logo、照片或自定义域名等资产,请务必声明这一点并说明原因。

备注:有关详细信息,请参阅我们关于创建 Exchange 产品页面时应包含的内容的指南


Listing reviews

Occasionally, Exchange listings are subject to manual review by the Exchange team. If your listing needs review, you'll be notified before publishing your listing on Exchange.

Listing reviews can take up to five business days to complete. The Exchange team review includes:

  • You've included all the information that you need to make your sale successful. To be certain that you meet this requirement, please see the section about what to include in your listing.

  • Making sure that your that business meets all of Exchange's seller guidelines.

After your listing has been reviewed, you'll receive an email with the mandatory changes that need to be made. Your listing is also assigned a Completeness Score based on the information that it contains.

If your listing is approved, you'll receive an email notification letting you know that you can now pursue conversations with potential buyers.

On this page

  • Improving your Completeness Score

  • How is the Completeness Score calculated?

  • Exchange listing review tips

Improving your Completeness Score

Your Completeness Score can be found in the Dashboard tab of the Exchange app after you've published your listing. The Completeness Score helps you to make sure that all necessary sections of your listing are filled out. Although it does not affect how visible the listing will be to buyers, some elements of listings tend to make them more successful. Adding these to your listing will increase your Completeness Score, which helps guide your listing towards finding a buyer more quickly.

Overall, improving your listing score involves more than just completing each section of the listing form. What's most important is including as much information as you can and taking the time to provide accurate and thorough details in each section. If you follow these tips, you'll see your score increase which will result in more inquiries from potential buyers.

How is the Completeness Score calculated?

There are many different factors that contribute to this score. The best way to improve it is to create a thorough listing. It will simply require some attention to detail and taking the time to create a thorough listing. Although creating a complete listing with all the information that's important to buyers may seem daunting, it will prove to be worth your time. Including assets in the sale, such as a custom domain and social media accounts, also helps to increase the Completeness Score. Listings with a higher score are proven to sell quicker.

Your description

Potential buyers do read your listing's description very closely before making the decision to contact or make an offer. The description is intended for information about the story of your business, what makes it successful, and why you're selling. For other ideas, see Best practices for Exchange listings. Exchange recommends at least 1,000 words total throughout your listing to help describe your business.

The Why you Started section

This section is important because it allows potential buyers to get a better understanding not only about the inspiration behind your business, but it also about you as the seller. You can write about why you chose the products you're selling, what your goal was for starting the business, and the market or niche you're targeting.

Add at least 5 sentences to all other written fields

It might seem like there are quite a few shorter questions involved in the listing form, but each question is important to potential buyers.  

Add links to your social media accounts

If you're including a social media account in the sale, then be sure to add links to the accounts that are included. Having these links present increases your Completeness Score and could potentially increase the number of buyers who decide to contact you.

Include information about your profits

One of the most important questions potential buyers will have about your business is whether it's profitable. Whether you've been extremely profitable, or simply making a small amount each month from your sales, buyers of all skill levels want to have this information before contacting you.

Exchange listing review tips

  • Make sure your numbers add up. Double check all of your stats, figures, and costs before you submit your listing for review. Carefully calculate your monthly profit margin and make sure your social media follower counts are accurate.

    • Include all expenses in the Expenses list. This includes paid apps, domains, and money spent on advertisements. Be sure to factor these numbers into your average monthly profit calculations. You should also include all paid apps that have been uninstalled and paid ads that have been stopped to give the buyer an accurate sense of what they might need to spend.

    • Separate the cost of paid apps from your subscription cost so buyers understand which expenses are optional.

  • Fulfill all orders, including those that come in while your business is up for sale, before finalizing the sale.

  • If Shopify has requested any identification documentation from you, then you must fulfill this request before your listing can be approved.

  • Make sure your location is approved by Escrow.com.

  • Write your listing in the language that you are most comfortable with. If you are looking for a buyer that speaks a certain language, then consider writing the listing in that language.

  • Offer realistic post-sale support to your buyers. Include an end date and the method in which support will be provided, for example, offer support by phone or email for 6 months. Do not offer a "lifetime support," ask for a partnership or equity in the company, or say that you will charge for continued support.

  • Use your full name in your account settings. If there are currently multiple people running the online store and the main name is set to something like Admin, then it should be changed to an owner's real name to avoid any confusion.

  • Don't include any additional, personal contact information in your listing. This includes phone numbers, WhatsApp numbers, and Skype names.

  • Don't duplicate of any other Exchange listing, including other listings you have already created.

  • Don't promote any other services in your listing, or subsequent messages to buyers.

  • Pay all outstanding invoices before listing your business for sale.

  • If you aren't including assets such as logos, photos, or a custom domain, then make sure you state this and explain why.

