
在收到您的商家预付现金后,您可以在 Shopify 后台中通过转到设置>资本跟踪总余额以偿还或汇出。


  • 余额。

  • 您已支付的金额、已支付总额的百分比以及转账历史记录。

您可以在转账历史部分的总销售额栏中查看每天的销售收入。您可以在金额列中查看支付给 Shopify Capital 的金额。


在您汇出总额的 25% 以进行汇出后,您可以选择一次性汇出剩余余额。付款从与您的 Shopify 账户绑定的同一个商业银行账户中扣除。


  1. 在您的 Shopify 后台中,转到设置>资本

  2. 点击汇款余额

  3. 根据提示,查看要汇出的余额。如果您确定要全额汇出余额,请选中授权框并点击汇出余额

    处理一次性汇款最多可能需要 3 个工作日。在处理期间,所有常规汇款都将暂停。



Keep track of your merchant cash advance remittances

After receiving your merchant cash advance, you can track the remaining balance of your total to pay back, or remit, in your Shopify admin by going to Settings > Capital.

From the Capital page, you can view:

  • the remaining balance.

  • the amount that you've paid, what percentage of the total is paid, and the transfer history.

You can view each day's sales revenue in the Total sales column of the transfer history section. You can view how much is paid to Shopify Capital in the the Amount column.

Remit the remaining balance

After you remit over 25% of your total to remit, then you have the option to remit the remaining balance in a single lump sum. The payment is debited from the same business bank account that's tied to your Shopify account.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Settings > Capital.

  2. Click Remit balance.

  3. At the prompt, review the balance to be remitted. If you're sure that you want to remit the full amount of the remaining balance, then check the authorization box and click Remit balance.

    It can take up to 3 business days to process the lump sum remittance. All regular remittances are paused during the processing period.

You receive a confirmation email when your lump sum remittance is complete.

