编辑现有产品的多属性(Shopify 后台)







  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到产品

  2. 点击包含想要编辑的多属性的产品名称。

  3. 在产品详细信息页面的多属性部分中,点击要编辑的多属性名称旁边的编辑

  4. 更改多属性详细信息。

  5. 单击保存


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,依次转到产品 > 所有产品

  2. 所有产品屏幕中,点击要编辑的产品。

  3. 在产品详情页中,点击要编辑的多属性。

  4. 在多属性详情页上,编辑多属性的信息。

  5. 点击产品名称以返回到其详情页。

  6. 点击保存


  1. 在 Shopify 应用中,依次转到产品 > 所有产品

  2. 产品屏幕中,点击要编辑的产品。

  3. 在产品详情页中,点击要编辑的多属性。

  4. 在多属性详情页上,编辑多属性的信息。

  5. 点击复选标记以保存。



编辑所有多属性的价格、数量、SKU、条码或 HS 编码

您可以快速编辑产品所有多属性的价格、数量、SKU、条码或 HS 编码,而无需先选择多属性。


  1. 多属性部分中,点击编辑

  2. 编辑多属性的相关详细信息。

  3. 单击保存




  1. 多属性部分中,点击编辑多属性 > 打开批量编辑器

  2. 批量编辑器页面,在相关字段中输入您的更改。

  3. 单击保存





  1. 在 Shopify 后台中,转到产品

  2. 点击要对其选项进行重新排序的产品的名称。

  3. 在产品详细信息页面的选项部分中,拖动该选项将其移动到其他位置。


  4. 将选项设置为您所需的顺序后,您可以更改选项值的显示顺序。点击要将其值进行重新排序的选项旁边的编辑。然后拖动选项值将其移动到其他位置并点击完成


  5. 单击保存


Editing variants for an existing product (Shopify admin)

You can edit and remove variants for a product on its details page. This gives you the flexibility to change the variants that you sell for a product at any time.

Change variant details

You can change the details for a specific variant. For example, you can change the price of the variant, or change its image.

If you're editing a variant for the online store and you select Continue selling when out of stock, then you can continue selling products when your inventory reaches zero and below. For example, you have zero stock but are using a product listing as a pre-order and want customers to be able to buy the product. As the product is purchased, your stock levels will drop below zero. However, if you deselect this option because you don't want to sell a product that has sold out, then customers can't buy the product.



  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Click the name of the product that has the variant that you want to edit.

  3. In the Variants section of the product details page, click Edit beside the name of the variant that you want to edit.

  4. Change the variant details.

  5. Click Save.


  1. From the Shopify app, go to Products > All products.

  2. From the All products screen, tap the product that you want to edit.

  3. From the product details screen, tap the variant that you want to edit.

  4. On the variant details screen, edit the variant's information.

  5. Tap the product's name to return to its details screen.

  6. Tap Save.


  1. From the Shopify app, go to Products > All products.

  2. From the Products screen, tap the product that you want to edit.

  3. From the product details screen, tap the variant that you want to edit.

  4. On the variant details screen, edit the variant's information.

  5. Tap the check mark to save.

Editing variants for stores with multiple locations

If your store uses multiple locations, then the way that you edit variants is different than it is for stores store with only one location.

Edit the prices, quantities, SKUs, barcodes, or HS codes for all variants

You can quickly edit the prices, quantities, SKUs, barcodes, or HS codes for all the variants of a product, without selecting the variants first.


  1. In the Variants section, click Edit.

  2. Edit the relevant details for a variant.

  3. Click Save.

Edit all variants in the bulk editor

For an existing product, you can edit all the fields for all the variants in the bulk editor, without selecting the variants first.


  1. In the Variants section, click Edit > Open bulk editor.

  2. On the Bulk editor page, enter your changes in the related fields.

  3. Click Save.

For information on using the bulk editor, see Bulk editing products and variants.

Change the display order of options

When your customers are viewing your products, they see variant options in a particular order. You can change the display order on the product details page.


  1. From your Shopify admin, go to Products.

  2. Click the name of the product whose options you want to re-order.

  3. In the Options section of the product details page, drag the option to move it to a different position.

    When a customer is on the product page, they see the options for this product in the order that you set.

  4. After you have the options in the order that you want, you can change the display order of the option values. Click Edit next to the option whose values you want to re-order. Then drag an option value to move it to a different position and click Done.

    When a customer is on the product page, they see the option values for each option in the order that you set.

  5. Click Save.

