shopify 修复 Google Merchant Center 警告和暂停介绍
修复 Google Merchant Center 警告和暂停
若要在 Google 上展示产品,您的商店和产品必须遵守 Google 的政策。如果您收到账户警告或暂停的通知,您可以执行一些操作来解决此问题。
如果您的 Shopify 商店没有退款政策,则需要创建该政策。
您可以在 Shopify 后台中添加退款政策。
若要详细了解 Google 的退款政策要求,请参阅 Google Merchant Center 帮助。
您需要确保商店中的联系信息符合 Google 的要求。
为确保显示正确的联系信息,请在 Shopify 后台中添加联系信息。
若要详细了解 Google 的联系信息要求,请参阅 Google Merchant Center 帮助。
若要解决陈述失实违规问题,请参阅 Google Merchant Center 帮助。
如果 Google 发现有关政策或数据的违规情况,您可能会收到一封电子邮件,其中将说明问题并提供解决问题的截止日期。在指定的截止日期前,您可以随时请求进行账户审核。
如果您在第一次请求审核后未解决所有问题,您可以发起第二次审核请求。如果在第二次请求后问题仍未解决,审核按钮将停用,您必须等待 7 天才能请求再次审核。两次审核失败后,任何审核请求都必须在 7 天后才能发起。在此期间,您的账户将保持暂停状态,并且您无法请求其他审核。这一周的冷却期适用于第二次请求后的所有审核请求。您可以在 Merchant Center 账户中诊断页面的账户问题选项卡上查看任何冷却期的结束日期
在 Shopify 后台中,转到销售渠道 > (Google 渠道)//。
点击请求重新审核。Google Merchant 帮助页面将随即加载。
在 Google Merchant 帮助页面上,完成表单并写明您请求重新审核您的商店。
请求重新审核后,您的 Google Merchant Center 账户状态将更改为正在审核。审核请求最多可能需要七天时间。审核完成后,您将收到电子邮件通知。
Merchant Center account:
登录您的 Merchant Center 账户。
确认您 Merchant Center 账户中的账号与 Shopify 后台中 (Google 渠道)// 的设置部分中列出的账号匹配。
在 Merchant Center 账户中,点击产品,然后转到诊断 > 账户问题。
请求重新审核后,您的 Google Merchant Center 账户状态将更改为正在审核。审核请求最多可能需要七天时间。审核完成后,您将收到电子邮件通知。
Fixing Google Merchant Center warnings and suspensions
To show your products on Google, your store and products must follow Google's policies. If you receive notification of account warning or suspension, then there are some actions you can take to resolve the issue.
Common reasons for account warnings and suspensions
For suggested resolutions to account warnings or suspensions, refer to the common reasons listed below.
Missing refund policy
If you don't have a refund policy on your Shopify store, then you need to create one.
You can add a refund policy within your Shopify admin.
For more information on Google's requirements on refund policies, refer to Google Merchant Center Help.
Insufficient contact information
You need to make sure that the contact information on your store meets Google's requirements.
To ensure you have the correct contact information displayed, add your contact information within your Shopify admin.
For more information on Google's requirements on contact information, refer to Google Merchant Center Help.
Misrepresentation of self or products
To resolve misrepresentation violations, refer to Google Merchant Center Help.
Request a re-review after a suspension notification
If a policy or data violation is detected by Google, then you might receive an email that describes the issue and provides a deadline to resolve it by. You can request an account review any time before the deadline you are given.
If all the issues are resolved by the review of your account, then the warning is lifted and your listings and ads continue to run.
If all the issues aren't resolved after your first request for review, then you can make a second request for review. If the issues aren't resolved after the second request, then the review button is deactivated and you must wait seven days before requesting another review. Any review request made after two failed reviews must be made after a seven-day delay. Your account remains suspended during this time, and you can't request another review. The one-week cool-down applies to all requests for review after the second request. You can see the end date of any cool-down period on the Account issues tab of the Diagnostics page in your Merchant Center account
From your Shopify admin, go to Sales channels > (Google channel)//
Click the Settings tab.
Click Request re-review. A Google Merchant Help page loads.
On the Google Merchant Help page, complete the form and write that you are requesting a re-review of your store.
Click Submit.
After you request a re-review, the status of your Google Merchant Center account changes to Under review. Review requests can take up to seven days. When a review is complete, you receive an email notification.
Merchant Center account:
Log in to your Merchant Center account.
Confirm that the account number in your Merchant Center account matches the account number listed in the settings section of the (Google channel)// in your Shopify admin.
From your Merchant Center account, click Products and go to Diagnostics > Account issues.
Next to the issue that you want reviewed, click Request review.
If you have resolved all the issues, then select that you have resolved the issues.
Click Request review.
After you request a re-review, the status of your Google Merchant Center account changes to Under review. Review requests can take up to seven days. When a review is complete, you receive an email notification.