Shopify Email 定价介绍
Shopify Email 定价
如果您的商店使用任何付费订阅套餐,则您可以使用 Shopify Email 在每个日历月免费发送 10,000 封电子邮件。系统根据电子邮件活动所发送到的每个单独邮箱来计算电子邮件数。例如,如果您向 800 位订阅者发送了 1 封促销电子邮件,则计为发送了 800 封促销电子邮件。未使用的电子邮件额度不会结转到下个月。
您可以在每个自然月内免费发送 10,000 封电子邮件。系统根据您将特定电子邮件发送到的单独邮箱数量来计算电子邮件的数量。例如,向 800 位订阅者发送 1 封促销电子邮件则计数为发送了 800 封促销电子邮件。未使用的电子邮件额度不会结转到下个月。
您在一个自然月内发送的所有电子邮件宣传活动可共享 10,000 封免费电子邮件。例如,如果您在 10 月发送了两次电子邮件宣传活动,每次宣传活动有 6,000 名订阅者,则 12,000 封电子邮件的费用明细如下:
10,000 封免费电子邮件
2,000 封电子邮件的费用为 0.001 美元/封,共计 2 美元。
超出 10,000 封电子邮件后,每封电子邮件的费用为 0.001 美元。例如,1,000 封额外电子邮件的费用为 1 美元。在费用达到 0.005 美元之前,您无需为额外电子邮件付费。您只需为已发送的电子邮件付费,因为 Shopify Email 根据发送给订阅者的电子邮件数量收取费用。
例如,如果您向 12,000 位订阅者发送了一封电子邮件,则您在每月 10,000 封免费电子邮件的基础上额外发送了 2,000 封电子邮件。这额外 2,000 封已送达电子邮件的费用为每封 0.001 美元,总费用为 2,000
x $0.001
= $2 USD
在 Shopify 账单中查看 Shopify Email 费用
任何额外的电子邮件费用都将作为营销电子邮件添加到您上月的 Shopify 账单中。有关每项电子邮件活动的费用的详细信息,请点击 Shopify 后台的账单部分中的查看详细信息。
Shopify email pricing
If your store is on any paid subscription plan, then you can send 10,000 emails for free every calendar month with Shopify Email. Emails are counted based on each individual email address that an email activity is sent to. For example, if you send 1 promotional email to 800 subscribers, then that counts as sending 800 promotional emails. Unused email amounts don't carry over to the following month.
Monthly free emails
You can send 10,000 emails for free each calendar month. Emails are counted based on the number of individual email addresses that you send a specific email to. For example, if you send 1 promotional email to 800 subscribers, then that counts as sending 800 promotional emails. Unused email amounts don't carry over to the following month.
The free 10,000 emails are shared across all email campaigns that you send in a calendar month. For example, if you send two email campaigns in October, with 6,000 subscribers per campaign, then the cost breakdown for 12,000 emails is the following:
10,000 free emails
2,000 emails chargeable at $0.001 USD per email, for a total of $2 USD.
Fees for additional emails
After 10,000 emails, each email costs $0.001 USD. For example, 1,000 additional emails costs $1 USD. You aren’t billed for the additional emails until the cost reaches $0.005 USD. You only pay for what you use, as Shopify Email bills based on emails sent to subscribers.
The estimated cost of an email is based on the number of subscribers and the number of remaining free emails at the time that you send the email. Factors such as fluctuations in your subscriber list, or sending additional emails before a scheduled email, can change the final cost of an email.
For example, if you send an email that is delivered to 12,000 subscribers, then you are sending an additional 2,000 emails past the 10,000 free emails per month. The extra 2,000 emails cost $0.001 USD per delivered email so
=$2 USD
.Viewing Shopify Email costs in your Shopify bill
Any additional email costs are added to your Shopify bill for the previous month as Marketing emails. For further details about the cost of each email activity, click View details in the Billing section of your Shopify admin.